Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by Dualninja

  1. Dualninja

    Winter Event! - Snowman Survival, Quests, Maps, Bundles & More!

    I guess Present Rush isn't going to return for a while, so the leaderboards will just be frozen in time for a few years.
  2. Dualninja

    Sorry I didn't check this until now, thanks everyone for the wishes. As you can all tell I've...

    Sorry I didn't check this until now, thanks everyone for the wishes. As you can all tell I've been busy lately, mostly between school and personal matters. I've not fully quit, but I do have exams coming up so don't expect me to be very present.
  3. Dualninja

    🎃 Halloween 2024 - Lobby Quests, Ender, Maps & More!

    Was Ender completely rewritten from the ground up? Or was it only partially rewritten when it was migrated to the new game framework? Because it doesn't feel like it's old buggy self, well done on Ender!
  4. Dualninja

    All Networks 💡| Suggestion Implementation - Community Talks

    I remember back in the Cubecraft Renaissance of 2020, there were several community talks, but also community betas. Which I think are an equally important system, some examples were Beta Eggwars, which the community despised so much that the updates were scrapped. Which I think Beta Eggwars...
  5. Dualninja

    Bedrock Bedrock Map Rotations

    Although map rotations are an amazing idea for Java, they wouldn't work for Bedrock. Map rotations work on Java because they allow for a greater variety of maps even with Java's small player count. Bedrock doesn't need map rotations, as almost all maps fill their lobbies due to Bedrock's large...
  6. Dualninja

    Artwork Community made texture pack!!

    I've made a new mace texture that isn't as stubby, it looks way better as the Cubecraft logo is larger, but it does come at the downside that the texture is overall larger in game, as it uses the full 16x16 pixels, instead of just stopping at 15x15. Here's what it looks like in 64x:
  7. Dualninja

    what the FLIP is java

    It's Quakecraft, which is a Minecraft minigame which is older than the average Cubecraft player, and Quakecraft itself is based off of the game Quake, which is older again. I can't really explain it, just look up Quakecraft on Youtube. Edit: Quakecraft was so influential that the max FOV on...
  8. Dualninja

    Artwork Community made texture pack!!

    I bring you the Cube-Mace, also yes it took me about 20 tries to make a 16-bit hexagon rotated 45 degrees. Finally, my mediocre pixel art skills can be used! Edit: I made a bigger version so people can see it better. Also yes they are hexagons like the Cubecraft logo, it's just that hexagons...
  9. Dualninja

    what the FLIP is java

    People vote for rocket PvP on Bedrock, just only in PC lobbies because it's only good on keyboard and mouse.
  10. Dualninja

    Bedrock Drag Clicking / Double Clicking need to be banned

    My mouse is fully able to drag click, but I never lowered my denounce cus I'm not a Gobsheen.
  11. Dualninja

    I think I live on the moon

    That's no Moon! The Moon would get 3000 ping at worst!
  12. Dualninja

    Bedrock New Skyblock Island 10th Edition - Overworld: Lush Island 🐴

    If horses were added I'd hope that all the variants of horse armour would be added with them, I'd say it would be easiest to just add iron, gold and diamond horse armour to the shop. Leather armour is craftable anyway, so it wouldn't have to be added.
  13. Dualninja

    English homework from China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!😢

    There's actually a few grammatical errors in the textbook, like how they often begin a sentence with "And" which isn't exactly correct. There's also many run-on sentences, which is when a sentence is too short. For example, if I were to say "I like apples a lot. Apples are great." It would be...
  14. Dualninja

    Java Bedrock I feel like I'm getting to old for cube craft game

    You're never too old for Cubecraft! Trust me there are older players out there, they just mostly play Java. Although it is true that many older players have quit over the years, like Salty, Youn or Story.
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