Hackers create temporary accounts, after 2-3 days, the account would be locked and can be unlocked by adding a phone number,
at this point any ban is pointless.
When a player(not hacker) is banned for more than 7 days, he will be very angry(it shouldnt-> he deserves it), but this happens.
And this Angry-Player would search on Google how to create fake accounts, once he learns how to do it,
Guess What??!!!
A new Hac
Hackers create temporary accounts, after 2-3 days, the account would be locked and can be unlocked by adding a phone number,
at this point any ban is pointless.
When a player(not hacker) is banned for more than 7 days, he will be very angry(it shouldnt-> he deserves it), but this happens.
And this Angry-Player would search on Google how to create fake accounts, once he learns how to do it,
Guess What??!!!
A new Hacker has born

If you get banned by sentinel you get some blocked IP by sentinel. So hackers cant join new accounts and play on it or the use a vpn.