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Do you think the channel should be removed?


  • no, the arabic channel shouldnt be removed

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Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
This doesn't fix the problem... Arabic speaking players will just move to #international. You are simply moving the problem to a different channel. Just Like @Gainfullterror said.

That's not how that works.
People have been saying that to me in the discord too, Keep in mind that removing that channel will not automatically have them speak in international. Most of them dont know what the channel names are and so the only one they understand is arabic making them go there and motiating them to speak in arabic. It wont move them if there were no arabic channel because the arabic community exploded because of the new channel which is good but no staff to handle it quick enough which is bad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
The Problem:
People keep scamming and breaking rules in the chat and only a while after staff are able to find out but only through reports and by that time some people have already been scammed. Plus this also makes it harder for staff as translations do not always work as they do not purely speak Arabic but different forms of the language.

The Solution:
I know there are some of you there that will disagree with this but I think that the Arabic chat should be removed until a staff member is added that can speak the Arabic language as since that channel has been added the popularity of Arabic speaking players has been growing but this has been causing issues that I think should be solved by Arabic speaking staff members as all these issues may cause miscommunication.

1 - Vote on the poll whether you agree with this suggestion or not
2 - If you disagree please let me know why. I would love to see other views on this topic :)
3 - Please read through the whole suggestion and all its replies before posting to avoid confusion or double posting
4 - If you agree but think that there is something missing. LET me know in the replies :)
Isn't it possible to code a plugin that translates anything that looks like a scam. This could be sent straight to the staff.? Idk just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
First of all I want to mention that I'm not racism xD But all of us know that arabic community is a bit... toxic, I think staff should remove that chat until we have an arabic staff for that :D
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