Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by BigNoob

  1. B

    Java I am Lagging

    I do have 16 GB, and I use nothing while playing. Minecraft uses less than 2 GB, and it works fine every time, except if the number of players is around 1k
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    Java I am Lagging

    My ping is decent considering where I am playing from, it is just this problem that happens whenever the number of players in Cubecraft is around 1000. Any solutions?
  3. B

    Java Map suggestions for the next Java map rotation!

    You opened core memories in my mind. I really missed building a way to the diamond generator that is located on the sun in space map 😂
  4. B

    Two Secret Projects - thoughts?

    Maybe a Middle East region, this will be great 😂
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    Java Is this a bug?

    There is no fall damage with this ffa kit, is it supposed to be like that?
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    Java Some questions about the future of Java CubeCraft - REPOST

    regarding points 2 and 3. I do remember that a mod or a staff mentioned the return of the team gamemodes, as I understood it, they will return but no one knows when that will happen, maybe in a coming update or when the player count strats growing up again.
  7. B

    What do you think the “secret project”is?

    They updated the "Secret Project" page and they added a new page: Skyblock additional quests. Seems like a hint but it doesn't make sense to have two pages for one update.
  8. B

    What do you think the “secret project”is?

    All I can think about is a new game that has a potential to go viral and bring more players to the cube 🤔
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    Java Nostalgia Update

    In my opinion, upcoming updates should focus on bringing more players in addition to satisfying current players, I mean you can't have fun if your favorite game is empty or if you are playing with the same players over and over 😂
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    Java Nostalgia Update

    the server started dying since then.. at least you have a memory of the old days 😂
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    Java Nostalgia Update

    I was surfing the internet and I saw this picture I do think the server needs more updates similar to the old ones, to bring back old players and engage new ones as well. Am I having a valid point? :kermitwhat:
  12. B

    Free for All BlockWars What update are you looking forward to more?

    Is blockwars returning back to Java CubeCraft?
  13. B

    Java Inappropriate Optifine Cape

    Can I report someone if their optifine cape is inappropriate?
  14. B

    Java A rank below Stone

    What about setting the current stone rank as a wood rank, and improving the stone rank and making it unlockable for free for players when they reach lvl 25 as an example
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