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Novice Member
Jan 2, 2021
I've done this kind of post a few times before, but this will most likely be the last one for a good while, now with some ✨visual elements✨!
CubeCraft Lucky Islands is probably one of my favourite Minecraft game modes period. It’s fun, chaotic, and has that same energy as playing a game like Mario Party: a good amount of skill is required, but that scoop of luck brings it all together and makes it an absolute blast. I think Lucky Islands has an untapped potential with the sheer amount of things they could do to improve the game mode, so I present a humongous pile of ideas. Considering the amount of likely unbalanced and broken ideas I've got here, I wouldn’t expect everything to be implemented, if anything. Rather, I want people more qualified than myself to come up with better ideas that would truly spice up the gamemode and actually peak interest.
I’ve said this many, many times before, but I am not a game designer, and most of the things I say may be controversial, so feedback would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

I've made an updated version of this list, with many tweaks and new ideas, which can be found on this Google Doc. Below is the original Definitive Edition.


Lucky Block Compass
Similar to a Player Tracker, but this one tracks the location of the nearest Lucky Block (this includes Trap Lucky Blocks)
If for whatever reason, adding a new “tracker” is impossible, the Player Tracker could have two modes: a Player mode and a Lucky Block mode. The modes can be toggled by left-clicking.

Player Tracker Deluxe
Works exactly like a regular player tracker, but also tells the user how many blocks away they are from the targeted player.

Potion of Luck
When consumed, gives the player the "Luck" effect, removing the chance for negative drops from Lucky Blocks.
Default duration: 120s
Can be found in the "Brewing Stand" drop.

Splash Potion of Bad Luck
When affected, gives the player the “Bad Luck” effect, increasing the chance for negative drops from Lucky Blocks.
Default duration: 90s
Can be found in the "Brewing Stand" drop.

Updraft Wand
Sends the player high into the air with a gust of wind! They are automatically given an Elytra, which breaks once they reach the ground.
Cooldown: 120s
Updraft Wand.png

Lightning Wand
Casts a bolt of lightning onto the block selected, or onto a player if they are hit.
Cooldown: 70s

Fireball Wand
When right-clicked, summons a fireball in the direction shot.
Cooldown: 35s

Basic Wall Wand
When right-clicked, a large wall (11 wide, 5 tall) is created in the direction the player is facing, made out of brick blocks.
Cooldown: 40s

Deluxe Wall Wand
When right-clicked on the ground, a larger wall (13 wide, 8 tall) is created out of the block type right-clicked on, in the direction they're facing. Blocks created by walls will not override existing blocks (Cooldown: 40s).
If the wand is used whilst selecting no blocks, or blocks that would be too valuable to duplicate (listed below), a wall is created of the same size as the Basic Wall Wand (Cooldown: 30s).
  • Diamond Ore
  • Diamond Block
  • Golden Ore
  • Golden Block
  • Iron Ore
  • Iron Block
  • Emerald Ore
  • Emerald Block
  • Bedrock
  • TNT

Elevation Sceptre
Teleports the player to the highest block on the same x & z axis of the player (a helpful tool when ender pearls and grappling hook bows are too finicky to use)
Will not consume if already on the highest block.
Removes fall damage when used, and grants Resistance IV and Weakness IV for 5s.
Is deleted on use.

Totem of Undying
When activated by the player dying, the player loses all of their items, teleported back to their spawn point, and given only the equipment from their kit. The totem is then consumed.
A Totem of Undying can only be used once per game.

Get-out-of-jail-free Card
When used, any nearby enemies are stuck in place for 5s.
Those stuck in place cannot be attacked during this time.
This item is consumed on use, and using this item again has a 60s cooldown.

Gliding Wings
The maximum flying speed is halved, and does not work with firework rockets.
Has 40 Durability points, like a dropped Elytra.
Cannot be repaired.

Weighted Amulet
Whilst held, provides its user immunity to knockback.
The user cannot move whilst it is held.

Impulse TNT
Ignites when placed, acting like regular TNT, except it doesn’t deal explosion damage, nor destroys blocks, though has 1.5x knockback (launches the player that placed it at 2x knockback)
Impulse TNT does not launch teammates.

Golden Egg
When these “golden eggs” hatches a chick, it is replaced with a golden ingot or diamond (50/50)
These eggs have a ¼ chance (rather than the regular ⅛) to hatch, and a ⅛ thereafter (rather than the regular 1/32) to hatch three additional drops.

Rotten Egg
When thrown at a player, they receive Poison I for 5s.

Block Zapper
When used to break a block, all connected blocks of the same type are broken as well, and put automatically into your inventory.
A maximum of 30 of the same block can be connected to the initial block, or the ability will not work.
Ability Cooldown: 60s (can be used as a regular iron pickaxe meanwhile)

Flashy Helmet
Is given at half durability, and the Curse of Binding enchant is pre-applied.
You are automatically equipped with this item when you get the “Flashy Helmet” drop.
While the helmet is worn, a firework is launched from your head every 10 seconds.
The helmet can only be removed by it running out of durability.

Rabbit Boots
Gives the player permanent Jump Boost III while worn.
Has Feather Falling II pre-applied.

A carrot, that when consumed, placed on farmland, crafted into golden carrots, or fed to pigs, replenishes itself.

Magical Water Bottle
When consumed, removes fire and any negative potion effects from the player, and heals the player for half their missing health.
Cooldown: 25s

Enhanced Blaze Rod
Is alike to a “regular” Blaze Rod (has Fire Aspect pre-applied) but additionally has the effect of the Fire Sword, and Sharpness III.
Has a 20% chance to drop from Blazes.

Exploding Pig Spawn Egg
Can be used to spawn a pig, but when interacted in any way (punched, nudged, fed, etc.) it explodes immediately, dealing similar power to a Trapped Chest explosion.


“Ready, Set, Lift-off!” After 3 seconds, causes the player to jump to a very great height (about 100 blocks). They will not take fall damage after reaching the ground. Smoke and fire particles, resembling a rocket, will accompany them in their ascent.

Blocks within a certain radius are turned into snow blocks.

Hard Decisions Chest
“I’ve come to help! I’m not running a charity though, so just take one.”
Summons a chest in front of the player, in the chest there’s three items, which can include:
  • Random Sword (with random enchants)
  • Random Axe
  • Bow (with random enchants)
  • Random Armor Piece
  • Golden Apple
Once one of the items is picked up, the chest, and its remaining contents, self-destruct.
The chest can be closed before an item is picked up, allowing the player (or anyone else who happens to be nearby) to make a decision later.
Breaking the chest early drops one of the three items, the other two are destroyed.

Skeleton Horse Trap
Four Skeleton Horsemen spawn, as a bolt of lightning falls to the ground.
This event only occurs in the Overpowered mode.

Blocks within a certain radius are turned into a random gravity-affected block (sand, red sand, gravel, cyan concrete powder, etc.)
The blocks don’t fall until they are affected by gravity. Be careful letting them update!

Random Enchanted Book
Drops an enchanted book with 3 enchants of different item types (eg. one tool, one armor, and one sword)
Additionally summons an anvil and some experience orbs.

End Crystal
Drops an end crystal, a piece of obsidian, and a dragon head.
While a dragon head is worn within fifteen blocks from an end crystal, the player receives Regeneration I.

Exploding Temple
Generates a small, temple-like structure with valuable blocks, as well as indestructible TNT at its core.
The TNT ignites after 10 seconds of generation. In the meantime, the player is able to collect as much of the valuables as fast as they can.
The TNT is able to be ignited before the 10 second timer is up by using a redstone power source.

Sticky Situation
Generates a large slime cube structure around the player.
Slime blocks do not generate over existing blocks.

Localised Spider Infestation
Generates a 3x3 square of cobwebs around the player.
Drops a Shears on the player.
Two spiders spawn outside the 3x3 area, and target the player.

Quick Maths
System ripped straight from the MinerWare minigame
If the player gets the equation right, they receive 1-2 diamonds.
If the player gets it wrong or the time runs out, they are damaged for 5 hearts.

Drops a Fortune III Iron Pickaxe/Axe.
As mentioned in the general changes, fortune can be used to obtain additional logs from sources.

Sacrificial Boots
Drops an Iron/Diamond Boots with Curse of Binding, ½ Durability, Mending, and Unbreaking III.

Aw Man!
Summons a Charged Creeper.
The Charged Creeper remains idle for 3 seconds, or until attacked by the player.

The next drop events are pretty much just events for giving the new items:
Player Tracker Deluxe
Drops a single Player Tracker Deluxe on the ground, with the same sound effect as a Tracking Compass drop but with additional Villager-profession-level-up particles.

Drops a single Infini-Carrot on the ground, with carrot-eating particles and an eating sound effect all around.

Impulse TNT
Drops 2-5x Impulse TNT.

Block Zapper
Drops a Block Zapper.

Flashy Helmet
The player is forcefully given a Flashy Helmet (properties explained above). If a different helmet is already equipped, that helmet will be moved to the player’s inventory, and if that is full, the helmet is dropped.

Rabbit Boots
Drops a Rabbit Boots.

Basic Wall Wand
Drops a Basic Wall-creator Wand.

Deluxe Wall Wand
Drops a Deluxe Wall-creator Wand.

Fireball Wand
Drops a Fireball Wand.

Golden Eggs
Drops 16 Golden Eggs.

Rotten Eggs
Drops 16 Rotten Eggs.

