Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Feb 15, 2021
Since cubecraft team is working on Achievements & Challenges for bedrock I thought Lobby Titles could be implemented as rewards for wins or kills achievements because @Story said that they will still look at implementing lobby titles as a separate loot type in the future, so here I leave some ideas of Lobby Titles that could be obtained when completing achievements of the different games and subgames (solo, duos, quads, mega, etc):

The Egg Destroyer
The Egg Rusher
The Generator Upgrader
The Lover of Eliminations
The Emerald Man
The Bridge Builder
The Camper
The Middle Protector
I'll Make You An Omelette
This Is My Egg
I'm Scrambled
Eggcellent Game
I'm Terri-fried!
I Want An Eggspresso!

The King of Heaven
The Rusher
The Creator of Chaos
The Bomb
I Like Refills
The Sky's The Limit
Falling Into The Void
I Can Fly!

💨Parkour & Competitive Parkour
The Professional Runner
The Fastest
The Medal Winner
The Runner
The First Place
I Won A Medal
Time Trial
Easy Peasy!

🍀Lucky Islands
The Slime Tamer (because of the Slime Wand)
The Path Maker (because of the Frost Path Wand)
The Lifeguard (because of the Shield Wand)
The Zombie Killer
The Superstitious
The Blessed
The Fortunate
Fingers Crossed
Black Cat
Bad Luck
I'm Lucky
Good Luck!
Break A Leg!

🚩BlockWars CTF / Bridges
The Flag Carrier
The Stealthy
The Defender
The Pit Capturer
The Bridge Jumper
Red & Blue
Building With Logs
Nice Powerups!

The Warrior
The Sniper
The Beast
The Wizard
The Samurai
The Berserker
The Murderer
The Cleaner
The Assistent

The Escapist
The Persecutor
The Uncrowned King
The Lava User

The Colorful
I Love Pushing
I Dominate This Game
Choose A Color!

☁️Survival Games
The Looter
The Slayer
The 20 Second Killer
Flawless Victory
No Mercy!

Remember that the lobby titles would be above your head and everyone could see it, not like the prefixes that are only seen if you write in the chat

If you agree to see any of these Lobby Titles in the future, react with :agree:
And if you have any other ideas, don't hesitate to comment!


Forum Expert
Jan 28, 2021
CubeCraft, Blockwars Bridges
Since cubecraft team is working on Achievements & Challenges for bedrock I thought Lobby Titles could be implemented as rewards for wins or kills achievements because @Story said that they will still look at implementing lobby titles as a separate loot type in the future, so here I leave some ideas of Lobby Titles that could be obtained when completing achievements of the different games and subgames (solo, duos, quads, mega, etc):

The Egg Destroyer
The Egg Rusher
The Generator Upgrader
The Lover of Eliminations
The Emerald Man
The Bridge Builder
The Camper
The Middle Protector
I'll Make You An Omelette
This Is My Egg
I'm Scrambled
Eggcellent Game
I'm Terri-fried!
I Want An Eggspresso!

The King of Heaven
The Rusher
The Creator of Chaos
The Bomb
I Like Refills
The Sky's The Limit
Falling Into The Void
I Can Fly!

💨Parkour & Competitive Parkour
The Professional Runner
The Fastest
The Medal Winner
The Runner
The First Place
I Won A Medal
Time Trial
Easy Peasy!

🍀Lucky Islands
The Slime Tamer (because of the Slime Wand)
The Path Maker (because of the Frost Path Wand)
The Lifeguard (because of the Shield Wand)
The Zombie Killer
The Superstitious
The Blessed
The Fortunate
Fingers Crossed
Black Cat
Bad Luck
I'm Lucky
Good Luck!
Break A Leg!

🚩BlockWars CTF / Bridges
The Flag Carrier
The Stealthy
The Defender
The Pit Capturer
The Bridge Jumper
Red & Blue
Building With Logs
Nice Powerups!

The Warrior
The Sniper
The Beast
The Wizard
The Samurai
The Berserker
The Murderer
The Cleaner
The Assistent

The Escapist
The Persecutor
The Uncrowned King
The Lava User

The Colorful
I Love Pushing
I Dominate This Game
Choose A Color!

