Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Hi! My name is Blom! I was formerly closely connected to the CubeCraft community as Admin in CubeCraft Ranked, but currently I am contributor on the CubeCraft Book of Records!

I love making dumb and extremely long threads. A couple examples if you want to be entertained:

Bring Back series, where I force admins to think about adding back cool games:
- Barn Brawl
- Bingo
- MinerWare*** (part 2)

Top 10 series, where I spend too much time ranking something that didn't need to be ranked:
- Top 10 Best Updates
- Top 10 Worst Updates

Discussed Suggesions (either denied, planned or forwarded at some point or implemented):
- Remove one word lol - Denied (within 1 hour 45 minutes)
- Party Chat Sensoring - Denied
- Chat Reminders - Planned
- Achievement Revamp*** - Planned (though removed)
- Remove Trophies - Planned (though removed)
- Alphabetical Order /p info - Forwarded
- #CubeTip - Forwarded (removed)
- Rule 3.14 - Implemented

Lists and other stupid stuff:
- 2022 Ice Cream Lobby Hunt
- Pillars of Fortune Item Ranking
- In-Depth Analysis - Featured Games
- 1.19 Update Review
- The Big Experiment***

*** Personal favourites! :agree:

Any questions, feel free to ask me on the forums or add me on Discord, as I'm always open for a good conversation. Cheers! ♥️
March 26
MinerWare Town
Making dumb threads
Java Username




My name is anytime, but you can call me Blom! I mean... ehh... what was it again?


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