Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jul 27, 2022
I'm very glad to see that CubeCraft is trying to take steps into the right direction! With MCCIsland being released a week ago and already beating Cube's numbers in a closed beta, I hope CubeCraft can take some inspiration from them as well (resourcepack-wise!) and release some amazing content with the features that comes with 1.19!
ur joking right? LMAO


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2018
Every time you think it can't get any worse, Cube surprises us again,

Jesus what nonsense. TD had decent players to play?
A joke. an absolute joke!

But we are used to cube that if you have to wait longer than 10 seconds before the game starts, Cube will remove or modify the game.

In addition, it is very strange towards the people with a rank if you can only play 2 games
Last edited:


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Whether or not CubeCraft committed suicide like many of you are suggesting, I don't know. Could this have been prevented by better updates, better communication, and better management? I don't know.

What I do know is that this is just making Java's death more painful. It's a final desperate attempt to somehow, miraculously save the server from its demise. Just rip the band-aid off and close the Java network. It's got to happen, and everyone knows it 🙁


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
I honestly don't see how the removal of games could possibly result in a bigger Java playerbase
I understand that side of the server may have been dying off bit by bit but removing games will do the opposite of what you're trying to reach

Also it'd be so sad if yall would remove Java lol would literally sell my liver to keep it online

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
This leaves a sour taste in my mouth, seeing Tower Defense getting ditched. Tower Defense is by far the most unique game that Cubecraft has. It allows for some insane strategies, especially with a coordinated team. I can get why you would like to remove unpopular games, but TD is semi popular (not as much as say Blockwars or Eggwars), but I see a lot more than featured games (most of the time), parkour, etc. (Personal Experience here) Should the server be updated, yes, 1.12 and 1.19 are pretty close to eachother base, with minor additions (ie netherite, frogs, 1.9 pvp, etc). The only real reason I can see this happening is to cut server costs, which at that point maybe its time to fundamentally rework Cubecraft, like bringing back the ability to pick a few maps, like how it was before the update that removed that instead of having that gatekept behind a donator perk. Another thing I want to point out is that the management in Cubecraft needs to bring more publicity to the server, Hypixel has an monopoly because youtubers and twitch streamers play on it, and as such the general public knows what to expect and what is already on there, and know what they will or will not like, I believe the solution is in their hands, but the opportunity isn't being taken, its the saying, 1 step forwards, 2 steps back


Forum Expert
Jul 26, 2016
Honestly, it is sad to see this happening. There was a time when CubeCraft was one of my favourite things to do and while that's no longer the case, I'll always cherish the memories I've had on here. I can't say that the need for change wasn't a long time coming, but better late than never. As a well wisher and not an enemy, I do hope that these changes have a positive impact. Maybe I won't get to experience them as I would have a few years ago but perhaps the new community will be able to enjoy CubeCraft as I once did. If not, then CubeCraft was fun while it lasted and I enjoyed my time on it :)

Also sucks that Tower Defence is going. That game is class.


Novice Member
Jul 18, 2019
Such a shame to see Tower Defence go. So much potential but it felt like it was abandoned and neglected. I absolutely love the mode with 200+ hours in the mode. I really hope they release the code so some other server may pick it up and revive it however I know this is a longshot/highly unlikely. I probably wont be playing on the server as soon as its gone. Shame. It was a good run and maybe if player count changes they bring it back. Ill make the most of the 2 days left and then its probably farewell.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Ranks have been way overpriced even before this update, because they didn't translate correctly to other currencies. Now they're practically a joke.
(EX: If 1 euro = 18 TL, they made a 10 euro rank 180 TL. However this is not a correct translation. You have to account the cost of living, wages and such in other countries. I'm a diamond rank currently and an updrage to obsidian costs about a litte over 100 euros, which is 1900 TL as it translates in the store. That's more than 1/3 the minimum wage, just for 2 rankups.)
I don't understand how this is possible. It would be a big challenge to adjust these prices based on every single country's economy and wages. How would the store know what country the buyer is from? I could easily use a VPN and purchase a rank from Vietnam for (literally!) five times cheaper than in Switzerland.

Regardless, I don't really know any stores that do this. Let's take Apple as an example. Yes, the prices for their products do vary from region to region, both in the in-person stores and the webshops. That's only due to taxes, though. An iPhone 13 is 50% more expensive in India than it is in the United States. I'm well aware I'm using a physical product to prove my point, but even when looking at Minecraft networks, I can't find a single one that offers digital items for lower prices solely based on what country someone is from.
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Novice Member
Jul 30, 2021
Hey CubeCrafters!