Magical Water Bottle
Drops a Magical Water Bottle.

Elevation Sceptre
Drops an Elevation Sceptre.

Exploding Pig Spawn Egg
Drops an Exploding Pig Spawn Egg.

Potion of Luck
Drops a Potion of Luck.

Lucky Block Compass
Drops a Lucky Block Compass.

Splash Potion of Bad Luck
Drops a Splash Potion of Bad Luck.

Updraft Wand
Drops an Updraft Wand.

Lightning Wand
Drops a Lightning Wand.

Totem of Undying
Drops a Totem of Undying.

Get-out-of-jail-free Card
Drops a Get-out-of-jail-free Card.

Gliding Wings
Drops a Gliding Wings.

I've created three different categories for 'voting', Time, Global Game Events, and Drop & Kit Modifiers. I wanted to give Time a bit more variety and a little bit of purpose. I also wanted to detach Crazy from the other modifiers so that its global game event mechanics are separate from the quality of Lucky Block drops.

Morning: 8AM, passive animals can naturally spawn.
Noon (Default): 12PM; the same as the “Day” option.
Evening: 6PM; the same as the “Sunset” option, and also hunger depletion is slightly reduced.
Night: 9PM; the same as the “Night” option.
Haunting Hour: 3AM, all hostile monsters have the Strength I effect.
Cycling: the time of day starts random, and changes throughout the duration of the game (thrice as fast as a normal Minecraft day), with the appropriate modifiers to go along with the time.

Global Game Events
None (Default)
Random Event: one of the events below are chosen randomly.
Crazy: All of the events (plus more), randomly cycling between them.
Ender Pearl Generators: after 2 minutes, players receive Ender Pearls every minute.
Lucky Rain: Lucky Blocks rain from the sky.
Meteor Shower: Meteors fall from the sky and cause explosions on the ground.
Ultra-Hardcore: No natural health regeneration.
Agility Boost: All players receive Swiftness III and Jump Boost III.
Strength Boost: All players receive Strength I.
Haste: All players receive an incredible Haste effect.
Lucky Zombies: Zombies naturally spawn, and they cause Lucky Block events when killed.

Drop & Kit Modifier
(Default): Regular Lucky Block drops & kits.
Overpowered: More powerful Lucky Block drops & kits.
Blessed: Permanent “Luck” Effect – no bad drops (Normal kits).
Cursed: Permanent “Bad Luck” Effect – more bad drops (Normal kits).
Magical: More potions and wand drops, and no diamonds from drops or kits (all diamond items in kits are replaced with iron equivalents).

With these kits, I wanted to incorporate several of the ideas above, as well as making them more balanced. Additionally, I wanted to give more kits some blocks, food, armor, and/or weapons, to give every kit some sort of viability (for example, when was the last time you used the Seeker kit?) while still maintaining their niche purpose. The effects give a bit of spice to the kits, giving each a unique play-style.
The new prices you may ask? Well, get a random number generator, set the parameters between 4 and 20, and then multiply the result by 50, because that’s most likely how the original kits' prices were decided upon.


Warrior (Free)
Slay your enemies.

  • Iron Sword
  • Shield
  • Effect: After killing a player, have a 50% chance to gain Strength I for 6s.
  • Iron Sword (Sharpness I)
  • Shield (Unbreaking III)
  • Effect: After killing a player, have a 50% chance to gain Strength I for 6s.
Builder (Free)
Build your way to victory.

  • 20x Stone
  • 12x Oak Planks
  • Leather Chestplate
  • Leather Boots (Feather Falling II)
  • Effect: Placing non-"valuable" blocks have a 10% chance to not consume from your inventory. Placing blocks that are valuable have a 0.01% chance to not consume.
  • 32x Stone
  • 16x Obsidian
  • 12x Oak Log
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Leather Boots (Feather Falling III)
  • Effect: Placing non-"valuable" blocks have a 20% chance to not consume from your inventory. Placing blocks that are valuable have a 0.05% chance to not consume.
  • Diamond Ore
  • Diamond Block
  • Golden Ore
  • Golden Block
  • Iron Ore
  • Iron Block
  • Emerald Ore
  • Emerald Block
  • Bedrock
  • TNT
Heavy (Free)
Gear up in an instant!
  • Leather Helmet
  • Iron Chestplate
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • Leather Boots
  • Effect: After 150s, all equipped armor pieces receive Protection I.
  • Chainmail Helmet
  • Iron Chestplate
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • Chainmail Boots
  • Effect: After 150s, all equipped armor pieces receive Protection II.
Additional notes: so yeah, I made this a free kit. Why you may ask? It was a fairly arbitrary decision, but I wanted the paid kits to be in a rectangle in the kit menu, and Heavy was the most 'basic' kit to make free (maybe besides toolsmith).
Scout's honour *raises hand*

  • 3x Potion of Swiftness II
  • Invisibility Wand
  • Blue Leather Boots (Depth Strider III)
  • Effect: Receive a Blue Wool whilst running at full speed (Cooldown: 3s).
  • 3x Potion of Swiftness III (3:00)
  • Invisibility Wand
  • Blue Leather Boots (Protection II, Depth Strider III)
  • Effect: Receive a Blue Wool whilst running at full speed (Cooldown: 2s).
Make an explosive entrance!
  • 8x TNT
  • 3x Impulse TNT
  • 3x Redstone Block
  • Chainmail Boots (Blast Protection IV, Feather Falling II)
  • Effect: Receive a TNT every 20 seconds.
  • 12x TNT
  • 5x Impulse TNT
  • 5x Redstone Block
  • Chainmail Boots (Blast Protection V, Feather Falling II)
  • Effect: Receive a TNT every 15 seconds.
What more could you want?
  • 4x Diamonds
  • Effect: Receive a diamond every 35 seconds.
  • 7x Diamonds
  • Effect: Receive a diamond every 30 seconds.
Magical (this is just the Golem kit):
  • 9x Iron Ingot
  • Iron Helmet
  • 64x Poppy
  • Effect: Receive an Iron Ingot every 20s.
Additional notes: the Diamonds kit was always very overpowered. Even when they nerfed it from 9 diamonds to 7, it's still very extreme that a player could get a diamond weapon and diamond armor piece at the start of the game. With this passive diamond income mechanic, this kit is still very powerful (in some ways better than the original kit) but does not have that intense rushing capability. That should be reserved for kits built around fighting (a.k.a. the Warrior kit).
TL;DR: the Diamond kit is too good at everything, so it should be nerfed to not be good at everything.
Puts the luck back in cluck.


  • 16x Golden Egg
  • 16x Rotten Egg
  • Infini-Carrot
  • Yellow Leather Chestplate
  • White Leather Trousers
  • Effect: Sneaking drops a Golden Egg or a Rotten Egg (Cooldown: 10s).
  • 32x Golden Eggs
  • 32x Rotten Eggs
  • Infini-Carrot
  • White Leather Helmet
  • Yellow Leather Chestplate
  • White Leather Trousers
  • White Leather Boots
  • Effect: Sneaking drops a Golden Egg or a Rotten Egg (Cooldown: 7s).
You can't hide from me!


  • Deluxe Player Tracker
  • Lucky Block Tracker
  • Black Leather Boots (Feather Falling II)
  • Effect: Receive an ender pearl every 100 seconds.
  • Deluxe Player Tracker
  • Lucky Block Tracker
  • Black Leather Boots (Protection II, Feather Falling III)
  • Effect: Receive an ender pearl every 80 seconds.
Additional notes: oh my goodness, the Seeker kit is an overpriced useless kit with pretty much no reason to exist. You get just a compass! A compass! When have you seen someone pick the Seeker kit? Besides for getting the achievement, when have you used this kit? In the early game, a Player Tracker is completely useless, and by the endgame when players may be hiding, you more than likely found a Player Tracker from a Lucky Block or killing someone else. This kit in its current state is useless and I wanted to give it some sort of use.
Rooty tooty point and shooty.


  • Shotgun Bow
  • 8x Arrow
  • Chainmail Helmet (Projectile Protection III)
  • Effect: Receive 4 arrows every 30 seconds.
  • Shotgun Bow
  • Bow (Power II)
  • 15x Arrow
  • Chainmail Helmet (Projectile Protection III)
  • Effect: Receive 4 arrows every 20 seconds.
You feeling lucky punk?


  • 4x Lucky Block
  • Potion of Luck
  • Effect: The “Double Luck” perk has a +10% chance to activate.
  • 6x Lucky Block
  • 2x Potion of Luck
  • Effect: The “Double Luck” perk has a +15% chance to activate.
I need healing!


  • 3x Splash Potion of Healing II
  • Splash Potion of Regeneration II
  • Golden Apple
  • Red Leather Helmet (Protection I)
  • Effect: All positive splash potions thrown by the player have no reduced duration/effectiveness (compared to their regular potion counter-parts) when applied to themselves or their teammates.
  • 5x Splash Potion of Healing II
  • 2x Splash Potion of Regeneration III
  • 3x Golden Apple
  • Red Leather Helmet (Protection III)
  • Effect: All positive splash potions thrown by the player have no reduced duration/effectiveness (compared to their regular potion counter-parts) when applied to themselves or their teammates.
Utterly enchanting!


