Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
The Staff Team

Note 1: To everything bad (and good) I will be saying there are, of course, exceptions. I won't, however, be naming all those exceptions as that would cost me way too much time, I will just be giving the general idea.

Note 2: I am not in the staff team, nor have I ever been so everything I'm saying is from an outside (community) perspective.

Note 3: I won't be naming any staff members, as this is a public thread, I may, however, give examples for certain points, but I'll make sure to blur out any names.


Recruitment is a very important part of the process in becoming/being a staff member. It filters out any candidates who won't be good staff members. If this goes wrong then it's way easier to mess up the rest, with bad staff members the staff team won't be in a good condition either. To ensure every applicant has at least some basic qualities, there are a few standard requirements.
  • You are at least 14 years old.
  • You can speak/understand English (verbally and written).
  • You are active on the network.
  • You can communicate on Discord (text and voice).
  • You are familiar with all of our rules.
  • You can record your screen.
  • You either meet the Java or Bedrock requirements.
There are also Java-specific requirements
  • 200 discord messages
  • 25 forums messages
  • 50 successful website reports
  • 3 months of server activity
And Bedrock-specific requirements.
  • 80 messages on Discord or 15 Forums messages
  • 5 successful website or /sr reports
  • 2 months of server activity
In my opinion there are some problems with these requirements. First, the Java requirements are low already, but the Bedrock requirements really are a joke. I get there aren’t a lot of Bedrock mods, and you want more Bedrock mods, but 5 successful website reports or 5 /sr reports? That can’t be serious right? You can get that in like 3,5 nanoseconds. Also, if you really want more Bedrock Helpers, how come most Helpers are still Java? Why do you even need that many Java Helpers anymore?

Another thing is the requirement saying: “You can speak/understand English (verbally and written).” As it is unclear what level of English this requires, I asked in staff-help. The answer was that you need to be “fluent at English” to be allowed to apply.
fluent english.png
According to the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), B2 level is defined like this.
  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialisation.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
One of the descriptions is “Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party”. This means that the level has to be higher than this, as “interaction with native speakers” being “quite possible” implies that it isn’t perfect, even with native speakers, let alone if you are trying to explain something to a non-native speaker. This means that someone would at least need C1 level
  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer clauses and recognise implicit meaning.
  • Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.
  • Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
Or C2 level
  • Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
  • Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
  • Can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.
To be allowed to apply for helper. However, we have been getting helpers with a level FAR below this.
bad english 1.png

bad english 2.png

bad english 3.png

bad english 4_LI.jpg
Things like these can very easily cause misunderstandings, and they do.
bad english confusion 1_LI.jpg

bad english confusion 1 1.png

bad english confusion 1 2_LI.jpg

bad english confusion 1 3_LI.jpg


Staff-help is a channel in which you can ask questions so staff members can give you an answer. In theory this is good, there needs to be in which you can get helped by staff. But in the actual channel it just doesn’t really work. It happens way too often that a question just completely gets skipped, or that it takes hours and hours to finally get an answer. Sometimes every question around yours gets an answer instantly but yours is just completely ignored, as if it wasn’t there. If you finally manage to get someone to answer (usually after like 3 times of asking again), and the question is harder than “How do I report?”, the staff member will have to ‘ask around’, which basically means forgetting all about it and never giving you your answer. Of course, sometimes you do get your answer, but things like this happen way too often.

A while ago, staff-help would be dead most of the time, but when a new wave of Helpers got their rank, it would suddenly get all active because the helpers felt like they had to prove that they could help you. In the past few waves, however, the new Helpers haven’t really made any difference at all, the channel stays dead, even though the new Helpers still have to prove themselves.

I get that being a moderation staff member is a voluntary job, and mods don’t have to constantly answer staff-help questions, but every once in a while would be nice. If someone answers another member in staff-help, a mod is there to punish them within 0,00000000000001 nanoseconds, but if someone has had a question for hours, no one is willing to answer them. There are 40+ helpers and mods, and I really don’t see how it is possible that none of those can take 5 minutes to help some people.

