Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands

✏️ Reason for writing

A little while ago, I randomly decided to join the server again and play some games with my friends. We started a game of MinerWare and were playing casually. When we finally reached the point of the boss game... it turned out the be the notorious Hook The Most Mobs. I remembered how much I despised this boss game because of it taking an unnecessarily excessive amount of time. There are two other things that also bother me about this boss game, but I will explain those later in this thread. I would like to share my thoughts on these issues and come up with possible solutions and, finally, my proposition.

I don’t usually have issues with games, since I get used to most of them, but some of these issues in MinerWare just really, really bother me. Considering it is one of the only games I really play, it kind of ruins my experience.

In this thread, I‘ll be naming the issues I can think of at the moment. I may or may not add a few more if I happen to think of them, but do not expect too much from me. My memory likes to fail me every time.

NOTE: I am a Java-only player, so I have no idea whether some of these issues also apply to Bedrock. However, since the game is on both networks, I am assuming so. Hence, the All Networks tag.

Also please keep in mind I always play with Hard Mode. If some of these are different in Normal Mode, please do tell me so.

🪝 Hook The Most Mobs

I‘m very surprised that this issue has yet to be resolved as I have seen, heard and read countless complains about this particular boss game. I have three main issues with it:

1) The timer is WAY too long and the game is very repetitive.​

Whenever I play with friends, or even strangers in the main chat, they always complain when this boss game pops up. Myself included. Playing through this boss game takes so much time. MinerWare is mainly about common knowledge, luck and speed. Speed. A very long-lasting boss game where you can’t even move an inch beats the purpose of that. The game even forces you to stay in one exact place: You can’t even walk in your 1x1 area. All you’re doing is staying idle and keep on hooking mobs.

A possible solution could be to decrease the timer so people spend less time in this game.
Another solution could be to remove the game from MinerWare all together and replace it with something more fun and less repetitive. There are plenty of good boss game suggestions out there that haven’t even been considered or were drowned under all the other suggestions, including several older/outdated ones.

2) The boss game is surprisingly unfair.​

You will want the corners. If you’re in the middle, you’re at a clear disadvantage. Animals can easily get snatched from you and when animals get stuck on the sides, you can’t reach them. If you get a corner spot, you should consider yourself very lucky. You can easily snatch animals from others, and when animals get stuck, you can usually reach them. With a little effort and a couple times of struggling with hooking them, you can get those extra points from the animals that got stuck.

The only real solution for this would just be to remove the game all together, because, thinking about it, this is not something that can be fixed while the boss game remains itself.

3) The mob spawning is random.

While you may think this is a good thing, I actually see it as a bad thing. My reason for mentioning this is primarily because of animals spawning only on one side repeatedly by chance. Because of the circle/arena being bigger than the fishing rod range, if you are stationed on the opposite side, you cannot reach any of these animals and miss out on a lot of points. This has happened so many times that it has just become a bother to me at this point. This, again, comes down to the game being unfair, despite the fact that spawning locations are randomized. It is precisely because of them being randomized that it is unfair.

Unlike the previous issue, there is a very simple solution for this one: Don’t entirely randomize the mob spawning, but instead make it recognize the location it spawned in the last few times and prevent them from spawning there again until it’s spawned in one of the rest of the locations in X radius.

That’s all I have regarding Hook The Most Mobs. The next two subjects are (hopefully) shorter and should be easier to read through. I am quite tired myself right now, so I sincerely apologize if I am not making any sense.

🚪Good Door, Bad Door

I’ll make this short: My main issue with this is the way we spawn. First of all, you get teleported to the “platform” in an instant. But the thing is that it is often reversed: You basically face the opposite side. If you accidentally walk one block or more during that instant teleport, you immediately fail the entire microgame. You fall down unto the beacon’s iron blocks, from which you cannot jump up. That gets us to our second and final problem; You can’t jump if you get stuck there. I have no clue if this was done intentionally, but it really ticks me off as this usually happens accidentally, which, again, results in you missing out on another point.

My three ideas of a solution would be:

1) Cover up the iron blocks with white stained glass or barriers.​
2) Place barriers around the place you spawn to prevent these kind of accidental falls and fails.​
3) Teleport players and make them face the direction the path is headed.​

In my opinion, any of these solutions are fine. As long as it just gets fixed.

🧮 Solve the Equation

I don’t have much to say about this besides the one thing we all have had to endure in this microgame: Party chat. It’s so annoying to have to turn off and on party chat for this one microgame. If you say the answer in party chat, everyone can read it. It is both annoying and embarrassing.

I would love to see a system added where you can just say the answer in party chat, and it will count towards the correct (or incorrect answer) without showing it to the rest in the party. Another possible solution would be to just disable party chat all together throughout the duration of this microgame.

If you agree with the fact that these need to be fixed, vote :agree:.
If you are unsure about any of this, vote :unsure: and please explain your choice.
If you disagree, vote :disagree:. I would appreciate an explanation a lot.

Feel free to come up with your own solutions and elaborate on your own thoughts and feelings about this. None of the solutions I provided are my final thoughts, but are there to provide you with some ideas of what could be done and/or changed. I just want these issues to get fixed in one way or another.

If you read the entire thing, mad respect 🙏

~ A wild Hoshi


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois

✏️ Reason for writing

A little while ago, I randomly decided to join the server again and play some games with my friends. We started a game of MinerWare and were playing casually. When we finally reached the point of the boss game... it turned out the be the notorious Hook The Most Mobs. I remembered how much I despised this boss game because of it taking an unnecessarily excessive amount of time. There are two other things that also bother me about this boss game, but I will explain those later in this thread. I would like to share my thoughts on these issues and come up with possible solutions and, finally, my proposition.

