Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by jamesthesignificant

  1. jamesthesignificant

    I can do Hey Bulldog and Cry Baby Cry by the Beatles and loads of kiddy songs from my club

    I can do Hey Bulldog and Cry Baby Cry by the Beatles and loads of kiddy songs from my club
  2. jamesthesignificant

    [ATTACH] for the record, it is actually -13 😎😎😎

    for the record, it is actually -13 😎😎😎
  3. jamesthesignificant

    Welcome to the forums dude! If you need any help then DM me or one of our awesome staff members...

    Welcome to the forums dude! If you need any help then DM me or one of our awesome staff members! You are cool for joining 😎
  4. jamesthesignificant

    Bedrock Beta Games Is bedwars good?

    I personally enjoy Bedrock, however I feel it's taking players away from Eggwars. The game can be too chaotic at times, and it is easy to camp, but it is by no means a bad game
  5. jamesthesignificant

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#12) - March: 2 Beta Games Subscriptions 🏗️ [OPEN]

    Hello! Thanks for the giveaway! I really appreciate it I'm @Jamezels over on bedrock. Good look to everyone!
  6. jamesthesignificant

    Daily Question 43. What is the worst possible day to have a birthday?

    Daily Question 43. What is the worst possible day to have a birthday?
  7. jamesthesignificant

    It would!

    It would!
  8. jamesthesignificant


  9. jamesthesignificant

    My dream is to get the Epic Dragon bundle which I can't currently get. Will try and get it in...

    My dream is to get the Epic Dragon bundle which I can't currently get. Will try and get it in the future
  10. jamesthesignificant

    Daily Question 42: What is your favourite Beta Game?

    Daily Question 42: What is your favourite Beta Game?
  11. jamesthesignificant

    If you want to reply to my post below, click the 'Comment' button at the bottom right instead of...

    If you want to reply to my post below, click the 'Comment' button at the bottom right instead of doing it on my profile, please! Thanks
  12. jamesthesignificant

    Daily Question 41: What's the funniest prank you've ever had done to you/done?

    Daily Question 41: What's the funniest prank you've ever had done to you/done?
  13. jamesthesignificant

    Sorry for stalking you in Pillars of Fortune

    Sorry for stalking you in Pillars of Fortune
  14. jamesthesignificant

    Recently spotted you in a lobby!

    Recently spotted you in a lobby!
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