Helper Training

Giving Helpers some sort of training has been suggested before. In that thread, Cynamooo said the next Helper wave would get some form of training, so they’d be more prepared for answering questions in staff-help. Since that post we have had one new Helper wave, and stupid mistakes are still made. A while ago, for example, a Helper claimed you are only allowed to speak English in staff-help, which really is a very basic mistake.
only english_LI.jpg
Another helper also told someone to go to #media to post a link to their thread, when in fact it is allowed in other channels as well.
A helper also told someone not to appeal if they actually cheated, because their appeal wouldn’t get accepted anyway, which makes no sense at all, because why wouldn’t you be allowed to appeal?
no appeal_LI.jpg
These are only examples of the huge amount of mistakes that are made on a daily base. Things like this still happen way too often, and if you want people to get accurate information, you really have to give Helpers more training than this, if a Helper still makes these basic mistakes, that is just stupid.

Not Helping People

Sometimes it seems like staff members feel it is their duty to punish people, and not to help them. Giving a (even only verbal) warning for something like this
stupid warning.png
is just stupid. It’s not as if they’re an experienced member, doing it to troll (looks at a certain person), they just accidentally used the wrong slash, and were probably wondering why it didn’t work, and trying again. Once again this is only an example from a much bigger problem. In my opinion, staff members’ main duty shouldn’t be punishing as many people as possible, so they seem like a ‘good mod’, but instead helping people if they have problems. From what I can see, from the outside, helpers aren’t meant to help people, which is literally in their name, but to get as many reports as possible, so they can get mod. Of course, knowing the rules is important, but in my opinion the focus shouldn’t be on knowing the rules by heart, but instead on being able to help people. Punishing rulebreakers is important but helping ordinary community members is at least as important.


CubeCraft can be very inconsistent in enforcing their rules/decisions. A while back, for example, they decided to not share people’s current punishment durations with others anymore. For days (or maybe even weeks), however, it seemed like half of the mods weren’t aware of this, and one half of the mods would tell you they couldn’t share it, while the other half would happily share it with you.
punishment duration 1_LI.jpg

punishment duration 2_LI.jpg

(These are only two screenshots, when in fact there was way more confusion)
Another thing which isn’t really an inconsistency, but I’ll still put here is for example after the rule against spawnkilling was added it seemed like no one knew how they’d enforce the rule, and what exactly would be punishable under it. How do you want to enforce a rule if you don’t even tell your own mods what exactly it means?
spawnkilling rule_LI.jpg

(Once again this is only one screenshot, when there was a lot of confusion about the rule, no one knew how it’d be enforced/what exactly it meant)

What Should Happen?

In my opinion the standards for recruitment should definitely be raised. You have extremely low standards, especially for bedrock helpers, and if you aren’t even following your own language rules, then the standards become even lower. You should also focus on consistency, accuracy and helping people. When an answer is given, staff members should be absolutely (as far as that's possible) certain they're correct. Punishing people isn’t the most important thing in the world, you’re there to help them, not discourage them from joining the server. Helpers should also definitely receive a training because they make way too many mistakes, causing people to get wrong information, which obviously isn’t what you should be aiming for.


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Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2020
I'm genuinely worried about the path they are taking with recruitment as of right now. They have been so invested in quantity over quality, that I'm always worried who will appear in the next waves. Not more than a year ago, all helper waves were at least half predictable; they always consisted of members who were extremely experienced and well known in the community. Now, almost the entirety of the waves are people we didn't even know existed, with not more than 100 messages on the forums and barely any on Discord.

Their idea for justifying this is that they need more people for moderation but the truth is, those people have less experience on the network and create almost the ENTIRETY of the problems listed above. The non-fluent English, the inconsistent and wrong information, and looking to punish players instead of helping them.

I, as a community member, genuinely dislike how I keep staring at disbelief over the new waves instead of congratulating the new helpers for their well deserved accomplishments. Helper rank needs to mean something for the community, because believe it or not, it's ok to have helper as a goal for being active in the community. If it's so easy to achieve and in such short time, there is no point to being a true part of the community

Thank you for this thread, really. It brings up problems that have been happening for quite a while now. Appreciated a lot.


Forum Expert
Jul 12, 2021
Cubecraft is doing a very bad management regarding the waves of Helper, Helper/Mod. They are accepting as Helpers people who are not at all qualified for that position and lack a lot of experience in most of the requirements.
The minimum requirements are a joke and should be much higher.

I really hope that Helpers who are not suitable for that position, are inactive, misinform people in staff help, are not promoted to Mod.
It's true that Helper training is a process for them to learn and prepare to be moderator but things like taking +10 days without being active in the staff-help or the bad level of English definitely should not be promoted.

