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  • Great to hear that you're interested in becoming a staff member in Cubecraft!
    But make sure to meet the requirements first:
    -Be at least 13 years old (which you seem to be).
    -Have at least 3 months of activity here on the forums.
    -Have at least 100 messages.
    (Remember, the quantity of your messages doesn't mean anything if they're not of reasonable quality).
    You'll (only) be contacted trough a conversation on the forums by Tacosbefriends if your application has been accepted. After this, you will be given more information about the next process which is the Discord Interview.

    Don't expect your application to be accepted if you don't receive a response (within +/- 2 weeks).

    Good luck!
    It takes about 4 weeks to know if you have been accepted or not, so that statement is false.
    It take 1-3 weeks to get contacted about the interview, they just tell you to wait a bit longer just in case and to be sure.
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