JingleWarz Mar 2, 2018 From now on, I'm gonna stick to solo rounds of eggwars etc. rather than play team, because I find them pretty nerve-racking to play.
From now on, I'm gonna stick to solo rounds of eggwars etc. rather than play team, because I find them pretty nerve-racking to play.
JingleWarz Feb 25, 2018 Created my first guide for eggwars: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/speed-eggwars-guide.204853/
JingleWarz Feb 23, 2018 Hey, where`d the staff go to? https://gyazo.com/6d1dd768b969ac4cdaca28d7a06c6dfc
JingleWarz Feb 22, 2018 That moment when you were in English voice chat for an a hour and no-one joins. :(
JingleWarz Feb 14, 2018 https://gyazo.com/2affb95ba2fc46dc0bf4b0e3240753a8 ;) (666 likes and 666 messages.)