  • Enchanting Table
  • 28x Bottle o’ Enchanting
  • 5x Bookshelf
  • Enchanted Book (Sharpness I, Power I, Protection II, Efficiency III)
  • Anvil
  • Indigo Leather Helmet
  • Effect: Enchanting has no Lapis Lazuli cost, and the experience level requirement or cost is reduced by 1 for both enchanting tables and anvils.
  • Enchanting Table
  • 64x Bottle o’ Enchanting
  • 15x Bookshelf
  • Enchanted Book (Sharpness II, Power II, Protection IV, Efficiency X)
  • Anvil
  • Indigo Leather Helmet (Protection I)
  • Effect: Enchanting has no Lapis Lazuli cost, and the experience level requirement or cost is reduced by 2 for both enchanting tables and anvils.
I wonder what's for dinner?

  • 3x Steak
  • 3x Apple
  • Golden Apple
  • Magical Water Bottle
  • Cake
  • White Leather Helmet
  • Effect: After killing a player, have a 40% chance to receive a Golden Apple.
  • 5x Steak
  • 5x Apple
  • 2x Golden Apple
  • Magical Water Bottle
  • Cake
  • White Leather Helmet (Protection I)
  • Effect: After killing a player, have a 50% chance to receive a Golden Apple.
Additional notes: why does the Chef kit have 12 apples? On maps with a ludicrous amount of gold blocks (hint hint Hourglass), these 12 extra apples become incredibly overpowered - you could have 15 golden apples from the kit and some gold alone!
I came to dig dig dig dig.


  • Wooden Axe (Efficiency III)
  • Golden Shovel (Efficiency I)
  • Iron Pickaxe (Efficiency II)
  • 12x Cobblestone
  • Grey Leather Helmet
  • Effect: Using any tool (to clarify, excluding swords, bows, and armor) does not deplete its durability.
  • Wooden Axe (Efficiency V)
  • Gold Shovel (Efficiency V)
  • Iron Pickaxe (Efficiency V)
  • 32x Cobblestone
  • Grey Leather Helmet (Protection II)
  • Effect: Using any tool (to clarify, excluding swords, bows, and armor) does not deplete its durability.
Catch 'em between a rock and a hard place.

  • Diamond Pickaxe (Sharpness I)
  • 12x Obsidian
  • Deluxe Wall Wand
  • Cage Trap
  • Trap Lucky Block Wand
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Effect: Receive a Cage Trap every 60 seconds. Gain Strength I for 15s when an enemy player activates the player’s Cage Trap.
  • Diamond Pickaxe (Sharpness II, Efficiency V)
  • 24x Obsidian
  • Deluxe Wall Wand
  • 8x Cage Trap
  • Trap Lucky Block Wand
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Effect: Receive a Cage Trap every 60 seconds. Gain Strength I for 15s when an enemy player activates the player’s Cage Trap.
  • Iron Pickaxe (Sharpness I, Efficiency II)
  • 12x Obsidian
  • Deluxe Wall Wand
  • Cage Trap
  • Trap Lucky Block Wand
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Effect: Receive a Cage Trap every 60 seconds. Gain Strength I for 15s when an enemy player activates the player’s Cage Trap.
I'm a wot?

  • Dragon Fire Wand
  • (Negative) Splash Potion Wand
  • Shield Wand (initial 30s cooldown)
  • Regen Wand
  • Indigo Leather Helmet
  • Effect: The “Reduced Wand Cooldown” perk has a +33% chance to activate.
  • Dragon Fire Wand
  • (Negative) Splash Potion Wand
  • Shield Wand (initial 30s cooldown)
  • Regen Wand
  • (Two more random wands)
  • Indigo Leather Helmet
  • Effect: The “Reduced Wand Cooldown” perk has a +50% chance to activate.
When you enter a pet shop and ask for one of everything.


  • Pet Wolf
  • Pet Cat
  • Pet Horse
  • 3x Cooked Porkchop
  • 3x Raw Salmon
  • 3x Hay Bale
  • Effect: Receive Regeneration I for 10s after feeding an animal (Cooldown: 20s).
  • Pet Wolf
  • Pet Cat
  • Pet Horse
  • Diamond Horse Armor
  • 8x Cooked Porkchop
  • 10x Raw Salmon
  • 10x Hay Bale
  • Effect: Receive Regeneration I for 10s after feeding an animal (Cooldown: 20s).
Hmmmmmmm + *more villager sounds*
  • 2x Villager Spawn Egg
  • 20x Emerald
  • Effect: Increased chance for the Villager Tower drop to occur.
  • 3x Villager Spawn Egg
  • 30x Emeralds
  • Effect: Increased chance for the Villager Tower drop to occur.
Additional notes: this kit may seem mediocre, but with the overhaul to villager below, I didn't want to give this kit much of a buff, since it kind of already got a great one indirectly.
Deforestation simulator.


  • Wooden Axe (Sharpness I, Efficiency IV, Fortune II, Unbreaking III)
  • 8x Oak Log
  • Effect: Gain Haste II for 15s after breaking a log.
  • Iron Axe (Efficiency VI, Fortune IV, Unbreaking III)
  • 20x Oak Log
  • Effect: Gain Haste III for 15s after breaking a log.
They'll need some milk!


  • Water Bucket
  • Splash Potion of Harming I
  • Splash Potion of Poison I
  • Potion of Strength I
  • Potion of Regeneration I
  • Effect: Increased chances for Brewing Stand drop, Potions drop, or Speed Potion drop to occur.
  • Water Bucket
  • Splash Potion of Harming II
  • Splash Potion of Poison II
  • Strength Potion I (2:00)
  • Regeneration Potion III
  • Effect: Increased chances for Brewing Stand drop, Potions drop, or Speed Potion drop to occur.
Become as light as a feather.


  • 16x Hay Bale
  • White Leather Boots (Feather Falling III)
  • Potion of Slow Falling I
  • Effect: Receive a low-durability elytra after 90 seconds from the start of the game.
  • Effect: The “Feather Weight” perk has a +25% chance of activating.
  • 24x Hay Bale
  • White Leather Boots (Feather Falling VIII)
  • 2x Potion of Slow Falling I
  • Effect: Receive a low-durability elytra after 90 seconds from the start of the game.
  • Effect: The “Feather Weight” perk has a +33% chance of activating.
Let’s hope you’ll be fortunate.
  • Iron Pickaxe (Fortune III)
  • 2x Diamond Ore
  • 3x Iron Ore
  • Effect: The “Autosmelt” perk has a guaranteed chance of activating.
  • Iron Pickaxe (Fortune V)
  • 3x Diamond Ore
  • 6x Iron Ore
  • Effect: The “Autosmelt” perk has a guaranteed chance of activating.
Let it burn! Let it burn!
  • Enhanced Blaze Rod
  • Flint & Steel
  • Lava Bucket
  • 10x Netherrack
  • Golden Chestplate (Fire Protection VIII)
  • Effect: Receive Speed II for 10s after being in Fire/Lava.
  • Enhanced Blaze Rod
  • Flint & Steel (Unbreaking X)
  • Lava Bucket
  • 32x Netherrack
  • Golden Chestplate (Fire Protection XX)
  • Effect: Receive Speed II for 10s after being in Fire/Lava.
Snow Soldier
Winter came early!

  • 3x Pumpkin
  • 6x Snow Block
  • 2x Splash Potion of Healing
  • White Leather Helmet
  • Stone Shovel
  • Effect: Snowballs deal double damage and slightly more knockback.
  • 5x Pumpkin
  • 10x Snow Block
  • 3x Splash Potion of Healing
  • White Leather Helmet (Projectile Protection III)
  • Stone Shovel (Efficiency III)
  • Effect: Snowballs deal triple damage and slightly more knockback.
Start the apocalypse!

  • 3x Zombie Spawn Egg (guaranteed to spawn with a Leather Helmet)
  • 2x Skeleton Spawn Egg (guaranteed to spawn with a Leather Helmet)
  • 2x Splash Potion of Harming II
  • Iron Shovel
  • Iron Helmet
  • Effect: Killing players turn them into ally Wither Skeletons.
  • Iron Shovel (Sharpness II)
  • 5x Zombie Spawn Egg (guaranteed to spawn with a Diamond Helmet)
  • 4x Skeleton Spawn Egg (guaranteed to spawn with a Leather Helmet)
  • 4x Splash Potion of Damage II
  • Iron Helmet (Protection II)
  • Effect: Killing players turn them into ally Wither Skeletons.
There's nothing like fishing in the evening sunset.
  • Fishing Rod
  • Leather Helmet
  • Water Bucket
  • 5x Cooked Salmon
  • Effect: All players hooked by the fishing rod receive Slowness II.
  • Fishing Rod (Lure III, Luck of the Sea X)
  • Leather Helmet (Respiration III, Aqua Affinity I)
  • Water Bucket
  • 10x Cooked Salmon
  • Effect: All players hooked by the fishing rod receive Blindness.
Slay your enemies... with love!

  • Bow
  • 10x Arrow
  • Pink Leather Boots
  • Regen Wand
  • Effect: Deal double damage with projectiles whilst airborne.
  • Bow (Power I)
  • 20x Arrow
  • Pink Leather Boots (Feather Falling II)
  • Regen Wand
  • Potion of Slow Falling (3:00)
  • Effect: Deal double damage with a bow whilst airborne.
You've got bones of steel!

  • 9x Iron Ingot
  • Iron Helmet
  • 64x Poppy
  • Effect: Receive an Iron Ingot every 20s.
  • 12x Iron Ingot
  • Iron Helmet (Protection I)
  • 64x Poppy
  • Effect: Receive an Iron Ingot every 20s.
Become one with the dihydrogen monoxide.

