Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Hi, my name is Quis!
But most of you people already know me. But if not, welcome on my about page.

I started playing on Cubecraft in 2014. I’ve stopped playing for a long while in 2016 and came back early 2020. Funny how much can change in 4 years.

Also, early 2020 I joined the forums and the Discord server and became pretty active. Time flew by and I decided to apply for the Helper staff position and actually made it. I learned so much and had a lot of fun with my best friend on cube @Lozora. Unfortunately I did not make it to moderator and got demoted.

So that about my Cubecraft history. What am I doing here?
To be honest, I’m not here to play the amazing minigames, but mostly because of the kind and caring community. There are always new friends to make and you’re always able to have a little chat in the lobby’s.
Therefore my favourite places on Cubecraft are the forums, discord server, Cubecraft socials, lobby 1 on Java and Skywars solo. :)

When I’m online, I’m most likely playing with my girlfriend @FleurSchx. We actually met on Minecraft, so if you’re interested in that story, make sure to dm me!

If you’re interested in who I am and what things I like, make sure to check out my introduction: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/reintroduction-quis.272426/

Discord: Quis#0999
Java: Quiss
Bedrock: Quiss6631

If you have any questions, feel free to start a conversation or send me a message on Discord!


Jan 20, 2003 (Age: 22)
The Netherlands




Bla bla bla boring boring boring


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