Achievements & Challenges on Bedrock

Hi everyone, my suggestion is about achievements & challenges for the CubeCraft Bedrock server. I really think that achievements & challenges would be a great addition to the Bedrock server, because it would motivate players in playing games to unlock achievements and complete challenges. These achievements and/or challenges could unlock loot which also makes it possible for people to unlock loot without having to spend Minecoins on them, which is something I think is also pretty important to have.
Java also has achievements & challenges, which is also a great reason to bring this to Bedrock aswell.
The Java server uses chest menu's to show the achievements & challenges of course, but I think that the menus in Bedrock are also great for displaying achievements & challenges.
Check out this older inactive thread to see some concepts of how achievements & challenges could look in the menus:
Achievements, Daily Challenges, and free cosmetics
So I have thought about this for a while. Adding all three above will increase replayability and allow everyone including people without ranks to unlock cosmetics. Both achievements and daily challenges exist on Java, so why not add them to...
To summarize why I think adding achievements & challenges to Bedrock is a great idea:
- Keep players motivated > keeps the playercount high
- Giving players the ability to be rewarded by playing the game
- Java has these features, which work amazing and people love it, so why shouldn't Bedrock get it?
- Giving people with less money to spend also the ability to unlock loot without having to spend Minecoins on it
- More challenging and fun games

Please react to this thread with agree to show that you support this suggestion, unsure if you aren't sure about it and disagree if you don't like the idea.
Let me know what you think about the suggestion and if you have any other ideas for this suggestion