  • Cyan Leather Boots (Depth Strider III)
  • Water Bucket
  • Potion of Water Breathing (3:00)
  • 5x Cooked Cod
  • Effect: Receive Resistance II whilst submerged in water.
  • Chainmail Helmet (Respiration III, Aqua Affinity I, Unbreaking III)
  • Cyan Leather Boots (Depth Strider III, Unbreaking III)
  • Water Bucket
  • Potion of Water Breathing (8:00)
  • 8x Cooked Cod
  • Effect: Receive Resistance IV whilst submerged in water.
Skeletal Knight (unlocked & purchasable after defeating the Knight)
The shield with be your bestest friend in battle.

  • 2x Lucky Block
  • Iron Sword (½ durability)
  • Skeletal Shield (¼ durability)
  • Skeletal Chestplate (Iron Chestplate, ½ durability)
  • Skeletal Leggings (Iron Leggings, ½ durability)
  • Skeletal Boots (Iron Boots, ½ durability)
  • Lingering Potion of Poison I
  • Effect: Receive Slowness II whilst any of the Skeletal pieces are worn/used.
  • 5x Lucky Block
  • Iron Sword (¾ durability)
  • Skeletal Shield (½ durability)
  • Skeletal Chestplate (Iron Chestplate, ¾ durability)
  • Skeletal Leggings (Iron Leggings, ¾ durability)
  • Skeletal Boots (Iron Boots, ¾ durability)
  • Lingering Potion of Poison II
  • Effect: Receive Slowness I whilst any of the Skeletal pieces are worn/used.
Pig King (unlocked & purchasable after defeating the Pig King)
Supreme leader of the Porkchop Kingdom.


  • Pig King Hat (Fire Protection L)
  • Golden Sword (Fire Aspect I, 10 durability)
  • Golden Chestplate (25 durability)
  • Golden Leggings (25 durability)
  • Golden Boots (25 durability)
  • Effect: Receive an Exploding Pig Spawn Egg every 40s.
  • Pig King Hat (Fire Protection L)
  • Golden Sword (Fire Aspect I, 20 durability)
  • Golden Chestplate (35 durability)
  • Golden Leggings (35 durability)
  • Golden Boots (35 durability)
  • Effect: Receive an Exploding Pig Spawn Egg every 30s.

A different category of kits that can be separately equipped. Provides the player some additional things in order to help strategise. Cannot be used alongside the original kit (shown in brackets). Could also double as kits for a “Basic”/“Hardcore” game type perhaps? (Though, in my opinion, these kinds of gamemodes… aren't fun.)
The names for the kits aren’t to be taken seriously.
These secondary kits would be the kits for all modifiers, though in the Magical modifier, diamonds are replaced with iron.
Stone Sword
20x Stone
Potion of Swiftness II
Chainmail Chestplate
Leather Leggings
4x TNT
Stone Pressure Plate
Effect: Receive a diamond every 60 seconds.
8x Rotten Egg
Tracking Compass
Lucky Block Compass
8x Arrow
2x Lucky Block
2x Splash Potion of Healing II
10x Bottle o’ Enchanting
10x Lapis Lazuli
Enchanting Table
Golden Apple
2x Apple
Wooden Axe (Efficiency I)
Wooden Pickaxe (Efficiency I)
Wooden Shovel (Efficiency I)
Iron Pickaxe (Efficiency I)
Basic Wall Wand
Dragon Fire Wand
Regen Wand
Pet Cat
Pet Dog
Splash Potion of Healing I
Villager Spawn Egg
10x Emerald
Wooden Axe (Efficiency III)
3x Oak Log
Water Bucket
Splash Potion of Poison I
Regeneration Potion I
White Leather Boots (Feather Falling III)
4x Hay Bale
Stone Pickaxe (Fortune II)
3x Iron Ore
3x Coal
Flint & Steel
Leather Chestplate (Fire Protection III)
2x Snow Block
Wooden Shovel
2x Zombie Spawn Egg
1x Skeleton Spawn Egg
1x Splash Potion of Damage I
Fishing Rod
Water Bucket
Cooked Salmon
Does not have a secondary kit, because I could not think of a distinct one :/
5x Iron Ingot
Cyan Leather Boots (Depth Strider III)
Potion of Water Breathing (3:00)
Chainmail Chestplate (½ Durability)
Lingering Potion of Poison I
Pig King Hat (Fire Protection L)
2x Exploding Pig Spawn Egg

I realise that this is an immense number of kits, and though while this should be okay for Java, on Bedrock, especially for mobile players, designing an accessible and non-clunky UI to contain all of these kits would be pretty much impossible. However, 4 kits is a very small number of kits, and they all have very little bearing on gameplay. I've decided to pick 10 of the most unique kits that should be ported over to Bedrock with the changes above (in decreasing order of importance):
  1. Warrior
  2. Builder
  3. Chef
  4. Healer
  5. Toolsmith
  6. Heavy
  7. Archer
  8. Wizard
  9. Lucky
  10. Enchanter

Let's make villagers cooler!
General Villager Changes:
  • The Villager Tower drop has a 4x chance of occurring within the first 90 seconds of the game, as to encourage grinding for certain resources early on.
  • Villagers aren't ludicrously fast.
  • Villagers cannot die by suffocation.
  • Villagers immediately turn into witches if they are attacked by a player, but only initially aggro on the player that first attacked them.
  • As a villager is on average, MUCH better than before, only 4 villagers spawn during the Villager Tower drop.
  • Villagers must perform a trade in the current highest tier to unlock trades in the next-highest tier.
  • Trade limits reset after 90s.
    • 1x item limit: Block Zapper, Elevation Sceptre
    • 2x item item limit: all special bows, all wands, Magical Water Bottle
    • 4x item limit: all enchanted items, Golden Apple
    • 6x item limit: other buy offers
    • 10x limit: all sell offers
  • All items that are enchanted have completely random enchants, with the chance of getting multiple enchants, though not guaranteed to be the highest enchant level possible (specified by “Max tier enchant x”)
  • All probabilities within buy and sell offer amounts are equal (eg. the chance of a Weaponsmith buying 2 Iron Ingots for 5 Emeralds is the same as it buying 3 Iron Ingots for 5 Emeralds).
  • In the Overpowered modifier, all villagers’ buying prices are reduced by 2 Emeralds, and selling prices increased by 2 Emeralds.
  • In the Magical modifier, all wands, potions, and enchanted books are 10% off their Emerald buying price. Additionally, all diamond-related trades are replaced with iron equivalents (eg. the Weaponsmith buys Diamond Swords for 10 Emeralds, but in Magical it buys Iron Swords for the same price).
Villager Professions:
12-3x Iron Ingot5x Emerald
12-4x EmeraldIron Sword
26-9x EmeraldIron Axe
28-10x EmeraldFire Sword
312-15x EmeraldIron SwordMax tier enchant II
3Diamond Sword10x Emerald
415-18x EmeraldDiamond SwordMax tier enchant II
417-20x EmeraldDiamond AxeMax tier weapon enchant I
520-23x EmeraldWooden SwordKnockback III, Durability 2 (Note: Repairing/Enchanting this weapon would set it to K.B. II.)

11-2x Diamond8x Emerald
12-4x EmeraldChainmail Boots
22-4x EmeraldChainmail Helmet
25-10x EmeraldIron Chestplate/Leggings
3Diamond Helmet16x Emerald
312-14x EmeraldIron Chestplate/LeggingsMax tier enchant III
418-22x EmeraldDiamond Helmet/BootsMax tier enchant III
422-26x EmeraldDiamond Chestplate/LeggingsMax tier enchant III
511-15x EmeraldPig King HatFire Protection L
12-5x Gold Ingot4x Emerald
11-3x EmeraldStone Pickaxe
23-6x EmeraldIron ShovelMax tier enchant II
24-8x EmeraldStone AxeMax tier tool enchant IV
3Diamond Pickaxe10x Emerald
310-12x EmeraldGolden PickaxeEfficiency 127, Unbreaking V, Durability 10
413-15x EmeraldDiamond PickaxeMax tier enchant IV
410-14x EmeraldDiamond Shovel/AxeMax tier tool enchant IV
519-22x EmeraldBlock Zapper
124/32x Stick4x Emerald
12-4x Emerald10x Arrow
22-4x EmeraldBow
25-8x EmeraldShotgun Bow
32-4x String6x Emerald
310-14x EmeraldExplosive Bow
416-18x EmeraldFrozen Shot Bow
417-20x EmeraldBowMax tier enchant III
522-27x EmeraldGrappling Hook Bow
58-12x Emerald4x Tipped Arrow of Slowness I/Weakness I/Poison I
12-4x Paper5x Emerald
14-7x EmeraldEnchanted BookMax tier tool enchant III
21-3x EmeraldBookshelf
26-10x EmeraldEnchanted BookMax tier weapon enchant III
33-6x EmeraldTracking Compass
318-24x EmeraldEnchanted BookMax tier armor enchant IV
45-10x EmeraldAnvil
418-24x EmeraldEnchanted BookMax tier bow enchant III
525-32x EmeraldEnchanted BookMax tier weapon enchant IV
510-15x EmeraldEnchanted BookMending or Unbreaking III

1Brewing Stand6x Emerald
13-6x Emerald5x Bottle o’ Enchanting
22-5x EmeraldEnchanting Table
24-8x Emerald3x Lapis Lazuli
32x Glass Bottle3x Emerald
310-12x EmeraldPotion of Swiftness II/Strength I/Regeneration I
49-15x EmeraldEnder Pearl
412-14x EmeraldPotion of Harming I/Poison I/Weakness II
516-20x EmeraldShield Wand/Frozen Path Wand/Updraft Wand/Elevation Sceptre
516-18x EmeraldDragon Fire Wand/Fireball Wand/TNT Wand/Lightning Wand
12-3x Raw Chicken5x Emerald
12-4x Emerald4x Bread
22-4x EmeraldCake
23-7x Emerald3x Steak
312-14x EmeraldReplenishing Carrot
318/21/24x Wheat3x Emerald
46-9x Emerald3x Golden Carrot
413-16x EmeraldGolden Apple
516-20x EmeraldMagical Water Bottle
514-20x EmeraldExploding Pig Spawn Egg

The duration of the Strength I potion found in the "Brewing Stand" drop is reduced to 60s.

