Hey Cubes, today I'm going to make a suggestion about kill effects.
I know that this has been requested a few times, but I still think that this would be a great and cool thing to see on the Java server. The intention is that the kill effects can be obtained from Cubelets or you can also obtain some if you have the Plus Rank. And for the people who think that this would cause lag: It should be a thing that you can enable/disable in the settings menu.
Alright, let's begin:
Water Effect:

Lava Effect:

Sun Effect:

Treasure Effect:

Note Effect:

Hearth Effect:

Lightning Effect:

Helix Effect:

Fireworks Effect:
There should be an explosion but it didn't appear
There should be an explosion but it didn't appear

Potion Effect:

Cloud Effect:

TNT Effect:

Rank Effects:
(Only did it for Diamond and Emerald rank, but there should be one for all ranks.)
Diamond Rank:

Emerald Rank:

Leave your thoughts about this below!
I also added a poll so you can vote.