Currently, the stats page works as intended. It shows the current players on each part of the network as well as a graph showing the change in players over the past 24 hours - but that's it, and honestly it's just bland. In my opinion, there should definitely be some kind of refresh/revamp to add new features, make the current features better as well as integrating older/existing features from other parts of the site.
Personal Stats
This has been discussed before, but I thought it was worth bringing it up again. I think it would be nice to see at least your own stats on the website (things like wins, losses, etc in all gamemodes). Is this strictly necessary? No, but it's definitely a nice to have and adds a few nice things, like bragging rights and a much easier way to see stats (much less clunky than in game).
Other user's stats
Since cube is a multiplayer server, it wouldn't make too much sense if you could only see your own stats. Now, this option will obviously be toggleable to multiple degrees such as public, friends only and private (set to friends only or private by default) so that people can have at least some privacy and prevent people from doing things like mocking and bullying them. This would allow for the easy comparison of stats, enable people to share stats more easily, (for some people) let them brag more easily and enable better verification and comparison for things like the world records thread.
Used to be a feature, everyone likes them but at the moment they're just poorly done (especially on Bedrock). It would be a lot nicer to have the leaderboard site come back on the website (like it used to be for a short period of time) but updating regularly rather than randomly and inconsistently, as well as more leaderboards for things like other stats such as kills, games played etc.
More accurate player stats
These are just small things, but I think they would add slightly more to the site especially for it's current features.
- Number of players on each game
- Current featured game
- General player trend (past week/month/year/years)
- Sentinel bans
- Peak daily/weekly/monthly players
These are small things but I feel like they would just make it nicer and be a small QOL addition, rather than just shoving everything on 1 part of the network that isn't very convenient compared to a website.
Just some changes and improvement for the stats website, addition of player stats, reintroduction of the leaderboard site etc. Would appreciate any feedback below :)
No I'm not adding a poll, don't ask me.
Personal Stats
This has been discussed before, but I thought it was worth bringing it up again. I think it would be nice to see at least your own stats on the website (things like wins, losses, etc in all gamemodes). Is this strictly necessary? No, but it's definitely a nice to have and adds a few nice things, like bragging rights and a much easier way to see stats (much less clunky than in game).
Other user's stats
Since cube is a multiplayer server, it wouldn't make too much sense if you could only see your own stats. Now, this option will obviously be toggleable to multiple degrees such as public, friends only and private (set to friends only or private by default) so that people can have at least some privacy and prevent people from doing things like mocking and bullying them. This would allow for the easy comparison of stats, enable people to share stats more easily, (for some people) let them brag more easily and enable better verification and comparison for things like the world records thread.
Used to be a feature, everyone likes them but at the moment they're just poorly done (especially on Bedrock). It would be a lot nicer to have the leaderboard site come back on the website (like it used to be for a short period of time) but updating regularly rather than randomly and inconsistently, as well as more leaderboards for things like other stats such as kills, games played etc.
More accurate player stats
These are just small things, but I think they would add slightly more to the site especially for it's current features.
- Number of players on each game
- Current featured game
- General player trend (past week/month/year/years)
- Sentinel bans
- Peak daily/weekly/monthly players
These are small things but I feel like they would just make it nicer and be a small QOL addition, rather than just shoving everything on 1 part of the network that isn't very convenient compared to a website.
Just some changes and improvement for the stats website, addition of player stats, reintroduction of the leaderboard site etc. Would appreciate any feedback below :)
No I'm not adding a poll, don't ask me.