Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. crimsonsaturn15

    Nice Moments😂

    Look at this GIF :cube_light: :heart: 😇 Funny😂 The Moment where I saw, that my friend use cheats:
  2. caraMel

    Lucky Islands Weekly challenge ~ 4

    Hiya!! For those who don't know how this works, every week I'll be posting a new exciting challenge for you to compete at! I'll generally announce the previous week's winners in the next week's post and you'll have exactly a week to join and share evidence. Anyone can join :) Firstly, I'll...
  3. Reesle

    Bedrock Free for All Cool Kill Clips

    A couple days ago a got a really cool kill while playing FFA! Funny thing is I didn’t think it would hit the player, just shot my trident for fun lol. Do you have any clips of cool kills in any gamemodes? If so, post them in the replies! Here’s the clip of my kill (I recommend watching in 1080p):
  4. SoloWarz

    Bedrock Add kill effects to Duels

    Hey, CubeCrafters! I've recently bought the [Survival Games Rank] in order to unlock one of the coolest loot: kill effects! The kill effects are awesome and they work on every PVP game mode except for Duels, so, my suggestion simply is to add all types of kill effects to Duels! -Here is a...

    3nderman Monday: majjick and meh yemey

    3NDERMAN MONDAY now end my life lol UPDATES FOR DA WEEK majjick and meh yemey out now i found baldrik help im on a street, all the signs are in russian people are complaining about it being too fast and they aren't even speedrunning it lol OKAY, THAT'S IT JOKE OF DA WEEK What happens when...
  6. Herbubulle

    Bedrock Suggestion FFA

    Hey, for beginning I'm French so my English is not amazing :/ ok, FFA is cool but fed up with those players who wait until we have finished pvp to kill us with 1 point of life : so what I want is that we have a little regeneration effect for 3- 5 seconds after kill some1... That will give us...
  7. Adam Kviatkovsky


    EthanAdam2012went up in flames
  8. remio

    All Networks First kill bonus

    Heya! I'm back with another small thread and I think it might be good to give a bonus of 2 points and 10 exp to the player who kills an opponent first, in pvp games like Lucky Islands, SkyWars, and so on. I think those small rewards would encourage people to come to other people, and to kill...
  9. Skyfire_swe

    What is your kill record on these maps?

    I currently enjoy trying to beat my own kill records on different maps! For me, it's more of a victory to defeat many players than to simply win a game. I started playing Minecraft on the computer (and Lucky Islands) late december, and I've had so much fun playing since then. It wasn't long time...
  10. Caliditas

    Kills Leaderboard

    In all lobbys, you have a leaderboard where the top 5 winners of that game are displayed. My suggestion (actually a suggestion by a friend :D) is that they also make a leaderboard for most kills (in the games in which you can get kills) Caliditas
  11. remio

    Kill Leaderboards

    So, recently, CubeCraft has added kill leaderboards to the Survival Games. I think this feature should be added to every pvp game! But, if we add those leaderboards, the leaderboards are most likely to be moved to another place. But where? I decided to not to add Archer Assault and...
  12. D

    Something is wrong with the eggwars statistics.

    I recently noticed there being a few things wrong with my eggwars statistics. Every death I receive gets counted as 2 deaths while it’s stopped counting my kills all together. For example, Just a moment ago I had 5566 kills and 324 deaths. After playing 3 games which I all won but died in once...
  13. XflameSwordX

    New Pro Leaderboard Please

    Hey Cubecraft, I love the Pro Board to show off your wins, but what about kills? HYPIXEL lets you see your kill stats compared to everyone elses. For example, lets say the Number 1 Killer has 1000 kills, and I have 200. I cant see my ranking compared to the top 10. Also why is there only a win...
  14. DreamFudge

    Kill Count

    Hello everyone, A little idea that I had I hope you all like it and agree with me. In Survival Games, there is a kill count next to each individual player - I'm sure most of you know that. I am a BIG Skywars fan and as I was playing today, I asked myself, why there isn't there a kill count on...
  15. Gatsbe

    Add /kill to blockwars

    What are you going to do when you're stuck in a hole with no pickaxe and no one to come save you? I think that there should be a /kill or a /stuck command to prevent you from being stuck for the whole entire match.
  16. Jackxist


    What's happening Everyone is teaming together to make a giant amazing build on an eggwars map for a video and stream come watch the stream now and suggest things to build. JOIN THE EVENT NOW STREAM
  17. Darkform9

    Kill Counter- Hunger Games

    I am and have always been a huge fan of the cubecraft hunger/survival games, and personally find their version to be one of the better version available on any server. However one thing that has bothered me is a lack of kill counter for individual games(I am aware of the total games kill...
  18. xXNiChO_29Xx

    WiZaRdSl1mE is a Hacker (Kill Aura)

    Ban Please... Thank you!
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