The Hot Potato can be picked up, and thrown back after it has already been thrown. However, the Hot Potato deals its greatest amount of damage whilst in the inventory. To compensate for this new mechanic, the time it takes to explode is doubled.

Monsters that can equip equipment will pick up dropped items.

The superfast low durability Golden Pickaxe will have 15 durability, but only Unbreaking V. The durability of this pickaxe is often too unpredictable to be useful.

Elytras cannot be repaired, and they cannot be fused in the crafting menu.

There are some maps that use daylight sensors (eg. Tokyo, Firehouse) as building materials, but because of the texture pack, they appear as the Pig King Hat. Might want to get that changed!

Decrease the cost of all perks by 50%. All perks already bought beforehand should have appropriate points returned. Though the perks give minor chance-based conveniences, it still certainly feels unfair, especially for newer players.

Version Parity! Port ALL (or at least as many as possible) of the maps/items/perks/lucky block events from Java Lucky Islands to Bedrock Lucky Islands and vice versa. In my opinion, Bedrock’s map, item, and lucky block event variety is significantly lacking compared to Java’s, especially when it comes to the Teams mode between each version. I hear cries for a “Duos” gamemode on Bedrock for Lucky Islands, and while I support this, having the variety of team sizes on Java’s teamed mode ported to Bedrock would cater to all types of team sizes and number of teams.

The Fortune enchantment works on blocks it usually wouldn’t, like how it is on Skyblock (iron ore, melons, logs, etc). The effect only works on blocks that have been “naturally generated”; from the map or a lucky block event.

Make the item name/texture difference of the Negative/Positive Potion Wand more noticeable, as it isn't super clear that the Potion Wand is split into two like this.

After using the Shield Wand, a maximum of 5 hearts can be dealt from fall damage.
If the Shield Wand is used below y level 5 (around where it can't save the player), the shield and the player will be brought up to y level 5, sparing the player. If this happens, the Shield Wand will be disintegrated.

Have the ability to cancel the Grappling Hook bow ability by right-clicking.

Riding on a pig will grant the pig and the player Swiftness III, and for 5s after dismounting. This change has been made to make the pig+saddle+carrot on a stick drop less useless.

The top-middle block in a cage trap is a block of obsidian rather than an iron bar, to prevent players from jumping through the holes created by iron bars.

Cage traps can't be activated by teammates.

Dissolving Iron/Diamond/Gold dissolves slower while it is in the crafting grid.

Pet Cats and Pet Wolves can be distracted by dropped Raw Cod and Raw Meat respectively, to make cats' ludicrous speed less infuriating, and giving players an alternative to brutally slaughtering these poor animals.

Witches on Bats can be stunned in place for 4s by any projectile (snowballs, arrows, etc.).

Decrease the item smelting time (in a furnace) by half.

Over time, the drop events from Lucky Blocks become more extreme, decreasing the chance of coming across drops that are more mediocre.

For whatever reason, camping is bannable. Before reading the rules thoroughly, I never knew this, and I'm sure this is the case for many other people. But whatever, camping is annoying and banning it is a solution I suppose, but I want to solve this issue from a more gameplay perspective. It should be disadvantageous to camp. To disincentivise camping, as well as making incredibly drawn-out games less frequent:
  • After 8 minutes from the start of the game (or 3 minutes after all but two players/teams are remaining), all players will be given a Player Tracker. A warning will be broadcasted in chat 15 seconds beforehand, so that if a player's inventory is full and they would need one, they have a bit of time to get ready. Additionally, all kit effects involving receiving an item after x seconds no longer activate past this point.
  • After 10 minutes from the start of the game (or 4 minutes after all but two players/teams are remaining), Lucky Blocks at the centre of the map will regenerate.
  • After 12 minutes from the start of the game (or 5 minutes after all but two players/teams are remaining), blocks closest to the bottom, top, and edges of the world will start to disintegrate, and players too low, too high, or too far will start to take massive damage (a la the void). A warning will be broadcasted 60 seconds beforehand, so that players have time to run towards the middle of the map before their demise meets them.
If you've read all of that, I commend you. Anyways, please feel very much free to give criticism and feedback.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2020
CubeCraft Universe
So uhmmm, it was once made public that whenever Team CubeCraft updates a game, they would take a look at all previously suggested content of said game.

I guess what I want to say is: good luck Team CubeCraft
longggg suggestion.gif

(Also, respect for coming up with this and typing all this out. There's some real interesting/original stuff here!!)


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Okay, so first of all, respect for all these suggestions. They are all really creative, and I love how you made the design for some of them as well. As I myself am bored and in love with the gamemode, I'll go over all suggestions and give my opinion on them. Feel free to skip this if you arent bored or have anything better to do with your time!

I've put everything into spoilers and sub-spoilers, and an :agree:or :disagree: within the spoiler at the end!

Lucky Block Compass
Similar to a Player Tracker, but this one tracks the location of the nearest Lucky Block (this includes Trap Lucky Blocks)
If for whatever reason, adding a new “tracker” is impossible, the Player Tracker could have two modes: a Player mode and a Lucky Block mode. The modes can be toggled by left-clicking.

Player Tracker Deluxe
Works exactly like a regular player tracker, but also tells the user how many blocks away they are from the targeted player.
I love this idea, but I don't want this to be added. This is not because I don't like it, but because I'm afraid less experienced players will get confused and for example dig a hole into the ground as they think a player is there. It might be a bit too complicated for some. For the PTD, this would be a bit too overpowered for a simple tracker in my opinion. :disagree:
Potion of Luck
When consumed, gives the player the "Luck" effect, removing the chance for negative drops from Lucky Blocks.
Default duration: 120s
Can be found in the "Brewing Stand" drop.

Splash Potion of Bad Luck
When affected, gives the player the “Bad Luck” effect, increasing the chance for negative drops from Lucky Blocks.
Default duration: 90s
Can be found in the "Brewing Stand" drop.
Magical Water Bottle
When consumed, removes fire and any negative potion effects from the player, and heals the player for half their missing health.
Cooldown: 25s
These are some really creative ones! For the (bad) luck ones, I'd say a duration of 60 seconds is most reasonable. The potions themselves, definitely :agree: !!

For the magical water bottle, I think it is a bit too much for the item, as it heals a lot and it takes away everything. I'd rather see a milk bucket take away fire in addition rather than this potion specificly, certainly because you also talk about a cooldown, meaning the usage isn't a one time only thing. :disagree:
Updraft Wand
Sends the player high into the air with a gust of wind! They are automatically given an Elytra, which breaks once they reach the ground.
Cooldown: 120s
Updraft Wand.png

Lightning Wand
Casts a bolt of lightning onto the block selected, or onto a player if they are hit.
Cooldown: 70s

Fireball Wand
When right-clicked, summons a fireball in the direction shot.
Cooldown: 35s

Basic Wall Wand
When right-clicked, a large wall (11 wide, 5 tall) is created in the direction the player is facing, made out of brick blocks.
Cooldown: 40s

Deluxe Wall Wand
When right-clicked on the ground, a larger wall (13 wide, 8 tall) is created out of the block type right-clicked on, in the direction they're facing. Blocks created by walls will not override existing blocks (Cooldown: 40s).
If the wand is used whilst selecting no blocks, or blocks that would be too valuable to duplicate (listed below), a wall is created of the same size as the Basic Wall Wand (Cooldown: 30s).
  • Diamond Ore
  • Diamond Block
  • Golden Ore
  • Golden Block
  • Iron Ore
  • Iron Block
  • Emerald Ore
  • Emerald Block
  • Bedrock
  • TNT
One by one: The Updraft wand would be wayyy to overpowered, even with a long cooldown. It would be a significantly better elytra, which is re-usable. This would be too gamebreaking for what I could foresee, hence I don't want it to be added at all :disagree:

Lightning Wand and Fireball Wand seem super epic! I think they both can go on the same cooldown, which would be 60s. This due to the lightning not dealing that much damage (to compare, the 'iron block' event when opening a lucky block strikes twice and deals at most 6 hearts of damage. one strike would only be 3, which seems reasonable for 60 seconds) and the fireball being probably more overpowered than you might expect. We can see the last thing in eggwars, where the craziest kills are made with the 6-emerald costing item. It would be a great addition to the game, as you can fire it back at the sender with great timing, but it shouldn't have a too small cooldown :agree:

