Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by ffroztbite

  1. ffroztbite

    Whats the best duo skywars map?

    Whats the best duo skywars map?
  2. ffroztbite


  3. ffroztbite

    aww thanks Hoshi! 💜

    aww thanks Hoshi! 💜
  4. ffroztbite

    Thank you!! 💛

    Thank you!! 💛
  5. ffroztbite

    Thank you! I had a very "ya-hoh' day indeed!!! 🎈

    Thank you! I had a very "ya-hoh' day indeed!!! 🎈
  6. ffroztbite

    thank youuuuu!!! :heart:

    thank youuuuu!!! :heart:
  7. ffroztbite

    Thanks man!

    Thanks man!
  8. ffroztbite

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!
  9. ffroztbite

    thank youuuu!!

    thank youuuu!!
  10. ffroztbite

    I just signed back into my account cuz I had to wipe everything due to my computer was being...

    I just signed back into my account cuz I had to wipe everything due to my computer was being slow and saw this. Made my day, thank you guys so much! I currently am living with my bf, known to the comm as Fluffy. We went to the beach for my birthday it was amazing! Thank you guys for the sweet...
  11. ffroztbite


  12. ffroztbite

    CubeCraft Bedrock is Now 6! 🎉

    Love the sky solo map, very fun to play! :))
  13. ffroztbite

    Video Interview With Twitch Partner Frostbite (Ffroztbite) On Cubecraft

    thanks!! Thank you for the interview I loved it very much! ❄️
  14. ffroztbite

    Artwork Pillars Of Fortune be like..

    Very nice render, love the details in all the players! Also I spot meeee :starenoot:
  15. ffroztbite

    Bedrock New voting mode idea

    First off, love the packs and shaders in the ss. Anyway I think that would be cool to add, really embrace the 1.16 update by having a whole vote selection for it. Maybe even when the mace gets released (as its still under testing) the new vote selection could have both all netherite and the mace!
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