Hey everyone, hope you’re all having a great June 1st! Today, I will be hosting my 4th giveaway. This one will be for a Lethal Entities Bundle. Keep reading to find out how to enter!
To enter yourself or a friend into this giveaway, you must reply to this thread with your or your friend’s IGN. When I react to your message, it means you were entered. If I have 12 or more entries, the giveaway will end June 21st at 3:00 PM EST, and I plan on announcing the winner that evening. However, if there isn’t a minimum of 12 entries by that date, the giveaway won’t end until I get the aforementioned amount of entries.
Thank you to all those who enter/participate! Make sure to spread the word about this giveaway! Good luck everyone! :D
- Reesle
Hey everyone, hope you’re all having a great June 1st! Today, I will be hosting my 4th giveaway. This one will be for a Lethal Entities Bundle. Keep reading to find out how to enter!
To enter yourself or a friend into this giveaway, you must reply to this thread with your or your friend’s IGN. When I react to your message, it means you were entered. If I have 12 or more entries, the giveaway will end June 21st at 3:00 PM EST, and I plan on announcing the winner that evening. However, if there isn’t a minimum of 12 entries by that date, the giveaway won’t end until I get the aforementioned amount of entries.
Thank you to all those who enter/participate! Make sure to spread the word about this giveaway! Good luck everyone! :D
- Reesle

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