Both wall wands seem a bit too good as well. The wall is fairly big and hard to break through. The only way this could be implemented would be to make it the same as the EggWars wall builder (3x3), although it cannot be of stone bricks or terracotta, as that would take too long to break through without a pickaxe. In that case I would suggest normal clay blocks or even better, glass blocks :unsure:
Elevation Sceptre
Teleports the player to the highest block on the same x & z axis of the player (a helpful tool when ender pearls and grappling hook bows are too finicky to use)
Will not consume if already on the highest block.
Removes fall damage when used, and grants Resistance IV and Weakness IV for 5s.
Is deleted on use.
I see where you are going with this item, but I think this will only stimulate voidcamping, since you can fly around with your elytra and use this item to instantly be back on an island. If you would adjust it, chorus fruit would probably do the exact same, hence I don't think adding it would be a great thing :disagree:
Totem of Undying
When activated by the player dying, the player loses all of their items, teleported back to their spawn point, and given only the equipment from their kit. The totem is then consumed.
A Totem of Undying can only be used once per game.
I think simply a totem of undying would be reasonable, so it isn't void-proof, as well as it doesn't make the game last hours. I'm not sure if it is too overpowered or not, but I mean, if you never add it you will never know :unsure:
Get-out-of-jail-free Card
When used, any nearby enemies are stuck in place for 5s.
Those stuck in place cannot be attacked during this time.
This item is consumed on use, and using this item again has a 60s cooldown.
I love the sense of humour in this one! All jokes aside, I honestly think some sort of earthquake wand that does exactly this to all enemies within 4/5 blocks, so that they are stunned. Also, this wand would have a 60s cooldown. A one time only item seems a bit too weak in my opinion, so this could be a perfect alternative. I'll mark it as unsure as it needs to be improved (my idea as well) :unsure:
Gliding Wings
The maximum flying speed is halved, and does not work with firework rockets.
Has 40 Durability points, like a dropped Elytra.
Cannot be repaired.
What's the difference with normal Elytra? 😅
Weighted Amulet
Whilst held, provides its user immunity to knockback.
The user cannot move whilst it is held.
Now this is what we call a tactical weapon! I'd loveeee to see this added! quick question, would this work in your offhand? :agree:
Impulse TNT
Ignites when placed, acting like regular TNT, except it doesn’t deal explosion damage, nor destroys blocks, though has 1.5x knockback (launches the player that placed it at 2x knockback)
Impulse TNT does not launch teammates.
I think this item would be too confusing with a normal block of TNT. I'm also not sure if it is even possible to have some TNT blocks deal damage while others don't. I don't think it is worth all the time to develop some sort of system, as the KB could be really good, but it mostly will cause confusion. :disagree:
Golden Egg
When these “golden eggs” hatches a chick, it is replaced with a golden ingot or diamond (50/50)
These eggs have a ¼ chance (rather than the regular ⅛) to hatch, and a ⅛ thereafter (rather than the regular 1/32) to hatch three additional drops.
Rotten Egg
When thrown at a player, they receive Poison I for 5s.
I don't really get all the numbers from the golden egg, and it sounds really confusing. Having eggs that drop ingots or diamonds seems too weird anyways, so I think I'll have to disagree :disagree:

The rotten egg however would be cool, not sure about the possibilities, but it would be cool. I would make this one 'enchanted' (so it looks like the picture of the golden egg) :agree:
Block Zapper
When used to break a block, all connected blocks of the same type are broken as well, and put automatically into your inventory.
A maximum of 30 of the same block can be connected to the initial block, or the ability will not work.
Ability Cooldown: 60s (can be used as a regular iron pickaxe meanwhile)
Again, I understand where you are going with this suggestion, but adding this would be an overpowered spleef-axe. Even building with obsidian will not stop you from that. Most of the islands as well are build out of a few different blocks, meaning this could destroy an entire island in a few seconds. This pickaxe would be too game-breaking, so not for me, thanks :disagree:
Flashy Helmet
Is given at half durability, and the Curse of Binding enchant is pre-applied.
You are automatically equipped with this item when you get the “Flashy Helmet” drop.
While the helmet is worn, a firework is launched from your head every 10 seconds.
The helmet can only be removed by it running out of durability.
OMG! This would be the funniest 'bad block' you can open in the game. Genious!
I'd make the durability a bit less, as it would take sooo much hits to get it away. I would probably make it within 5 hits of a sword at most. :agree:
Rabbit Boots
Gives the player permanent Jump Boost III while worn.
Has Feather Falling II pre-applied.

A carrot, that when consumed, placed on farmland, crafted into golden carrots, or fed to pigs, replenishes itself.
Boots: Probably needs a little nerf: jump boost II and feather falling I would do! :agree:

