Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by DrHam

  1. DrHam


  2. DrHam

    guten tag

    guten tag
  3. DrHam

    MinerWare why'd they remove minerware on java?

    https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/%F0%9F%8E%AE-the-future-of-cubecraft-java-%E2%98%95.321102/ tl;dr bad decisions during the years made them take the hard decision of removing all but 6 games
  4. DrHam

    7 years uhhhhh

    7 years uhhhhh
  5. DrHam

    🎮 The Future of CubeCraft Java ☕

    Thank you. Good luck.
  6. DrHam

    🎮 The Future of CubeCraft Java ☕

    @Story If the java network needs to be closed, after the update, what will happen to the ranks purchased on the java version? Will they get transferred, or just removed?
  7. DrHam

    🎮 The Future of CubeCraft Java ☕

    All times
  8. DrHam

    🎮 The Future of CubeCraft Java ☕

    Would be pointless. All of them use their very own libraries. Just the effort to remove the dependencies makes it not worth it for them
  9. DrHam

    🎮 The Future of CubeCraft Java ☕

    lmao called it - 2 months ago.
  10. DrHam

    Hi can you give ‘network ban’ range?

    Hi can you give ‘network ban’ range?
  11. DrHam

    Kinda sad seeing many “old” members and og staff leave. But hey, that’s life. Hope all new...

    Kinda sad seeing many “old” members and og staff leave. But hey, that’s life. Hope all new members have the same fun I used to have here :)
  12. DrHam


  13. DrHam

    Java Kill the java network

    I’m back with yet another controversial suggestion. Hope I don’t get forum banned this time. Title, basically. The java network is dying, it barely reaches 1000 players throughout the day (today, a saturday of july, when almost all the playerbase is on holidays) while the bedrock one averages...
  14. DrHam

    🎮 New Game Framework!

    So Kingdom Wars when
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