As a skywars player, one of the biggest problems that the mode has is the complete abandonment of updates during a long time, which makes the gameplay of veterans or more experienced players somewhat monotonous. Thinking about how to solve this problem ,one of the first ideas that occurs to all of us would be to implement new maps, but this is not so easy since overloading the server with new maps would not be the solution and in the end people would get bored with these maps too.
So after thinking about it for a while, I came up with a way to somehow renew the maps to make the experience of each game something new.
The idea is the follow one, to be able to make the experience of each game something new and not as monotonous as it has been until now.In order to do this, a large part of all the maps must be redesigned, but how would it be done?The key to this would be the “randomness”that is to say, keeping the essence of the map, adding new structures, removing others, changing the distance between the initial and central islands, redesigning some of the central and initial islands, change the number of players (this is somewhat risky, since it would change the map a lot by adding or removing players, but there may be maps that need it to make them more entertaining).All these changes put them in a random way each game, making it very difficult to play the same map in the same way that you played it last time(There may be compatibility errors between changes but it would be a matter of working on it)
What would be achieved if it is implemented

If this is implemented, what we could achieve is that each game is a new experience different from the previous one, changing the gameplay and the strategy each time you play, this changing a typical strategy nowadays that would be to get to the middle along the same path as always since those who have more experience know which is the fastest way, get stacked and already fight with those who remain alive.
My personal opinion
Although I am talking about my own experience, which is that of solo skywars, if people end up liking this, it could be used in team skywars and in eggwars or lucky islands.At first it may seem risky, so I think the best thing would be to try it with 2-3 maps that people do not usually play since they do not like the map to see how they react to this change, it is obvious that there are maps that should not have a change since the community loves them.I have also taken into consideration the team of builders, since this implementation would give them a lot of work to do, but I do not think it has to be an instantaneous implementation but that it can be done map by map to see the reaction of the people. Such a big change would surely create very contradictory ideas between two sides, on the one hand, those who like it and on the other, those who would prefer the old it would have to be done slowly so as not to generate any discord.And finally as I mentioned before, there are maps that we all love and that they do not need any changes to be entertaining, so these could be left unchanged
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