Infini-carrot: What. The. I really don't know with this item: it's not good, not bad, simply okay, but also weird. I'm not sure if it fits the game that well, making me say unsure for now :unsure:
Enhanced Blaze Rod
Is alike to a “regular” Blaze Rod (has Fire Aspect pre-applied) but additionally has the effect of the Fire Sword, and Sharpness III.
Has a 20% chance to drop from Blazes.
Having the blaze rod that is playable and a fire sword that is playable, this seems a bit over the top. It's too good im afraid... The design of it is dope tho! :disagree:
Exploding Pig Spawn Egg
Can be used to spawn a pig, but when interacted in any way (punched, nudged, fed, etc.) it explodes immediately, dealing similar power to a Trapped Chest explosion.
Just a super normal pig? Not sure if this is a fun addition to the game, as it will probably be used as a close-up explosive rather than a walking around pig. You cannot see the difference between it and the pig from the 'lifestock' drop, hence I disagree :disagree:
My personal total votes:
:agree: - 8
:unsure: - 3
:disagree: - 11
“Ready, Set, Lift-off!” After 3 seconds, causes the player to jump to a very great height (about 100 blocks). They will not take fall damage after reaching the ground. Smoke and fire particles, resembling a rocket, will accompany them in their ascent.
I quite think this could be good actually! First time I read this, I was like 'what? no!', but after reading it a few times, I actually think it is quite useful as well, since you can travel to other islands with it. A few questions tho, which will be why I mark it as unsure: What if this block is opened inside? Isn't 100 blocks too high? Will this block be considered a positive or negative drop (occurs in blessed or not)? :unsure:
Blocks within a certain radius are turned into snow blocks.
If you'd be given a shovel, this would be cool! I also think you should make some of these blocks ice and packed ice blocks rather than only use snow, to prevent people from mining the entire thing without even looking. The shovel should be, just like the 'mine ores' drop, from iron :agree:
Hard Decisions Chest
“I’ve come to help! I’m not running a charity though, so just take one.”
Summons a chest in front of the player, in the chest there’s three items, which can include:
  • Random Sword (with random enchants)
  • Random Axe
  • Bow (with random enchants)
  • Random Armor Piece
  • Golden Apple
Once one of the items is picked up, the chest, and its remaining contents, self-destruct.
The chest can be closed before an item is picked up, allowing the player (or anyone else who happens to be nearby) to make a decision later.
Breaking the chest early drops one of the three items, the other two are destroyed.
Not sure if all these options you give are possible with developing, but the idea however deserves an agree! Keep out by not putting too overpowered items in the chest (bow with power II or sword with sharpness and fire aspect for example) :agree:
Skeleton Horse Trap
Four Skeleton Horsemen spawn, as a bolt of lightning falls to the ground.
This event only occurs in the Overpowered mode.
Renamed it a bit in the spoiler as that is the original name, which I personally like better :o
As it only occurs in overpowered mode, I would love to see the chaos with these buddies. :agree:
Blocks within a certain radius are turned into a random gravity-affected block (sand, red sand, gravel, cyan concrete powder, etc.)
The blocks don’t fall until they are affected by gravity. Be careful letting them update!
I'm not a fan. First of all, if the inner blocks spawn first, and the ring around that after, the inner blocks would be affected by gravity. second of all, this would completely eliminate an entire story on the island to play on. The blocks are completely useless as well, unlike the snow blocks you talked about earlier. :disagree:
Random Enchanted Book
Drops an enchanted book with 3 enchants of different item types (eg. one tool, one armor, and one sword)
Additionally summons an anvil and some experience orbs.
Yes!! I never understood why there was an enchantment table spawn and not an anvil spawn (rather than the anvil trap, which is not what you expect then :P
3 books however sound as a bit too much. I'd just give the player one random book, hoping for them they could use it. In overpowered, you could give them more, but I think giving that one book with stronger enchantments is even better. The drop is amazing tho! :agree:
End Crystal
Drops an end crystal, a piece of obsidian, and a dragon head.
While a dragon head is worn within fifteen blocks from an end crystal, the player receives Regeneration I.
Although I think the dragon head is quite funny, this drop will only be used for Crystal Combat. These crystals deal a whole lot of damage, and for self-built traps, they are way too overpowered :disagree:
Exploding Temple
Generates a small, temple-like structure with valuable blocks, as well as indestructible TNT at its core.
The TNT ignites after 10 seconds of generation. In the meantime, the player is able to collect as much of the valuables as fast as they can.
The TNT is able to be ignited before the 10 second timer is up by using a redstone power source.
In my opinion, the temple is simply too big to spawn it on every place, but the valuables are way over the top. In 10 seconds, you can easily get a diamond block and an iron block, giving the player more armour than the average gear of the winning player is. Besides that, this temple could cause suffocation, which leads to an instant kill with the TNT :disagree:
Sticky Situation
Generates a large slime cube structure around the player.
Slime blocks do not generate over existing blocks.
I think this is more the pun than the actual trap. Slime blocks are instantly breakable by hand, making it not really annoying or difficult at all to escape. I'm not sure if this would be cool to add :unsure:
Localised Spider Infestation
Generates a 3x3 square of cobwebs around the player.
Drops a Shears on the player.
Two spiders spawn outside the 3x3 area, and target the player.
Make it one spider inside the box and you have an agree. This would be not too difficult to escape, rather than 2 spiders while being stuck in the web, but it also gives you the opportunity to use the cobweb in PvP later in the game :agree:
Quick Maths
System ripped straight from the MinerWare minigame
If the player gets the equation right, they receive 1-2 diamonds.
If the player gets it wrong or the time runs out, they are damaged for 5 hearts.
When playing a game of MinerWare, the focus is completely on doing the math equation. During Lucky Islands, this is not the case. For that matter, the players cannot chat during this block event for 5 seconds to warn their teammates, or just talk for whatever reason. Besides that, every block that involves the chat doesn't force you to do so (for example the 'rock-paper-scissors' drop). I don't think forcing the players into a math equation would be beneficial for the game :disagree:
Drops a Fortune III Iron Pickaxe/Axe.
As mentioned in the general changes, fortune can be used to obtain additional logs from sources.
I'd rather see this as an ability to be honest. That ability would give the chance to have the 'tools' drop (stone/iron axe/pickaxe/shovel), the 'mine ore' drop (with iron pickaxe), 'diamond pickaxe' drop or the 'mine tree' drop (tree with stone pickaxe) to spawn with fortune. I think that would be better than to add an entire new tool item, as there are already quite a few of them :unsure:
Sacrificial Boots
Drops an Iron/Diamond Boots with Curse of Binding, ½ Durability, Mending, and Unbreaking III.
This, unlike the Flashy Helmet, would be literally unbreakable. I don't think setting up someone for the entire game like this is a good thing. Just for a little while, sure, but for this long (forever)? :disagree:
Aw Man!
Summons a Charged Creeper.
The Charged Creeper remains idle for 3 seconds, or until attacked by the player.
I don't like the idea of a charged creeper at all. In the picture down, you can see the difference in explosion for both. The Charged Creeper is too destructive for a friendly game of Lucky Islands in my opinion, which is why I disagree :disagree:
1650010250077.pngSource: Minecraft Wiki
Drops 16 Rotten Eggs
This amount has to drastically shrink. 16 times 5 seconds of poison is too much. I'd maximally give 5 of these eggs, as they would simply take all the fun away if used correctly.
My personal total votes:
:agree: - 5
:unsure: - 3
:disagree: - 6
Morning: 8AM, passive animals can naturally spawn.
Noon (Default): 12PM; the same as the “Day” option.
Evening: 6PM; the same as the “Sunset” option, and also hunger depletion is slightly reduced.
Night: 9PM; the same as the “Night” option.
Haunting Hour: 3AM, all hostile monsters have the Strength I effect.
Cycling: the time of day starts random, and changes throughout the duration of the game (thrice as fast as a normal Minecraft day), with the appropriate modifiers to go along with the time.
I don't think any of this would be beneficial for the game itself. If you have to watch out for monsters spawning with strength, I'd freak out. Day, Night and Sunset is perfectly, and I wouldn't change a thing. I also don't think Time needs more use, as the visibility varies a lot, which is in my opinion enough use :disagree:
I'm not certainly a fan of Crazy, but making a whole separate voting option for the specific events will take a lot of the fun away. The gamemode is good, as it is literally normal loot with events happening. It's not as if the gamemode has influence on which power the content of a lucky block has. I'm not a fan of separating them, so I'll go by the event that currently isn't in Crazy Gamemode, so I can give my opinion on that one specifically :disagree:
Agility Boost: All players receive Swiftness III and Jump Boost III.
Currently, there is this 'Rabbit' event (I believe thats what it is called) where you only get a high jump boost. Personally, getting a high speed boost event would be quite funny. This could cause people to die because they were building or walking to the edge. Not sure if should be added, but all together it is too much boost, making normal movement barely possible :unsure:
Cursed: Permanent “Bad Luck” Effect – more bad drops (Normal kits).
This would be like the extreme version of Hardcore EggWars, in every way possible. That means gameplay would be barely possible, but also, just like hardcore, no one would vote it. And then I mean, absolutely no one. Why would you want a game of 'lets see who dies last to their drops'? :disagree:
Magical: More potions and wand drops, and no diamonds from drops or kits (all diamond items in kits are replaced with iron equivalents).
Why does 'no diamonds' fit in this gamemode? I don't think this gamemode is really special, for that matter, 'more' is pretty abstract in a cycle where you can get any block. More doesn't exclude other drops such as an iron tool set and full iron gear, which would probably be way more overpowered in that gamemode than a few wands. Like the concept, but it can't be executed very well :disagree:
My personal total votes:
:agree: - 0
:unsure: - 1
:disagree: - the rest
I'm gonna be honest, I'm too bored to go past all the kits. My opinion on kits is the same as yours, but a little different:
to give every kit some sort of viability (for example, when was the last time you used the Seeker kit?)
I fully agree with this. There are a lot of kits that are simply unviable. Not having the armour or diamond kit means you basically have less chance to win the game. I agree on balancing the kits more, and even removing a few of them as they are absolutely garbage (such as the seeker kit). The kit menu is too big to play all of them, but right now, some of them are unplayable, which is a shame. Removing some of them and making the menu smaller would be the way to go in my opinion.
The new prices you may ask? Well, get a random number generator, set the parameters between 4 and 20, and then multiply the result by 50, because that’s most likely how the original kits' prices were decided upon.
There is indeed too little logic in the prices right now, but a complete overhaul would be good. I won't go by every kit you named, as I think those kits are too overpowered, having weapons, blocks, armour and miscellaneous, which is too much for one kit.
No. this would be a super confusing, weird menu. One kit is enough, lets not throw so much stuff on players they don't even have to open a lucky block anymore.