I don’t usually have issues with games, since I get used to most of them, but some of these issues in MinerWare just really, really bother me. Considering it is one of the only games I really play, it kind of ruins my experience.

In this thread, I‘ll be naming the issues I can think of at the moment. I may or may not add a few more if I happen to think of them, but do not expect too much from me. My memory likes to fail me every time.

NOTE: I am a Java-only player, so I have no idea whether some of these issues also apply to Bedrock. However, since the game is on both networks, I am assuming so. Hence, the All Networks tag.

Also please keep in mind I always play with Hard Mode. If some of these are different in Normal Mode, please do tell me so.

🪝 Hook The Most Mobs

I‘m very surprised that this issue has yet to be resolved as I have seen, heard and read countless complains about this particular boss game. I have three main issues with it:

1) The timer is WAY too long and the game is very repetitive.​

Whenever I play with friends, or even strangers in the main chat, they always complain when this boss game pops up. Myself included. Playing through this boss game takes so much time. MinerWare is mainly about common knowledge, luck and speed. Speed. A very long-lasting boss game where you can’t even move an inch beats the purpose of that. The game even forces you to stay in one exact place: You can’t even walk in your 1x1 area. All you’re doing is staying idle and keep on hooking mobs.

A possible solution could be to decrease the timer so people spend less time in this game.
Another solution could be to remove the game from MinerWare all together and replace it with something more fun and less repetitive. There are plenty of good boss game suggestions out there that haven’t even been considered or were drowned under all the other suggestions, including several older/outdated ones.

2) The boss game is surprisingly unfair.​

You will want the corners. If you’re in the middle, you’re at a clear disadvantage. Animals can easily get snatched from you and when animals get stuck on the sides, you can’t reach them. If you get a corner spot, you should consider yourself very lucky. You can easily snatch animals from others, and when animals get stuck, you can usually reach them. With a little effort and a couple times of struggling with hooking them, you can get those extra points from the animals that got stuck.

The only real solution for this would just be to remove the game all together, because, thinking about it, this is not something that can be fixed while the boss game remains itself.

3) The mob spawning is random.

While you may think this is a good thing, I actually see it as a bad thing. My reason for mentioning this is primarily because of animals spawning only on one side repeatedly by chance. Because of the circle/arena being bigger than the fishing rod range, if you are stationed on the opposite side, you cannot reach any of these animals and miss out on a lot of points. This has happened so many times that it has just become a bother to me at this point. This, again, comes down to the game being unfair, despite the fact that spawning locations are randomized. It is precisely because of them being randomized that it is unfair.

Unlike the previous issue, there is a very simple solution for this one: Don’t entirely randomize the mob spawning, but instead make it recognize the location it spawned in the last few times and prevent them from spawning there again until it’s spawned in one of the rest of the locations in X radius.

That’s all I have regarding Hook The Most Mobs. The next two subjects are (hopefully) shorter and should be easier to read through. I am quite tired myself right now, so I sincerely apologize if I am not making any sense.

🚪Good Door, Bad Door

I’ll make this short: My main issue with this is the way we spawn. First of all, you get teleported to the “platform” in an instant. But the thing is that it is often reversed: You basically face the opposite side. If you accidentally walk one block or more during that instant teleport, you immediately fail the entire microgame. You fall down unto the beacon’s iron blocks, from which you cannot jump up. That gets us to our second and final problem; You can’t jump if you get stuck there. I have no clue if this was done intentionally, but it really ticks me off as this usually happens accidentally, which, again, results in you missing out on another point.

My three ideas of a solution would be:

1) Cover up the iron blocks with white stained glass or barriers.​
2) Place barriers around the place you spawn to prevent these kind of accidental falls and fails.​
3) Teleport players and make them face the direction the path is headed.​

In my opinion, any of these solutions are fine. As long as it just gets fixed.

🧮 Solve the Equation

I don’t have much to say about this besides the one thing we all have had to endure in this microgame: Party chat. It’s so annoying to have to turn off and on party chat for this one microgame. If you say the answer in party chat, everyone can read it. It is both annoying and embarrassing.

I would love to see a system added where you can just say the answer in party chat, and it will count towards the correct (or incorrect answer) without showing it to the rest in the party. Another possible solution would be to just disable party chat all together throughout the duration of this microgame.

If you agree with the fact that these need to be fixed, vote :agree:.
If you are unsure about any of this, vote :unsure: and please explain your choice.
If you disagree, vote :disagree:. I would appreciate an explanation a lot.

Feel free to come up with your own solutions and elaborate on your own thoughts and feelings about this. None of the solutions I provided are my final thoughts, but are there to provide you with some ideas of what could be done and/or changed. I just want these issues to get fixed in one way or another.

If you read the entire thing, mad respect 🙏

~ A wild Hoshi

Agree with all of these points. I still think Hook The Mob should be replaced with a version of Barn Brawl as it could reuse some classic content while also providing a replacement for the boss game. It would work pretty well for Minerware and would be a lot of fun.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Hello Hoshi,

Thanks for creating this suggestion! The server team has discussed your suggestion and we decided to mark it as planned.

As for the hook the mob boss game, we currently have a few suggestions planned to change the game. The idea is to decrease the timer, so that the game won't last as long, and to add some variety to the gameplay.

The second part of your suggestion is about good door, bad door. The server team agreed that this can use some change, so that fewer players will fail the game instantly.

And last but not least, you talked about the solve the equation minigame. We can definitely see why it is annoying, which is why we will be looking into implementing a system where it counts your answer in party chat, or something alike that!
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