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Recent content by Jstt

  1. Jstt

    hi, remember me?

    hi, remember me?
  2. Jstt


  3. Jstt


  4. Jstt

    Thanks ^_^

    Thanks ^_^
  5. Jstt

    Hey, if you scroll down this link there should be my entry with the details...

    Hey, if you scroll down this link there should be my entry with the details: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-tower-design-contest.113397/page-5
  6. Jstt

    [Minigame idea] Garden Fight (BW gamemode!)

    Kinda.. thanks though c:
  7. Jstt

    [Minigame idea] Garden Fight (BW gamemode!)

    Neh, because they explained why it wasn't added. Still sucks though. Hey! Atleast I got completely free diamond :3 (The one who created the competition should've been the one to add it but because that admin left, it wasn't added)
  8. Jstt

    [Minigame idea] Garden Fight (BW gamemode!)

    I know what you mean. Remember the TD Tower competition? I won that and the tower was never added :c
  9. Jstt

    [Minigame idea] Garden Fight (BW gamemode!)

    ooh but I dont remember. It was 2 years ago xD
  10. Jstt

    [Minigame idea] Garden Fight (BW gamemode!)

    Randomly came back to see if anything happened. Did not expect an old post of mine to be necro'd so recently O-O Thanks for liking this old idea of mine! Also what YT link do you mean? xD
  11. Jstt

    Tower Defence - All current issues and one little suggestion.

    Oh sorry. I didn't realize the date... I assumed it was relevant since it was so high-up on the page, but I guess the forums are kinda dead on those smaller games :/ and your welcome :)
  12. Jstt

    All Networks Kit ideas for: Eggwars, TD and more!

    Heya guys, just a lot of ideas! Title says it all! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  13. Jstt

    Tower Defence - All current issues and one little suggestion.

    I'm still sad it isn't in the game, but hey! I did get free diamond from it :p But the reason why it hasn't been added yet is because Macreddin organized the competition. He was responsible for the reward getting added. Since he's no more. Tiki will probs not be added :/
  14. Jstt

    Story Time - Old Block Wars

    I did play a lot, but I cannot say that I was in that group.. Really. I was so annoyed with the Chunk gone. For me it was the best server there was xD People I played a lot with: Olverdragon, Yoshterra, Juleh (dragonchick), Snodia, Daniel, NinetyEight, Saturn. Maybe you know some of them? cx
  15. Jstt

    Story Time - Old Block Wars

    I miss the good old days ;-; Learn your past! TD wasn't an original Chunk game. TD came from another server that had to shut down!
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