Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
So do any of you oldies remember Biomes? You know, that OG map that everyone loved and eventually got removed for some vague reason?
Well since most maps got a cool makeover why not Biomes? It's the only solo map with 36 players which made it quite unique.
For those who didn't play on Cube when Biomes was the only meta:

(Biomes in all its beauty.)

I don't think the islands need to be moved. Now that people only choose no projectiles mode and there's an Enderman kit people will not likely camp and probably just go to mid. Besides this map allowed players to craft Notch Apples which is something pretty rare. I wouldn't mind seeing an aesthetic makeover though. Most building were quite simple and certain chests were quite difficult to reach.

Well tell me what you think.


Forum Expert
Nov 23, 2014
the Netherlands
Nothing much to say..
This was one of my favourite maps, and I’d like to see it having back. no changes, maybe only new biomes added to it?

Deleted member 346231

You can still craft notch apples for some reason, on flowers solo it's possible. Also I most definitely agree. 1
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Sep 10, 2016
Coool place in the 'south'
I feel if this map was to come back it would have a few changes to it as the build team has progressed since then. I agree as it would be nice to see some of the old maps revamped for the good old nostalgia feels :D

But yea, it will most likely receive a FEW changes to make it better for gameplay as standards have been raised for maps :(
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Dedicated Member
Feb 25, 2017
I loved this map when it was still available to be played on. As said above, you can make notch apples, probably from the gold in the middle. I like larger maps, because with large maps, that means longer and more intense games. I'm pretty sure the build team could revamp it to make it even better than before. ;P


Dedicated Member
Nov 12, 2016
The islands look so far away from each other, especially from an island to mid, map would probably need editing


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
I never played this map ;( but I want to
Noooo you don't xd

The map was too big, I really don't think people would play it, even with the faster gameplay. Unless the makeover makes the map smaller there's not much point, but if you make it smaller then it's no longer Biomes.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Well, people didn't like it when it was big, and if you make it smaller then you may as well just make a whole new map, at least, if you don't want to change the layout of the islands. It was, other than perhaps Galaxy, the most hated Skywars map of all time. I feel if people peel away their nostalgia, they'll remember just how awful this map was.

You needed to get to mid because that's where the majority of the action and loot was at. If you weren't at mid, then you were probably either bored, or lacking supplies. Yet, you couldn't get to mid because of the abundance of projectiles. Once you were in mid, it was a mission to fight everybody off and destroy any supplies you didn't need to use yourself. Then, once there are only a few players remaining, you'd have to painfully check every island (of which there were over thirty) to find the campers that were all too common, because they themselves couldn't get to mid in time and so had few other options.

Let's not also forget the element of random at the beginning of the game. You could spawn on either of the two rings of islands, however spawning on the inner ring had two very powerful advantages: You were much closer to mid, and had far fewer rivals. Nothing about this map was fun. In fact, it was really bad. Not just bad like Nether or Rainbow for the reliance on chance to win, but also because it was just so damn boring. You'd get a little burst of excitement at the beginning of the game because so many people would die all at once, but afterwards it becomes a battle of patience. More often than not, you'd die trying to rush somebody because you got sick of waiting, and they had a concealed projectile they were waiting to use.

Of course, this map could play very differently with the new 'No projectiles' option. But, this isn't the default option, so the majority of games will still have the exact same issues as mentioned above. Plus, we shouldn't really make maps with only one vote option in mind.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Well, people didn't like it when it was big, and if you make it smaller then you may as well just make a whole new map, at least, if you don't want to change the layout of the islands. It was, other than perhaps Galaxy, the most hated Skywars map of all time. I feel if people peel away their nostalgia, they'll remember just how awful this map was.

You needed to get to mid because that's where the majority of the action and loot was at. If you weren't at mid, then you were probably either bored, or lacking supplies. Yet, you couldn't get to mid because of the abundance of projectiles. Once you were in mid, it was a mission to fight everybody off and destroy any supplies you didn't need to use yourself. Then, once there are only a few players remaining, you'd have to painfully check every island (of which there were over thirty) to find the campers that were all too common, because they themselves couldn't get to mid in time and so had few other options.

Let's not also forget the element of random at the beginning of the game. You could spawn on either of the two rings of islands, however spawning on the inner ring had two very powerful advantages: You were much closer to mid, and had far fewer rivals. Nothing about this map was fun. In fact, it was really bad. Not just bad like Nether or Rainbow for the reliance on chance to win, but also because it was just so damn boring. You'd get a little burst of excitement at the beginning of the game because so many people would die all at once, but afterwards it becomes a battle of patience. More often than not, you'd die trying to rush somebody because you got sick of waiting, and they had a concealed projectile they were waiting to use.

Of course, this map could play very differently with the new 'No projectiles' option. But, this isn't the default option, so the majority of games will still have the exact same issues as mentioned above. Plus, we shouldn't really make maps with only one vote option in mind.
It's one of those maps where you don't get immediately attacked by some tryhard Obsidian rank. So why not?


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
It's one of those maps where you don't get immediately attacked by some tryhard Obsidian rank. So why not?
I'd rather fight a sweaty G-Fuel-injecting spent-$300-on-a-rank-and-cosmetics-and-applied-for-staff tryhard than spend 60 minutes running around the map to find the last player, but to each their own :p

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2017
My house
I am pretty sure I have played on this map before or I am completely wrong. Needless to say it looks good! You got my vote.

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
So do any of you oldies remember Biomes? You know, that OG map that everyone loved and eventually got removed for some vague reason?
Well since most maps got a cool makeover why not Biomes? It's the only solo map with 36 players which made it quite unique.
For those who didn't play on Cube when Biomes was the only meta:

(Biomes in all its beauty.)

I don't think the islands need to be moved. Now that people only choose no projectiles mode and there's an Enderman kit people will not likely camp and probably just go to mid. Besides this map allowed players to craft Notch Apples which is something pretty rare. I wouldn't mind seeing an aesthetic makeover though. Most building were quite simple and certain chests were quite difficult to reach.

Well tell me what you think.
Yes please. Also, don’t forget that area51 eggwars map!!!
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