Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by TheZigbot9000

  1. TheZigbot9000

    I check in from time to time. Just to see how things are going :)

    I check in from time to time. Just to see how things are going :)
  2. TheZigbot9000

    Awww you guys remembered. Thanks 😊

    Awww you guys remembered. Thanks 😊
  3. TheZigbot9000

    _The13thDoctor_'s Introduction

    Nice intro. Glad you’re a helper now. Be better than me ya hear 😉
  4. TheZigbot9000

    Dee! How have you been :)

    Dee! How have you been :)
  5. TheZigbot9000

    EPIC Tower Defence Update! 🏰

    Finally! I’ve been waiting for this day. Glad to see it’s finally here. Nice work guys 👍🏾
  6. TheZigbot9000

    EggWars Mega Released on Bedrock & Faster Chunk Loading! 🤯🥚

    Always happy to see Eggwars game modes reach out to bedrock. Nice Job giving bedrock some love 👍🏾
  7. TheZigbot9000

    TD Full Guide - How to Play

    Looks Great man! Thanks for including my little memoirs about the Mobs. I appreciate it! 👍🏾
  8. TheZigbot9000

    Decided to come back for my Bday. Nice to see you all again. Still hard at schoolwork but just...

    Decided to come back for my Bday. Nice to see you all again. Still hard at schoolwork but just wanted to let you guys know I haven't forgotten about you guys <3
  9. TheZigbot9000

    On Hiatus... Catch ya on the flip side 👋

    On Hiatus... Catch ya on the flip side 👋
  10. TheZigbot9000

    Goodbye For Now... Sorry

    Hi Guys. Ziggy here with some rather disappointing news Yes I left the staff team. Things have been very busy for me lately and I didn't have enough as much time to contribute to Cubecraft as I wanted to. Work hours have picked up out of nowhere for me and now i'm behind on my schoolwork and...
  11. TheZigbot9000

    Jerks on Eggwars - Please help

    Thread hasn't been inactive for 3 weeks just yet but since said dilemma has been resolved with the post of this message I'm locking the thread. ~Locked
  12. TheZigbot9000

    Tower Defence Almanac - Tower Information

    Tbh i'm unhappy with this whole guide. There's false info in this guide simply because the game has given me false info. I would edit it and work on it but some of the towers don't work as intended. I can't really guarantee 100% accurate information until Tower Defense gets an update. As of now...
  13. TheZigbot9000

    Online School is killing me and i don't even have that much to do. Can anyone please give me a...

    Online School is killing me and i don't even have that much to do. Can anyone please give me a little bit of advice with re-structuring my life so i can get back on track? I'm actually struggling here xD
  14. TheZigbot9000

    Marieeee!!!!! :P

    Marieeee!!!!! :P
  15. TheZigbot9000


    With the addition of the emerald gens being on every map, I’d be more comfortable if the price of it was 2 or 3 emeralds instead of diamonds. A water bucket is nice but it shouldn’t be something you can just buy with a few diamonds.
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