Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by HackersDontWin

  1. HackersDontWin

    Heyo! A couple of months late but thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I haven't been on the...

    Heyo! A couple of months late but thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I haven't been on the forums in forever 😅
  2. HackersDontWin

    @UncleSpect I'm not quite ready for that yet xD

    @UncleSpect I'm not quite ready for that yet xD
  3. HackersDontWin

    I am indeed! :D

    I am indeed! :D
  4. HackersDontWin


  5. HackersDontWin

    The neighbour who lives next to your neighbour who lives next to their neighbour who then lives...

    The neighbour who lives next to your neighbour who lives next to their neighbour who then lives next to their neighbour is doing great! :D
  6. HackersDontWin

    Java Lets see by how much the Cube player count will go down.

    Yesterday was Sunday while today is Monday, that's the difference and it's a normal difference that's always happened as more people play on weekends. You can start to compare the playercounts once you have a full week of data, but I sugges comparing it after a month has gone by :)
  7. HackersDontWin

    🎮 The Future of CubeCraft Java ☕

    I'm very glad to see that CubeCraft is trying to take steps into the right direction! With MCCIsland being released a week ago and already beating Cube's numbers in a closed beta, I hope CubeCraft can take some inspiration from them as well (resourcepack-wise!) and release some amazing content...
  8. HackersDontWin

    Redstone Video Probably the most fun kill I've had with EggWars S1

    Happened on stream! Gonna be streaming tomorrow some more of the EggWars S1 update and testing out more machines! https://clips.twitch.tv/TallFaintTaroThisIsSparta-97GjP-Abml_Mcb7f
  9. HackersDontWin

    Want a chance at winning a Cube giveaway? Come join stream! [MEDIA]

    Want a chance at winning a Cube giveaway? Come join stream!
  10. HackersDontWin

    I'm now live on Twitch! You're welcome to join us on Cube! https://twitch.tv/HackersDontWin :D

    I'm now live on Twitch! You're welcome to join us on Cube! https://twitch.tv/HackersDontWin :D
  11. HackersDontWin

    Thanks noob! :D

    Thanks noob! :D
  12. HackersDontWin

    Gracias MrNatsu! :D

    Gracias MrNatsu! :D
  13. HackersDontWin

    People won't be able to smell it though since your smeel outsmells my smelling!

    People won't be able to smell it though since your smeel outsmells my smelling!
  14. HackersDontWin

    Muchas gracias señoh! :D

    Muchas gracias señoh! :D
  15. HackersDontWin

    Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes! :D <3

    Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes! :D <3
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