☁️Survival Games
The Looter
The Slayer
The 20 Second Killer
Flawless Victory
No Mercy!

Remember that the lobby titles would be above your head and everyone could see it, not like the prefixes that are only seen if you write in the chat

If you agree to see any of these Lobby Titles in the future, react with :agree:
And if you have any other ideas, don't hesitate to comment!
I’d love these in game, I really would but as @Herbubulle mentioned, it wouldn’t be worth it if it causes lag. If it didn’t cause lag, then sure!
I’d honestly love to be called the King of Heaven, The Persecutor, The Uncrowned King or the Murderer

R9 Slain

Novice Member
Nov 10, 2020
Since cubecraft team is working on Achievements & Challenges for bedrock I thought Lobby Titles could be implemented as rewards for wins or kills achievements because @Story said that they will still look at implementing lobby titles as a separate loot type in the future, so here I leave some ideas of Lobby Titles that could be obtained when completing achievements of the different games and subgames (solo, duos, quads, mega, etc):

The Egg Destroyer
The Egg Rusher
The Generator Upgrader
The Lover of Eliminations
The Emerald Man
The Bridge Builder
The Camper
The Middle Protector
I'll Make You An Omelette
This Is My Egg
I'm Scrambled
Eggcellent Game
I'm Terri-fried!
I Want An Eggspresso!

The King of Heaven
The Rusher
The Creator of Chaos
The Bomb
I Like Refills
The Sky's The Limit
Falling Into The Void
I Can Fly!

💨Parkour & Competitive Parkour
The Professional Runner
The Fastest
The Medal Winner
The Runner
The First Place
I Won A Medal
Time Trial
Easy Peasy!

🍀Lucky Islands
The Slime Tamer (because of the Slime Wand)
The Path Maker (because of the Frost Path Wand)
The Lifeguard (because of the Shield Wand)
The Zombie Killer
The Superstitious
The Blessed
The Fortunate
Fingers Crossed
Black Cat
Bad Luck
I'm Lucky
Good Luck!
Break A Leg!

🚩BlockWars CTF / Bridges
The Flag Carrier
The Stealthy
The Defender
The Pit Capturer
The Bridge Jumper
Red & Blue
Building With Logs
Nice Powerups!

The Warrior
The Sniper
The Beast
The Wizard
The Samurai
The Berserker
The Murderer
The Cleaner
The Assistent

The Escapist
The Persecutor
The Uncrowned King
The Lava User

The Colorful
I Love Pushing
I Dominate This Game
Choose A Color!

☁️Survival Games
The Looter
The Slayer
The 20 Second Killer
Flawless Victory
No Mercy!

Remember that the lobby titles would be above your head and everyone could see it, not like the prefixes that are only seen if you write in the chat

If you agree to see any of these Lobby Titles in the future, react with :agree:
And if you have any other ideas, don't hesitate to comment!
Cubecraft sucks at adding custom name tags and my PC already runs poorly with a lot of players in my view.

Especially since the way u described the ranks sounds a lot like how Galaxite does it and unoriginal

R9 Slain

Novice Member
Nov 10, 2020
You probably don't play on a Nintendo Switch...
I think Hive and galaxite add an additional nametag via Bedrock. But since Cubecraft Bedrock is ran off a I think Bukkit port to bedrock it can't really add bedrock features like bedrock can. but has to use entities above players to add a name tag on that entity that stays above the player.

On Onix using hitboxes u can see a little small white box above the players head. and above the heads of the dolls for the gamemodes


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
The Netherlands
I initially would have loved the lobby titles to be a replacement for the prefixes, as the chat is very messy right now. They made a poll to hear from the community and how they felt about that, but a lot of people didn't want that. Having it as a separate loottype would be confusing to me since they both kind of have the same purpose and it would also reduce the value of the prefixes that people currently have.
Prefixes were a mistake in the first place in my opinion, but adding these lobby titles in addition to the current prefixes would make it worse.
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happy birthday!
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Happy bday!!! 🎉
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Happy bday 🎂 🥳
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