They previously said they were going to fix this with Helper waves but they haven't.
Please really take it into account in the next waves


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
In my opinion the standards for recruitment should definitely be raised. You have extremely low standards, especially for bedrock helpers,
I disagree. Having low requirements does not mean that we accept less skilled helpers. It's just making the entry level lower, so that people do not have to grind for months in order to meet requirements. The recruitment team is still very careful with accepting applicants and they're still doing thorough research on all considering applicants.

The requirements were lowered, as the recruitment team kept getting feedback that the helper trial wasn't enough of a trial. By accepting more applicants, you also increase the risk of more mistakes and demotes. Most of the helpers still pass the trial, so I feel like its effective.

When an answer is given, staff members should be absolutely (as far as that's possible) certain they're correct.
I can be 1000% certain about my answer and still be incorrect about it. If you want all of our staff-help answers to be correct, then its going to take longer before you get an answer, which is not affective imo. The staff team is also human and can make mistakes. 9/10 times our mentors see their mistakes and we immediately take action upon it, which is barely ever visible to the public.

I don't think these inconsistencies are very bad (I mean, they can be avoided but it's not the end of the world). If it is the same mistake over and over again, then it means it's a systematic fault. Something should change on our end in that case. If a mistake only happens once, then that's not a systematic fault and it's not really something you can change. You can write down an entire list of Q&A's for helpers so they always have the right answer near them, but then they won't think about anything themselves. Mistakes will happen regardless of any change.
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Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
My issue with threads like these is that they completely disregard the discussion phase of Helper recruitment where Sr. Mods & Admins discuss people who pass the minimum requirements, it's a massive part of the process and narrows the list down quite massively. The minimum requirements exist only to reduce the workload of Seniors so they don't have to discuss hundreds of players a week.

My other qualm with this thread topic is the ignorance to the fact that Helper is a trial process. I was very vocal about this point for a while and with the system being revamped I think it was a step forward for what the system is meant to achieve.

The process gives everyone who puts in a bit of effort a chance, it doesn't mean they'll get everything they want. I agree that it is very easy to get Helper, but that difficulty doesn't apply to Moderator which is where the power lies. Helpers making mistakes is okay, as long as it's corrected immediately and they learn from it, this is what the role effectively is used for because Moderators have so much information to store and participation is the easiest way to learn it.

My main point here is that if for example; 100 players pass minimum requirements, then 80 get knocked off by discussion followed up by 12 by the trial itself.

The previous complaints we saw <2021 were that we aren't recruiting enough and were denying people who deserved a shot. Now, as predicted- it's circled back around to complaining about the opposite.

If Helpers had a 99% success rate of achieving Moderator then there is no harm in making them Moderators on day 1 because they are nearly perfect, thus Helper can be removed. Stop expecting them to be perfect, this is not what the rank is designed/used for.

Now, almost the entirety of the waves are people we didn't even know existed, with not more than 100 messages on the forums and barely any on Discord.
Helper is not a popularity contest, I've still yet to see a valid negative to this strategy. We've had three waves with less popularity community members and most of them have turned out great, in my opinion.

Their idea for justifying this is that they need more people for moderation but the truth is, those people have less experience on the network and create almost the ENTIRETY of the problems listed above. The non-fluent English, the inconsistent and wrong information, and looking to punish players instead of helping them.
Most of these problems have existed for a while, obviously new team members are going to have information issues because they are still developing it, people don't go into this role knowing everything, its just never the case.

The non-fluent English could be valid but I've seen that in past moderators as well before recruitment changes in addition to the excessively looking for punishments, this isn't specific to new team members.

I, as a community member, genuinely dislike how I keep staring at disbelief over the new waves instead of congratulating the new helpers for their well deserved accomplishments. Helper rank needs to mean something for the community, because believe it or not, it's ok to have helper as a goal for being active in the community. If it's so easy to achieve and in such short time, there is no point to being a true part of the community
This is secondary to its first goal, which is providing support and assistance to the community.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Yeah, I do agree there are far too many Java Edition staff members and too few Bedrock Edition staff members.

I also agree that currently there's a huge focus on punishing people and pointing out the rules, rather than socializing or even playing with members. I actually made a staff feedback thread about this yeaaaars ago, suggesting that mods shouldn't be in vanish mode all the time, but instead would just invite random players to a party and play games. A bit like community games I guess? But less organized, just more of a spontaneous thing.

