Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by lentjuhhh_

  1. lentjuhhh_

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#12) - March: 2 Beta Games Subscriptions 🏗️ [CLOSED]

    thx for giveawayy ! IGN lentjuhhh DC lentjuhhh goodluck every1
  2. lentjuhhh_

    I found a Mod, QA, and Helper rank all in the same lobby!

    wait?! they are not??
  3. lentjuhhh_


  4. lentjuhhh_

    I found a Mod, QA, and Helper rank all in the same lobby!

    yes, CCL is the perfect time to snipe staff. 12/44 screenies btw.
  5. lentjuhhh_

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#12) - March: 2 Beta Games Subscriptions 🏗️ [CLOSED]

    TYSMM for hostinggg ign:lentjuhhh dc:lentjuhhh goodluck every1
  6. lentjuhhh_

    happy birthday cap (sorry that im late)

    happy birthday cap (sorry that im late)
  7. lentjuhhh_

    Unofficial Giveaway [FINISHED] CCG (#5) - Bedrock GIVEAWAY-

    Ty hamood, ur the goat lol. ign and dc name are lentjuhhh goodluck every1
  8. lentjuhhh_

    Bedrock Survival Games

    I agree with most of these. Being able to break blocks could be annoying tho, bc people would dig down and camp.
  9. lentjuhhh_

    What Minecraft wood is your favourite (weekly poll)

    i love spruce, it just looks so clean and i use it to build alot.
  10. lentjuhhh_

    Unofficial Giveaway 🚨CubeCraft Finished Giveaway

    hellooooo Xyverrrrr ty for hostinggggg ign lentjuhhh gl every1
  11. lentjuhhh_


  12. lentjuhhh_

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#11) - February: Clickbait Bundle 🖥️ [CLOSED]

    ty for hostinggg !!! ign lentjuhhh dc lentjuhhh GOODLUCK YALL
  13. lentjuhhh_

    Unofficial Giveaway [FINISHED] CCG (#4) -Giveaway-

    IGN lentjuhhh DC lentjuhhh lighting kill effect ty hamoodddd
  14. lentjuhhh_

    Bedrock dubai chocolate bar

    we need it
  15. lentjuhhh_

    Bedrock dubai chocolate bar

    Hello great players and staff of cubecraft Today i will bring the best idea for a Buy 'N' Build theme. : Dubai Chocolate Bar. Why should this be added? Its tasty, its pretty and its full of perfection. I feel like Buy 'N' Build would get more players. Ty for reading this thread. -lentjuhhh...
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