Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by corrxpted

  1. corrxpted

    Top 3

    1. Skywars 2. Eggwars 3. Battle Arena
  2. corrxpted

    All Networks Autoclicker >> Detectors

    CubeCraft should add a autoclicker detector and detects how many clicks you do in a second or calculates your CPS and if it detects you are using a autoclicker you would get a warning or ban or kick from CubeCraft just whatever the consequences are for that person using a Autoclicker
  3. corrxpted

    All Networks Direct Connect to CubeCraft

    Yeah I had no clue anyways though so that was just a suggestion that also popped in my head and plus I think that suggestion would take to long if that actually was possible anyways
  4. corrxpted

    All Networks Direct Connect to CubeCraft

    I do not know if this exists yet but having a Direct Connect to Cubecraft from the website for example on the CubeCraft website it says Connect to CubeCraft or something like that and when you click that it says would you like to play with Java or Bedrock whenever you select what ever minecraft...
  5. corrxpted

    All Networks New minigame( build rush

    Yea I think 10 should be fine
  6. corrxpted

    Artwork Builds New build

    You could probably make a youtube tutorial on how to build that cause that looks real good lol
  7. corrxpted

    All Networks New minigame( build rush

    Now this is what you call a detailed paragraph. Cubecraft does need another building game and I do agree about the hypixel bedwars and eggwars having a big difference between them.
  8. corrxpted

    Bedrock New game!!

    I'm pretty sure Java has this Feature but for Bedrock I have mixed opinions for some reason. I think having a Death Run for bedrock wouldn't really work out well since a lot of people use the Deathrun map on Java and the stream or record that stuff on YouTube and Twitch. Adding Death Run to...
  9. corrxpted

    Bedrock Skywars >> New Map

    This just popped in my head but it would be cool if there was a Desert / Temple kind of vibe map for Minecraft Bedrock. Like the normal ones but smaller. Like inside the temple would be the 2 chests or whatever could be in there and the center would be the large temple with the chests inside of...
  10. corrxpted

    All Networks Blocks do not open Eggwars Shop

    Only played Eggwars a couple times and I think I ran into this issue 1 time but the suggestion you have would probably help the players that play eggwars.
  11. corrxpted

    Skyblock Anoying to harvest sugarcane in pocket edition !

    If you think this a bug you can make a bug report so cubecraft can look at it but sometimes they will reply to your forum and give you an answer but this your decision. So if this a bug report you can do it here :) https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/how-to-create-a-bug-report.290274/
  12. corrxpted

    All Networks New minigame( build rush

    Does 32 minutes seem a bit excessive for this? I mean overall I love the idea but maybe the time can be cutdown a little bit but I really like the idea though. If this ever get's released to CubeCraft I will play this map a lot because I think I will really enjoy this one.
  13. corrxpted

    CubeCraft Book of World Records [OUTDATED]

    I actually find this very intresting... Might give an attempt, lol.
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