Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by jay!

  1. jay!

    im me

    welcome!! hope you’re well :heart:
  2. jay!

    How long have you played Minecraft for?

    around 2k bedrock (80d) , another 2k java = hovering around the 4k mark :) awesome thread idea!!
  3. jay!

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#12) - March: 2 Beta Games Subscriptions 🏗️ [OPEN]

    good luck everybody!!!! awesome giveaway :heart:
  4. jay!

    Bedrock Tournament question

    it’s likely there will be, mostly because it’ll become stagnant and boring to be doing eggwars over and over. Hopefully the team releases more information about this soon so we can answer the question properly :heart:
  5. jay!

    CubeCraft Games Marketplace Stats

    206 in 2023 😯 awesome stats btw this is super interesting to see
  6. jay!


  7. jay!

    Java 🆒 Lobby Suffixes

    Same here I wasn’t aware, an amazing idea though and should be implemented!
  8. jay!

    The Unofficial Cubecraft Welcome Committee | Sign-Ups!

    Amazing idea!! User: Jay! Time: since Jan 13th, 2023 (2+ years!)
  9. jay!

    Bedrock Survival Games

    Mostly agree here, unsure about block breaking though
  10. jay!

    Unofficial Giveaway [FINISHED] CCG (#5) - Bedrock GIVEAWAY-

    Good luck everybody!! Happy 100k 🎉🎉
  11. jay!

    happy birthday! 🎉🎉

    happy birthday! 🎉🎉
  12. jay!

    Excited for CC League? if anyone has any spots on their EU team let me know 🤞

    Excited for CC League? if anyone has any spots on their EU team let me know 🤞
  13. jay!

    🏆 CubeCraft League 🏆

    This sounds awesome!!
  14. jay!

    happy birthday!!

    happy birthday!!
  15. jay!

    They’re so cute!!

    They’re so cute!!
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