Eggwars Mega Feedback
Hi everyone, I want to share my thoughts about Eggwars Mega and give some feedback on it.
Performance Issues
(now implemented)
First of all, I think a lot of performance improvements can be made. Even though it's playable, Eggwars Mega games run way less smooth than other games. I'm talking about PC here, but there are a lot of mobile and console players that experience even more lag in Eggwars Mega. It's easy to tell players that their device is not good enough to handle the game, but I think a server which is cross-platform available should have better optimization for this.Here's a great suggestion made by @DarkStray in which he gives a great solution to this problem:
[With Video Why] Performance Options - Increase FPS
A Satisfying update to cubecraft on May 5th 2021 fixed this issue :) HELLO EVERYONE! What do I mean and want to Achieve from this post? •Better Player Experiences •Better Performance What Do I mean by “Performance” Options? •Chunk...
Here's a post from @Salty_shadow in which he shared some statistics about the amount of entities that spawn in Eggwars Mega, which is insane and probably the biggest cause of the lag:
fun Eggwars mega stats
Right so i got bored and decided to work out the entity count on 2 of the maps fallen and fruit let me know if i should do time next :D Fallen Each island 3 level 3 1 iron every 0.5 seconds. 1 level 2 1 iron every 0.75 seconds. 2 level 2 1...
Why eggwars mega is so laggy for anyone not on pc
I have spent the last couple hours punching numbers on maps together to work out why it lags so much and this is what ive found out. All of this research is done on the Map fruit as its one of the easiest maps to get wins on and its the one...
Lack of maps
There are currently three maps available in Eggwars Mega: Time, Fruit and Fallen. They're all beautiful maps, but when playing Fallen, the lag is incredibly bad on mid which kind of makes the map unplayable and leaves us with 2 good maps. I think it would greatly improve Eggwars Mega if one or maybe even a few maps would get added.I was pretty hyped to see that almost every gamemode got new maps added when the Spring event was released, though I was pretty disappointed in seeing that Eggwars Mega didn't get any new maps..
Eggwars Mega's playercount isn't bad, but I think a lot of people get bored fast when they play the same few maps everytime which is also why I think the playercount is a lot less than other games.
Team chat
Team chat isn't available, so you can't easily communicate with your teammates without all the other teams seeing your chats.This kind of applies to every gamemode in CubeCraft Bedrock, but I think team chat is especially important in EggWars Mega because you play with such a big team and communicating with eachother is pretty important in order to win. You currently can only chat globally, which makes it impossible for people to see in which team you are and who you're talking to, and it's possible for other teams to see people making a plan.
Edit (9-5-2021):
Better optimization for Eggwars Mega has now been implemented. Entities currently don't render anymore unless you're within a 16 block radius. The thread has now been changed but is still relevant in my opinion, because I still think that more maps could be added and that team chat is still essential for the game.
Why should they get implemented?
I'm convinced the playercount of Eggwars Mega will rise and that this feedback could greatly improve the game. I think a lot of people currently don't want to play the game because it's unplayable because of their device, the lack of maps which leads to people getting bored and not having a team chat which makes it way harder to win a game because you simply can't communicate and plan a strategy with your team.If you liked this suggestion, please agree

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