Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by crafterboiii

  1. crafterboiii

    🏆 CubeCraft League 🏆

    we rly need this
  2. crafterboiii

    ye hoppy's right

    ye hoppy's right
  3. crafterboiii

    🏆 CubeCraft League 🏆

    I did lmao
  4. crafterboiii

    Starting a Cubecraft league team, react with "X" if you wanna join

    I will update the thread every time someone joins
  5. crafterboiii

    Unofficial Giveaway 🚨CubeCraft Finished Giveaway

    Crafterboi64600 ty for giveaway
  6. crafterboiii

    Unofficial Giveaway Punk Bundle Giveaway!!! [Closed]

    Crafterboi64600 Bedrock only ty
  7. crafterboiii

    Bedrock Is there gonna be the seasonal leaderboards back??

    Yeah so what this guy recommended was eggwars seasonal leaderboards, back in old cubecraft, there was supposed to be a new eggwars season every 3 months and each season was supposed to have a new leaderboard. This never happened (a season is like an update)
  8. crafterboiii

    Bedrock Is there gonna be the seasonal leaderboards back??

    js sounds rich coming from u
  9. crafterboiii

    All Networks Add game statistics history

    nah I mean I wanna hear a staff voice their opinion on it
  10. crafterboiii

    All Networks Add game statistics history

    Guys we gotta get a mod on this thread
  11. crafterboiii

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    aka lionheart
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