Not more than a year ago, all helper waves were at least half predictable; they always consisted of members who were extremely experienced and well known in the community. Now, almost the entirety of the waves are people we didn't even know existed, with not more than 100 messages on the forums and barely any on Discord.
Just because someone has been in the background or just because you don't know who they are, doesn't mean they can't make good staff members.


Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2020
Just because someone has been in the background or just because you don't know who they are, doesn't mean they can't make good staff members.
True, but the community would look up to someone who's already well integrated in the community more than someone that was less known/unknown, since they already have a basic idea as to who they are


Novice Member
Apr 16, 2020
I'm agree with the fact that the bedrock requirements for Helper are quite low mostly when you compared it with the Java requirements but let's be honest, moderating on the Java network is totally different than moderating on the Bedrock network.
Firstly there's not the same amount of players on both of them (2.5k+ on Java and 10/15k+ on Bedrock)
Also it's way more difficult to be able to cheat on Bedrock, people are barely talking in the chat (mostly due to the fact that there's a lot of console/mobile players which make them unable to use chat fast unlike people on a pc)
So I can understand that the amount of reports required is lower than Java.

Moreover concerning the English level with the example you gave it's mostly small mistake of misunderstanding from the Helpers which make a bigger misunderstanding after or mistake coming from what you're thinking while writing (It happens to everyone to sometimes do mistake while writing) and we should keep in mind they're Helper and they can't be perfect right after being accepted as an helper. They still can ask to mods or other staff people when they have some issues with a questions asked by a player.

Concerning the staff help channel, generally questions getting skipped is mainly due to indeed need to ask around for opinions about it with the other staff member or some questions are skipped when you have a big wave of questions in the channel (Some mods answer sometimes to like 10 people at the same time due to inactivity for a while and lot of questions coming in the channel) which indeed will make possible some of them getting skipped by mistake or because the helper/mod who answered didn't noticed this one.

Having a sort of Helper training could be quite useful indeed but they can also learn about how they should do this and this by looking at how Moderators are handling all the type of issues encountered in staff help for example, taking example on how to answer and how to handle the problems the players encounter is one of the high prior goal. Also Moderators are here for making Helpers improve their skills, who knows what is happening behind the scene, maybe they are talking current Helpers about what mistakes they did and how to improve them with making less mistakes.

On your part about "Not Helping People" it's mostly due to that everyone is having his own opinion so everyone is understanding things differently which will brings confusion and unfortunately that's not something you can really change. Everyone has their own way to explain, work and handle reports/questions by player, etc (Simple example, a chat report with inappropriate language for one Moderator can be not enough for another Moderator)

An the last but not the least, Inconsistency, you can't remove it, just like I said just before everyone will understand a rules (new or old ones) differently and then explain it with what they think about it. Also we should remember that everything is at the appreciation of the Moderators, they're the ones who will decide what to do, so it will mainly depends on who is handling the question/report (Just like I said before) So what happens can vary depending on the staff member but that's something happening on every Minecraft server.


Forum Expert
Jul 12, 2021
Moreover concerning the English level with the example you gave it's mostly small mistake of misunderstanding from the Helpers which make a bigger misunderstanding after or mistake coming from what you're thinking while writing (It happens to everyone to sometimes do mistake while writing) and we should keep in mind they're Helper and they can't be perfect right after being accepted as an helper. They still can ask to mods or other staff people when they have some issues with a questions asked by a player.
There are cases in which they are not common errors, they are errors that occur constantly in the case of the English level.
There are helpers with extreme amounts of accepted reports but they don't have a decent level of English at all for the role of helper in my opinion.

I'm really worried about how this might affect the future if this type of Helper gets promoted to Moderator.
It's true that punishments/reports is one of the main characteristics of a Helper/Mod, but having many reports but not knowing how to communicate is a serious problem. For example when responding to appeals from players who have been punished, when accepting reports or in staff-help (which cause misinformation)

That's why one of the standard requeriments is ' You can speak/understand English (verbally and written) '
Unfortunately not all currently helpers meet this requirement.


Novice Member
Apr 16, 2020
I'm really worried about how this might affect the future if this type of Helper gets promoted to Moderator.

