Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by YoungPablo

  1. YoungPablo


  2. YoungPablo

    Amazing Map Update!

    Great update, love to see new SG Maps !!
  3. YoungPablo

    After a long week,it feels good be here back!!

    After a long week,it feels good be here back!!
  4. YoungPablo

    Web All cubecraft sites into one

    I don’t really see the point of changing this and make it into just one, my most obvious reason to give you a explanation on why they have it like that, would be because it makes the moderators jobs faster in order to “ban” people, and you can use the same email that you’ve used on the forums in...
  5. YoungPablo


  6. YoungPablo

    You're able to report them here https://reports.cubecraft.net/ to help the server stay clean of...

    You're able to report them here https://reports.cubecraft.net/ to help the server stay clean of cheaters!!
  7. YoungPablo


  8. YoungPablo

    Thanks for the follow! :)

    Thanks for the follow! :)
  9. YoungPablo

    Java New Eggwars kit Idea

    I don't think this is a good idea to be honest it's just going to make the game faster on my opinion, but it could be a perfect kit for speed eggwars sadly is not on CubeCraft no more.
  10. YoungPablo

    Thanks for the follow! you can have one back :)

    Thanks for the follow! you can have one back :)
  11. YoungPablo

    Java /report when the player isnt in the game anymore.

    You're right, they should add global reports back again, but I guess there's a reason or answer on why they don't have yet.
  12. YoungPablo

    and we may not have a prom that's the saddest thing :(

    and we may not have a prom that's the saddest thing :(
  13. YoungPablo

    Who else feels that teachers are giving to much work during the quarantine ! :/

    Who else feels that teachers are giving to much work during the quarantine ! :/
  14. YoungPablo

    Who else thinks that Survival Games should be again a main gamemode?

    Same here, It was also one of my favorite games without any doubt, must be nice seeing this in the future staying, but at the moment we are only able to vote for future games during a matter of time so don’t forget to vote here https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/vote-for-the-featured-game.220504/...
  15. YoungPablo

    Mis-Description for Archer Tower

    You should report this here https://reports.cubecraft.net/bug_report it's not a bug but I guess is much easier for developers or admins to see it.
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