Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by pitzj

  1. pitzj

    Bedrock Tank "Upgrade"...

  2. pitzj

    🎏 Giga BlockWars - 50v50 & Other tweaks!

    a blockwars bridges game is 5 minutes long
  3. pitzj

    🎏 Giga BlockWars - 50v50 & Other tweaks!

    I didn’t I joined a game before it even started
  4. pitzj

    🎏 Giga BlockWars - 50v50 & Other tweaks!

    salty i tested a game of blockwars bridges for 5 minutes, it only gave me 58xp
  5. pitzj

    🎏 Giga BlockWars - 50v50 & Other tweaks!

    why is it only blockwars that hets experience based on the time spent in the game. Can’t this just be a thing for every game mode on cubecraft just to balance the experience level.
  6. pitzj


    Pog! You did all the carry!
  7. pitzj

    🍦 5 Weeks of Summer Part 3!

    Wow amazing update! Love the bridges map 😍 Good job staff
  8. pitzj

    Bedrock Add 2v2 bridge

    no point, there are other duos games to play. so if u dont got more than 4 slots for a party, then just play squads or something that isnt related to bigger team modes. and it doesn’t make a life change if you have one person on the team that is a stranger to you. the person is still a teammate...
  9. pitzj

    Bedrock Eggwars VIP/Chaos

    They only had teams for skywars chaos when it was free week. Basically what i mean with free week is that they used to add like a full week where people without VIP level 1 can play skywars chaos for a full week. (But during that free week they changed it to 12 people = 3 people on each team).
  10. pitzj

    Bedrock Eggwars VIP/Chaos

    Hi! And i am iiLxwey, and i am here to uhm talk about a gamemode that is very dead that can be replaced with a more active gamemode considering more people have that rank Ok so you guys might know about Skywars Chaos. It is basically the #1 most dead game on cubecraft and it have barely gained...
  11. pitzj

    Bedrock Competitive Parkour Map Sleection

    Map selection for competitive parkour is very unfair! People with rank can just choose a map every single time because the maps are always available and will never go offline so they can just do a map that takes only 18 seconds to win. They should really make it so the maps go offline and online...
  12. pitzj

    Bedrock Spawning infront of the portal in parkour

    Hi! I just wanted to suggest you cubecraft staff to add that whenever you win/lose/leave, you will spawn right infront of the portal after a competitive parkour game. Reason for this is because it takes time to get yourself all the way to the portal just to start a new game, and in duels you...
  13. pitzj

    🌳 1.12 Map Update!

    It all looks amazing with the maps….. but did anyone realize there are two new games coming in 2 days?? 👀
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