If they still have problems for communicating when they are Helper they will not get Moderator untill this is improved, and like Marieke said, Helper is mainly a trial state to see who will be able to handle more or not, if they're still Helper after few times they probably have just some improvements to do for being able to be Moderators but it also implies taking risk, yes it will making some people mad/annoyed or anything else to see cubecraft handle that like this but without taking some risk you can't go forward and improve the server. Also accepting Helpers who have that communication and make them experience being helper and need to communicate with people will make them improve their skills in it, but for that it needs to be practiced and people need to correct them behind when they do a mistakes.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
The Depths
Note 3: I won't be naming any staff members, as this is a public thread, I may, however, give examples for certain points, but I'll make sure to blur out any names.
That's not making sure to blur the names well.

bad english confusion 1.png

punishment duration 1.png
bad english 4.png

Sometimes it seems like staff members feel it is their duty to punish people, and not to help them. Giving a (even only verbal) warning for something like this. They just accidentally used the wrong slash, and were probably wondering why it didn’t work, and trying again
Assuming that person did not know how to execute the command as u mentioned, that person can afford to spam for not knowing how to execute the command?

There are times that its better to ask than to act, if he have acted (spamming in this case) its his problem.
I believe that no one has the privilege of not being punished for being new to the server and not knowing the commands.

In my opinion there are some problems with these requirements. First, the Java requirements are low already, but the Bedrock requirements really are a joke. I get there aren’t a lot of Bedrock mods, and you want more Bedrock mods, but 5 successful website reports or 5 /sr reports? That can’t be serious right? You can get that in like 3,5 nanoseconds. Also, if you really want more Bedrock Helpers, how come most Helpers are still Java? Why do you even need that many Java Helpers anymore?

Another thing is the requirement saying: “You can speak/understand English (verbally and written).” As it is unclear what level of English this requires, I asked in staff-help. The answer was that you need to be “fluent at English” to be allowed to apply.
I agree, the requirements should be equal for both platforms, everyone should have the same possibilities even if they are on different platforms.

Having low requirements does not mean that we accept less skilled helpers
That's true, having fewer requirements has nothing to do with how good a person is or not, but its true that the requirements are not equitable at all.

These are only examples of the huge amount of mistakes that are made on a daily base. Things like this still happen way too often, and if you want people to get accurate information, you really have to give Helpers more training than this, if a Helper still makes these basic mistakes, that is just stupid.
A while ago, staff-help would be dead most of the time, but when a new wave of Helpers got their rank, it would suddenly get all active because the helpers felt like they had to prove that they could help you. In the past few waves, however, the new Helpers haven’t really made any difference at all, the channel stays dead, even though the new Helpers still have to prove themselves.

From what I've realized reading all your post, you are implying that the current staff are useless on the server.
I think it's unfair that out of 100 good things they do by doing 5 wrong you highlight them and say they have a "huge" number of mistakes.

Regarding the fact that the wave of current helpers is useless, apply for staff and we will see if you make a big difference.

You can check for yourself the number of people who respond/help daily and the mistakes they make about it.

All people make mistakes, and I think that this post most of the things are unnecessary and unfair if you put yourself in the situation of the others.


Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
Having low requirements does not mean that we accept less skilled helpers.
It indeed does not, however when you look at the helpers that are being accepted (like 30 forums posts, no posts in suggestions subforum at all, barely any discord messages, etc.) then the standards have definitely gone down.
Most of the helpers still pass the trial, so I feel like its effective
That’s not how it works, you can’t keep lowering your standards till most people make it then say “ok it’s effective now”
If a mistake only happens once, then that's not a systematic fault and it's not really something you can change. You
You can though, you should just make sure everyone knows you’re allowed to speak any language in staff-help, or that you’re allowed to appeal even when you actually cheated. You can say what you want, but you’ll never convince me these mistakes were unavoidable…
My issue with threads like these is that they completely disregard the discussion phase of Helper recruitment where Sr. Mods & Admins discuss people who pass the minimum requirements, it's a massive part of the process and narrows the list down quite massively.
Note 2: I am not in the staff team, nor have I ever been so everything I'm saying is from an outside (community) perspective.
The previous complaints we saw <2021 were that we aren't recruiting enough and were denying people who deserved a shot. Now, as predicted- it's circled back around to complaining about the opposite.
That’s because you went from “nope you’re not perfect get denied” to “you joined bedrock once? ACCEPTED”
If Helpers had a 99% success rate of achieving Moderator then there is no harm in making them Moderators on day 1 because they are nearly perfect, thus Helper can be removed. Stop expecting them to be perfect, this is not what the rank is designed/used for.
I am not expecting anyone to be perfect, I am however expecting helpers to not make absolutely stupid mistakes, to be able to communicate in normal English, and to have some level of activity and connection to the community
Helper is not a popularity contest, I've still yet to see a valid negative to this strategy. We've had three waves with less popularity community members and most of them have turned out great, in my opinion.
It indeed isn’t a popularity contest, and I haven’t seen anyone say it is. You can’t however give everyone no one’s ever heard of helper. It’s important that staff members should actually somewhat know the community, what it wants, what it needs, and you don’t have that with 20 forums posts and 50 discord messages. I know you’re gonna say now “BUT THEY’LL LEARN ABT THE COMMUNITY WHILE THEY’RE STAFF” but that’s not the point, they need to know before they get helper. If not you could just take everyone who has been staff on another server, because they’re good at moderating, right?
The non-fluent English could be valid but I've seen that in past moderators as well before recruitment changes in addition to the excessively looking for punishments, this isn't specific to new team members.
Okay, maybe it isn’t, but that’s not the point. The point is that these are problems, and these should be solved. We can talk for hours about whose fault it is, and about who did what wrong and about why these problems are there, but that is not relevant at all. The point of this thread is that these problems should be solved, idc why they’re there as long as it gets fixed

Anyway, what you’re saying feels like the standard response to a thread saying something about the staff team “you’re not in the staff team so you are not entitled to an opinion about it”
I'm agree with the fact that the bedrock requirements for Helper are quite low mostly when you compared it with the Java requirements but let's be honest, moderating on the Java network is totally different than moderating on the Bedrock network.
Firstly there's not the same amount of players on both of them (2.5k+ on Java and 10/15k+ on Bedrock)
Also it's way more difficult to be able to cheat on Bedrock, people are barely talking in the chat (mostly due to the fact that there's a lot of console/mobile players which make them unable to use chat fast unlike people on a pc)
So I can understand that the amount of reports required is lower than Java.

Moreover concerning the English level with the example you gave it's mostly small mistake of misunderstanding from the Helpers which make a bigger misunderstanding after or mistake coming from what you're thinking while writing (It happens to everyone to sometimes do mistake while writing) and we should keep in mind they're Helper and they can't be perfect right after being accepted as an helper. They still can ask to mods or other staff people when they have some issues with a questions asked by a player.

Concerning the staff help channel, generally questions getting skipped is mainly due to indeed need to ask around for opinions about it with the other staff member or some questions are skipped when you have a big wave of questions in the channel (Some mods answer sometimes to like 10 people at the same time due to inactivity for a while and lot of questions coming in the channel) which indeed will make possible some of them getting skipped by mistake or because the helper/mod who answered didn't noticed this one.

Having a sort of Helper training could be quite useful indeed but they can also learn about how they should do this and this by looking at how Moderators are handling all the type of issues encountered in staff help for example, taking example on how to answer and how to handle the problems the players encounter is one of the high prior goal. Also Moderators are here for making Helpers improve their skills, who knows what is happening behind the scene, maybe they are talking current Helpers about what mistakes they did and how to improve them with making less mistakes.

On your part about "Not Helping People" it's mostly due to that everyone is having his own opinion so everyone is understanding things differently which will brings confusion and unfortunately that's not something you can really change. Everyone has their own way to explain, work and handle reports/questions by player, etc (Simple example, a chat report with inappropriate language for one Moderator can be not enough for another Moderator)

An the last but not the least, Inconsistency, you can't remove it, just like I said just before everyone will understand a rules (new or old ones) differently and then explain it with what they think about it. Also we should remember that everything is at the appreciation of the Moderators, they're the ones who will decide what to do, so it will mainly depends on who is handling the question/report (Just like I said before) So what happens can vary depending on the staff member but that's something happening on every Minecraft server.
im not even gonna reply to all of this nonsense
That's not making sure to blur the names well.
that has been fixed ~5 minutes after posting, i don’t know why you’re still complaining
From what I've realized reading all your post, you are implying that the current staff are useless on the server.
??? That’s your interpretation, not anything I ever said
apply for staff and we will see if you make a big difference.
ok bro i fail to see how this adds anything to the thread


Forum Expert
Dec 10, 2019
I fully agree with this post, that's why I made a suggestion about a helper training before the helpers would receive their rank. Other than the recruitment team promised this obviously didn't happen because I see the same basic mistakes again. Making mistakes is not a bad thing but this could be prevented.

