Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Diamond lucky blocks contain several generally positive item outcomes that each have an equal probability. The following is a list of every possible outcome of Diamond lucky blocks, according to brief trials and my common knowledge:
Regular bow
Tipped arrows bow
Regular crossbow
Quick shot crossbow
Multishot crossbow
Explosive bow
Automatic bow
Shotgun bow
Tnt wand
Slime wand
Dragon wand
Regen wand
Lightning wand
Shield wand
Shield wand the sequel (don’t ask)
Mob wand
Frozen path wand
Armor stand
2 steak
5 steak
5 golden apples
Enchanted golden apple
Golden carrot dude
24 crystal blocks
24 dirt
Golden axe
Enchanted golden item (op only)
Enchanted Diamond item (op only)
Golden sword
Iron sword
Diamond sword
Fire sword
Lifesteal sword
Shulker sword
Explosive boots
Fire chestplate
God axe
Iron boots
Chain boots
Iron chestplate
Golden chestplate
Chain chestplate
Iron leggings
Chain leggings
Golden leggings
Iron helmet
2 raw mutton
Pickaxe and ore
Diamond axe
There are 48 normal mode outcomes in total, so each drop should have a 1/48 or 1/49 probability, a little over 2%. I’m not sure if any of these outcomes are exclusive to normal mode, and I’m pretty sure crazy mode and blessed mode don’t affect anything. Because every drop has an equal probability, I’m going to skip the graphs and statistics here because they’re pretty pointless.

Well, that was certainly was easier than the previous two posts, the information provided by Laura definitely made that a whole lot easier, and I might have struggled to figure out that the distribution is actually unweighted. I think this data clearly shows why diamond lucky blocks are so unbelievably busted in the current version of lucky islands. In case anyone is wondering all that’s left is to figure out what outcomes are positive, negative, and neutral, then we should be able to calculate the rest of the drop rates accurately. This was one of the few things Laura refused to tell me during our conversation last post, and I’m honestly just grateful for all of the other data I did get. Apart from trying to use common sense to decide what outcomes are good, bad, or passive, there is one last way we should be able to figure out, but you guys will have to wait and see…. After I figure out the drop categories for the food and blocks lucky blocks, I’ll also be making one last post just for fun, seeing how close my statistics were to the true parameters.

Edit: forgot to add diamond axe
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Mr Jii Gamer

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2022
Diamond lucky blocks contain several generally positive item outcomes that each have an equal probability. The following is a list of every possible outcome of Diamond lucky blocks, according to brief trials and my common knowledge:
Regular bow
Tipped arrows bow
Regular crossbow
Quick shot crossbow
Multishot crossbow
Explosive bow
Automatic bow
Shotgun bow
Tnt wand
Slime wand
Dragon wand
Regen wand
Lightning wand
Shield wand
Shield wand the sequel (don’t ask)
Mob wand
Frozen path wand
Armor stand
2 steak
5 steak
5 golden apples
Enchanted golden apple
Golden carrot dude
24 crystal blocks
24 dirt
Golden axe
Enchanted golden item (op only)
Enchanted Diamond item (op only)
Golden sword
Iron sword
Diamond sword
Fire sword
Lifesteal sword
Shulker sword
Explosive boots
Fire chestplate
God axe
Iron boots
Chain boots
Iron chestplate
Golden chestplate
Chain chestplate
Iron leggings
Chain leggings
Golden leggings
Iron helmet
2 raw mutton
Pickaxe and ore
Diamond axe
There are 48 normal mode outcomes in total, so each drop should have a 1/48 or 1/49 probability, a little over 2%. I’m not sure if any of these outcomes are exclusive to normal mode, and I’m pretty sure crazy mode and blessed mode don’t affect anything. Because every drop has an equal probability, I’m going to skip the graphs and statistics here because they’re pretty pointless.

Well, that was certainly was easier than the previous two posts, the information provided by Laura definitely made that a whole lot easier, and I might have struggled to figure out that the distribution is actually unweighted. I think this data clearly shows why diamond lucky blocks are so unbelievably busted in the current version of lucky islands. In case anyone is wondering all that’s left is to figure out what outcomes are positive, negative, and neutral, then we should be able to calculate the rest of the drop rates accurately. This was one of the few things Laura refused to tell me during our conversation last post, and I’m honestly just grateful for all of the other data I did get. Apart from trying to use common sense to decide what outcomes are good, bad, or passive, there is one last way we should be able to figure out, but you guys will have to wait and see…. After I figure out the drop categories for the food and blocks lucky blocks, I’ll also be making one last post just for fun, seeing how close my statistics were to the true parameters.

Edit: forgot to add diamond axe
How you can do this stats of lucky block this should take long time 💀
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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Hqtemood's profile.
Loskol wrote on Hqtemood's profile.
Yoo flamingo 🦩 pfp!
UncleSpect wrote on Mr Jii Gamer's profile.
iTz1Hamood wrote on Thjis's profile.
Hi Thjis, thanks for accepting the report!

I just reported another one too rn:)
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