Nearly 10 years ago CubeCraft was created by @rubik_cube_man , this birth occurred on the original version of Minecraft, Java Edition. We've been a Java server for most of our history, we pioneered all of our current Bedrock games on this version. Today we sit here with a huge platform which has held over 25 games loved by tens of millions of players all over the world.

I was one of these millions of players, joining in 2014 to pass time whilst I was in school, it ended up being more fun than I could've imagined and now I've been here for 8 years and now operate internally with the rest of the team working on making those same experiences for other players.

Working at CubeCraft has been super fun, I love spending months on updates and then watching all of you experience it and talk about it. Those release days are always my favourite even if they are a bit stressful! One of the things I've learned from being on the CubeCraft Team is that sometimes tough decisions need to be made.

Even as a loving dedicated community member I am faced with one reality, our Java platform is struggling. It cannot support itself with 1,000 players, especially with its current structure which was intended for way more.

I don't want to be a big Godzilla and ruin everything for all of you, I came onto the CubeCraft team to make things better no matter what, sometimes this can only be achieved by taking risks.

At this time, Java needs to grow beyond 1,000 players or we will need to close it. This is sad news but rather than come to you today to tell you we are closing Java, we are here instead to unveil some of our big plans to deliver amazing experiences to even more players, to inspire them like I was way back in 2014.

So what is happening exactly?

🪄 Update to 1.19

We will be fully updating CubeCraft Java & Bedrock to Minecraft 1.19. ✨

Starting from today, our team will be focussed on bringing a huge 1.19 update to Java & Bedrock, featuring all new content, as such we will not be making any changes to the network for approximately 4 months until this is completed.

It will be all hands on-deck for this exciting new chapter, we cannot wait to welcome you all (and frogs View attachment 214671) into the new CubeCraft era with all the amazing content that comes with it.

⚙️ Java Changes

One of the issues we've currently addressed from our player reduction is a lack of games starting in many periods of the day. We have decided to remove these games & modes in order to keep the network going until we can relaunch our amazing update in a few months.

As of September 5th, Java will only consist of the following library of games:
  • Solo SkyWars
  • Solo Lucky Islands
  • Teams of 4 EggWars
  • Free for All
  • Skyblock
  • Parkour

View attachment 214670

In addition to these changes we will also be reducing Lucky Islands, SkyWars & EggWars to 6 maps each.

These changes are in preparation for our 1.19 update on the horizon, which will have much more polished maps featuring many new mechanics from all the versions we've missed. We've made this change early to avoid confusing players on release.

Our new 1.19 maps will have more map-only features for example; a swamp map with mangrove trees & boats at mid. A nether map in the nether dimension with blazes at mid that drop items or striders that take you to generators above lava. The possibilities are endless!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What maps are staying?

Solo Lucky Islands:
  • Pirates
  • Luck
  • Village
  • Underwater
  • Candy
  • Nest
  • Blizzard
  • Bloom
  • Trees
  • Shrine
  • Explosive
  • Ping Pong
Team EggWars:
  • Mushroom
  • Olympus
  • Palace
  • Ruins
  • Beach
  • Fairytale

Q: Is there any chance for these modes to be added back again?

A: Absolutely. We are currently in a position where we need to grow our network, additional content can return once we're certain they can start in all times again and that they are still fun!

Q: Why can't you just put them in featured games and keep this system?

A: Featured Games as a concept was intended to have players squeeze together into small timeframes so that the games could start properly and wouldn't need to be removed. We are at a point where even featured games cannot be supported, it's also a difficult system to maintain. We'd like to focus our efforts on the remaining popular games and new exciting content to grow the network.

Q: Are the removed Java-only games going to be on Bedrock?

A: They could in the future, we currently have no plans for those specific games however we'd like to try everything in our Bedrock 'Beta Games' at some point to see how they perform on that platform.

Q: If you aren't doing updates for 4 months, is Halloween cancelled?

A: Due to the fact that seasonal updates don't require much development resources and that we had most of it completed already. We've decided to release Halloween as normal in October!

We all remember the excitement of enjoying CubeCraft for the first time, the buzz of meeting new friends and having new experiences. I'm very excited to get Java back to this point so we can provide amazing experiences through the Java platform once again like we did all those years ago.

That's everything we have for you today, thank you so much for reading!
Please. Leave Minerware too. It's my 2nd favourite minigame from CubeCraft and I think people like it too, it's always full of players. Please.
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Fjackp14_ wrote on Lyriie's profile.
Cool new banner and pfp!
Regarding the BedWars Full Release update (my thoughts on it):
2 at once today! (Sorry that I am so bad at this currently)
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For who might want to know, i am not Ukrainian, but im just a huge supporter of ukraine AND a zelensky fan.
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