Another problem that I agree on is that most moderators don't really care about the community but about having the most punishments, that's just a fact that you can't deny.

Deleted member 347571

It doesn't feel like there are to many staff-members on java at the moment, nowadays the amount of hackers & (let's say toxic rulebreakers) are rising. I've seen that many people want to become staff for the rank / fame and ignore the fact that they should help people.

A lot of people that are hacking or being really really toxic are somehow getting away with the punishment they should get which is caused by some staff-members helping their friends to avoid their punishments. I do agree with that some requirements should be a bit higher but ofcourse not to high, since it should be something you need to earn and not get for free. Helper training could be possible but there has to be a good and efficient method.

This is my opinion so don't feel to offended (((;


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
It indeed isn’t a popularity contest, and I haven’t seen anyone say it is. You can’t however give everyone no one’s ever heard of helper. It’s important that staff members should actually somewhat know the community, what it wants, what it needs, and you don’t have that with 20 forums posts and 50 discord messages.
I'd argue that these are qualities Admins should have, not moderators. Most of your complaints are poor English and inconsistent information, so I'm not sure where knowledge of the community comes into that.

That’s because you went from “nope you’re not perfect get denied” to “you joined bedrock once? ACCEPTED”
You can't keep making the same point about the minimum requirements being too low when I've already explained that every single member who passes minimum requirements gets a manual inspection from 12 different experienced team members. The point is irrelevant now.

If the requirements entirely decided who gets on by themselves then they wouldn't have been lowered so much, but we had the inspection process so we can lower them more.

They could logically get removed but the only issue is that we'd need to manually inspect every application and we couldn't weed out people who made their account the same day they applied.

I know you’re gonna say now “BUT THEY’LL LEARN ABT THE COMMUNITY WHILE THEY’RE STAFF” but that’s not the point, they need to know before they get helper.
They absolutely do not. It's a trial process, as I already explained.

Helpers learn more in 4 weeks through experience than they do in 8 months as a community member. There's a reason schools do work experience and why workplaces want experienced workers, because studying only gets you so far before you need to step into such a role.

I'd argue that a member can only truly learn 65% of a Mods full knowledge at the most, Helper gets them way further before putting them into the role.

The point of this thread is that these problems should be solved, idc why they’re there as long as it gets fixed

-what you’re saying feels like the standard response to a thread saying something about the staff team “you’re not in the staff team so you are not entitled to an opinion about it”
You are making a suggestion about an internal system, so your information is definitely limited thus skewed so yes I can say that you're struggling to see a big part of the picture here. Your point isn't invalid, its just missing a lot of context which is all I attempted to provide, I feel as though you didn't really read much of what I said.


Dedicated Member
Oct 18, 2016
Overijssel, The Netherlands
Since this thread is not really about The Staff Team, but basically just bashing on helpers: did you even consider that this period of being helper could actually be to train and assess the mods-to-be? Not sure if you're familiar with having a job or something, but you can't expect people to know it all on their first day, that's what a training period is for and I'm pretty sure that's what being a helper is too... 🙄


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Since this thread is not really about The Staff Team, but basically just bashing on helpers: did you even consider that this period of being helper could actually be to train and assess the mods-to-be? Not sure if you're familiar with having a job or something, but you can't expect people to know it all on their first day, that's what a training period is for and I'm pretty sure that's what being a helper is too... 🙄
but you don't let teachers go out and teach people stuff when they don't know what they're talking about. People are thought to trust teachers and learn from what they say, if a teacher says to you pushing people is polite, as a young person you think your teacher is the person you should trust for info and therefor you go and take that info on. The same goes for staff members especially support staff members who are there for support whether it be in game, in a support channel or through email. You will trust that person for information as they are the person who has that information. As an employee you should know not to give an answer your unsure about as it can mislead people.


Dedicated Member
Oct 18, 2016
Overijssel, The Netherlands
Another problem that I agree on is that most moderators don't really care about the community but about having the most punishments, that's just a fact that you can't deny.
Ignoring that this statement is pretty exaggerated; this you?:
Also, there is a magic place called ‘staff feedback’. Just write your concerns of a staff member there and they’ll handle it.
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