Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by Dreamy92382

  1. Dreamy92382

    Happy Birthday, Nah I'm Mexican I needa say, Feliz Cumpleaños Capitan Gato

    Happy Birthday, Nah I'm Mexican I needa say, Feliz Cumpleaños Capitan Gato
  2. Dreamy92382

    🥚 EggWars: OG Update!

    GG Y'all We DID IT! Sadly My PC Is ded but ehh at least y'all happy while I build it lol (here 2 days after tornado btw)
  3. Dreamy92382


  4. Dreamy92382

    pc dead since November coming back in a month if not July, peace!

    pc dead since November coming back in a month if not July, peace!
  5. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Cubecraft+Crashing Minecraft=PC errors

    Well after being unbanned and well obviously playing something very expected (yes not unexpected) happened which was that Minecraft ended up crashing while on any game that's not FFA this time on bedwars and twice LOL (Only battle arena free for all doesn't crash or does rarely). but as always I...
  6. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Cubecraft Explain Your Bans...

    I got unbanned and at least as of 3 days ago anticheat hasn't been doing false bans so its good as not me neither pretty much anybody has been falsely banned I just hope anticheat fixes but well all we can do is wait and see what happens
  7. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Unfair Bans

    t this time someone was actually with me and obviously saw me get ban abused by sentinel (because a player reported me) just imagine not playing your favorite server for 30 days,coming back and just 1 day later you are banned again for other 30 days, At this point... i should just quit or sum dawg
  8. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Unfair Bans

    i got ban abused again...
  9. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Cubecraft Explain Your Bans...

    I was just unbanned yesterday in the morning after being 30 day banned when boom i get banned AGAIN unfairly but this time... FearsomeMango43 Saw All and pretty much thinks this aint fair at all look i saw that the guy i killed reported me as he said he reported me and just by reporting im...
  10. Dreamy92382

    Be Honest ♥️

    uhh playing cubecraft and doing yt videos lol
  11. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Free for All Best Players I've Won To (And Ranking Them)

    I'm not home rn lol I'll get in later in like an hour or 2 prb
  12. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Free for All Best Players I've Won To (And Ranking Them)

    oh I'm PC lol no matter what if anyone is mobile or PC theyre allowed to have fun on server
  13. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Free for All Best Players I've Won To (And Ranking Them)

    yeah but I wouldn't rank him s Tier as he loses to me sometimes and wins to me sometimes I'd say he's in my skill rate as we pretty much are the same on skills I mean a tier for sure but not s
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