However, I do have to say, the secondary kit menu is about what I expect from the normal kit menu to look like: not too overpowered, but not too weak as well. I will go in detail about a few of these kits, but I honestly think these suggestions could take over the normal kit menu. If I don't mention a kit down, that means I agree with the content of it, or it contains content of which I mentioned above I think weren't beneficial for the game! Also, love the names :P
4x TNT
Stone Pressure Plate
Only a pressure plate make it seem hard to activate the TNT. I'd say adding a button or a lever would do!
Effect: Receive a diamond every 60 seconds.
This means after hiding for a bit, your gear would be buffed up, but you probably die before it comes to that point. I'd say, keep it with some diamonds you get. The current 7 is balanced in my opinion, giving you the option between a (pick)axe and boots, a sword and a helmet or just leggings
Golden Apple
2x Apple
I'd say, add another apple. 2 apples is too little to live on.
Dragon Fire Wand
Regen Wand
I'd say, keep the random wand. When I choose this kit, I always hope to get a TNT, splash potion or a frost path wand. These two wands seem too weak to be viable in my opinion, as they are better late game.
Pet Cat
Pet Dog
Splash Potion of Healing I
As well as the previous mentioned ones, I'd keep Frosty in the kit, as it is a cool addition to the kit, and this kit has always been a viable option because of the OP cat!
Villager Spawn Egg
10x Emerald
I would give more emeralds. 10 emeralds is not enough to make any reasonable trade, as you can only trade the basic and don't let the villager get new trades
Stone Pickaxe (Fortune II)
3x Iron Ore
3x Coal
This seems very bad. As I think it is unviable, I think this should be removed in general
2x Snow Block
Wooden Shovel
I'd prefer to see a Frosty in the pet kit rather than having it separate
5x Iron Ingot
This would be completely useless when you have the diamond kit already
Chainmail Chestplate (½ Durability)
Lingering Potion of Poison I
I'm not a fan of a kit you can only unlock after achieving something in game. Every player should be able to have the same chances. For this specific kit, it probably wouldn't be an issue, but if the kit would be significantly better than others, you cannot win without it, so then it should be available for everone (or patched of course, but you get the message)
I want to say that not all of these kits should or could be added, but these are the biggest points I could point out right now on first sight!
The Villager Tower drop has a 4x chance of occurring within the first 90 seconds of the game, as to encourage grinding for certain resources early on.
I disagree. The tower should be a normal drop just like every other. A lot of people skip the villagers anyways as it takes quite some time to figure the trades. Making the drop occur 4 times as many, people will only be annoyed they cannot find other loot. :disagree:
Villagers aren't ludicrously fast.
yes. :agree:
Villagers cannot die by suffocation.
This is indeed a big problem for this drop as well as the horse drop. Disabling suffocation could be a solution, but I'd like to see something even better, such as 'the villagers that were in a wall would spawn above the wall in a separate tower. I'll give the agree for the problem, but know the solution would be unsure for me :agree:
Villagers immediately turn into witches if they are attacked by a player, but only initially aggro on the player that first attacked them.
I mean, yes... You better be nice to my buddies!! :agree:
As a villager is on average, MUCH better than before, only 4 villagers spawn during the Villager Tower drop.
As I don't understand the points beneath this, I cannot vote on this and the next points. Right now, only the armourer, weaponsmith and fletcher (maybe farmer for food) are worth it to trade with, so 5 villagers increases the probability of one of those spawning. From my personal experience, I know without any of these in the tower, Im not even bothered to check the trades.
  • Villagers must perform a trade in the current highest tier to unlock trades in the next-highest tier.
  • Trade limits reset after 90s.
    • 1x item limit: Block Zapper, Elevation Sceptre
    • 2x item item limit: all special bows, all wands, Magical Water Bottle
    • 4x item limit: all enchanted items, Golden Apple
    • 6x item limit: other buy offers
    • 10x limit: all sell offers
  • All items that are enchanted have completely random enchants, with the chance of getting multiple enchants, though not guaranteed to be the highest enchant level possible (specified by “Max tier enchant x”)
  • All probabilities within buy and sell offer amounts are equal (eg. the chance of a Weaponsmith buying 2 Iron Ingots for 5 Emeralds is the same as it buying 3 Iron Ingots for 5 Emeralds).
as said above, I don't really understand all this. I'm not that experienced with villagers in the game, so I'm not voting on this
In the Overpowered modifier, all villagers’ buying prices are reduced by 2 Emeralds, and selling prices increased by 2 Emeralds.
This seems reasonable actually! :agree:
As I didn't understand everything, not sure what you can use of these items, but:
:agree: - 3
:disagree: - 1
The duration of the Strength I potion found in the "Brewing Stand" drop is reduced to 60s.
Fair. Strength should be a game finisher rather than a big improvement on the gameplay overall. Currently, the strength could indeed be seen as too long, so I'll agree :agree:
The Hot Potato can be picked up, and thrown back after it has already been thrown. However, the Hot Potato deals its greatest amount of damage whilst in the inventory. To compensate for this new mechanic, the time it takes to explode is doubled.
If the hot potato can enter your inventory, not many people will see it. This will cause people accidentally walk over it and get killed because of that. I don't think this is a good improvement at all, so I'd love to keep the hot potato as it is right now :disagree:
Monsters that can equip equipment will pick up dropped items.
Oh, boy. This is sadly already the case. You can see it in this video how this happened to me once :o
The superfast low durability Golden Pickaxe will have 15 durability, but only Unbreaking V. The durability of this pickaxe is often too unpredictable to be useful.
It's always difficult to use low durability items as you don't know when they break. I quite like it how a knockback sword can break on the 'moment suprème', but I can understand why you want it to be all the same every time. I'll vote unsure because of that :unsure:
Elytras cannot be repaired, and they cannot be fused in the crafting menu.
the only way to repair elytras in 1.12 is by fusing two elytras together (or with a mending book, but I don't think this is ever seen in a game). I don't think it matters if you have to switch an elytra when you are having two, or you are able to fuse them with the crafting menu. For that matter, I think this should just be allowed. packing two elytras is lucky enough, so restricting players in that wouldn't really matter :disagree:
There are some maps that use daylight sensors (eg. Tokyo, Firehouse) as building materials, but because of the texture pack, they appear as the Pig King Hat. Might want to get that changed!
I didn't know this bug existed, as I always play without a texture pack, but this is indeed true! As this is a bug rather than a suggestion, you can report it here!
Decrease the cost of all perks by 50%. All perks already bought beforehand should have appropriate points returned. Though the perks give minor chance-based conveniences, it still certainly feels unfair, especially for newer players.
This is something I cannot judge on from a Lucky Island player perspective, but from a CubeCraft Player perspective, I disagree. Perks in every game are cumulative in point cost to prevent people from instantly having a 50% chance on a good ability. By playing a lot, more points are obtained, giving better chances for perks like this, which can lead to more points to be won. It's only fair that these perks are this expensive. I find it quite hard to explain, but I don't think these should cost less :disagree:
Version Parity! Port ALL (or at least as many as possible) of the maps/items/perks/lucky block events from Java Lucky Islands to Bedrock Lucky Islands and vice versa. In my opinion, Bedrock’s map, item, and lucky block event variety is significantly lacking compared to Java’s, especially when it comes to the Teams mode between each version. I hear cries for a “Duos” gamemode on Bedrock for Lucky Islands, and while I support this, having the variety of team sizes on Java’s teamed mode ported to Bedrock would cater to all types of team sizes and number of teams.
I'm not experienced with bedrock at all, but some stuff can probably be ported. CubeCraft is already working on this, with for example the SkyWars update, in which they ported a few maps from Java to Bedrock. I cannot vote on this as I don't know the details about possibilities and others, but I definitely support it!
The Fortune enchantment works on blocks it usually wouldn’t, like how it is on Skyblock (iron ore, melons, logs, etc). The effect only works on blocks that have been “naturally generated”; from the map or a lucky block event.
I'm not sure for what you need it more than just ores and logs (with fortune on an axe)? It might just be me, but in SkyBlock, the crops earn you a whole lot of money, which is totally irrelevant in a game like Lucky Islands. The Fortune ability in SkyBlock is sometimes a bit glitchy, as it simply isn't vanilla minecraft, so I don't see a reason to port that to Lucky Islands :disagree:
Make the item name/texture difference of the Negative/Positive Potion Wand more noticeable, as it isn't super clear that the Potion Wand is split into two like this.
I think this is one of the mechanics in Lucky Islands no one is aware of, but the colour difference is pretty noticeable. I don't think it should be more visible, it just should be told to the community more in whatever way :disagree:
After using the Shield Wand, a maximum of 5 hearts can be dealt from fall damage.
If the Shield Wand is used below y level 5 (around where it can't save the player), the shield and the player will be brought up to y level 5, sparing the player. If this happens, the Shield Wand will be disintegrated.
A shield wand void save requires a lot of speed and quick thinking. I don't think any of this should be put into the game, as this stimulates void camping (with elytra, but also just jumping down at the start of the game) :disagree:
Have the ability to cancel the Grappling Hook bow ability by right-clicking.
Now this is a QoL I'd love to see. The amount of times I built some kind of wall so I could safely remove the hook... :agree:
Riding on a pig will grant the pig and the player Swiftness III, and for 5s after dismounting. This change has been made to make the pig+saddle+carrot on a stick drop less useless.
In overpowered, the pig already moves faster! I find the drop quite funny, but I see what you mean. making the pig faster in normal should be fine! Giving the player swiftness seems like a really bad idea however. People will just sit on the pig for 0.5s to get the boost. I wouldn't like to see the pig get used like that as it isn't the point of the drop :agree:
The top-middle block in a cage trap is a block of obsidian rather than an iron bar, to prevent players from jumping through the holes created by iron bars.
I personally like to use the top to escape the cage trap. I understand what you mean, but breaking open the top only takes one bar, meanwhile the sides cost u at least the time of breaking 2 bars. This would be a two-sided sword if you switch the top to obsidian, so because it doesn't look like an actual cage by changing this, I see more negatives than positives, meaning Ill disagree :disagree:
Cage traps can't be activated by teammates.
Even though you might not think about it that way, you can use the cage trap in your advantage. Breaking the pressure plate also triggers the trap, which makes it a wall of 2 iron bars. It could be really useful, so I think keeping it so that teammates also can trigger the trap is fine. If someone uses it to trap you, you can always report them for trolling/cross teaming, since it is not allowed :disagree:
Dissolving Iron/Diamond/Gold dissolves slower while it is in the crafting grid.
Pfoehh, this one has definitely two sides: one side says you should be careful with crafting, as you know it can dissolve if you arent careful, while the other side says it is unfair if you made a little mistake you cannot craft your chestplate, which might result in not crafting anything at all. As the ores that aren't in your crafting grid dissolve first, I think it is only fair that the speed is equal in the crafting grid as well as in your inventory. The drop is called 'craft fast' after all :disagree:
Pet Cats and Pet Wolves can be distracted by dropped Raw Cod and Raw Meat respectively, to make cats' ludicrous speed less infuriating, and giving players an alternative to brutally slaughtering these poor animals.
I'm afraid this is design technically impossible. I like the idea however. The cats are absolutely insane with their speed and the small hitbox. I think if the speed of the cat gets capped a bit, it isn't that much of a problem. Due to the probable technical problems, :unsure:
Witches on Bats can be stunned in place for 4s by any projectile (snowballs, arrows, etc.).
This doesn't seem logical. The witch can be stunned, but the bats continue to fly. It is not logical to make it so that the bat stops flying when you hit the witch :disagree:
Decrease the item smelting time (in a furnace) by half.
Why? It is vanilla smelting. I think the time is not even that long, but this is just a case of patience, and I wouldn't change that to be fair :disagree:
Over time, the drop events from Lucky Blocks become more extreme, decreasing the chance of coming across drops that are more mediocre.
This would give two problems, hence I disagree: first of all, who decides what drops are considered extreme and which aren't? This is very subjective, as what you think is extreme might be mediocre for me. Second of all, sometimes you just need a simple drop late game, such as blocks, Frosty for snowballs, bread or even a guard tower. These might be considered mediocre, but could win you the game :disagree:
For whatever reason, camping is bannable. Before reading the rules thoroughly, I never knew this, and I'm sure this is the case for many other people. But whatever, camping is annoying and banning it is a solution I suppose, but I want to solve this issue from a more gameplay perspective. It should be disadvantageous to camp. To disincentivise camping, as well as making incredibly drawn-out games less frequent:
  • After 8 minutes from the start of the game (or 3 minutes after all but two players/teams are remaining), all players will be given a Player Tracker. A warning will be broadcasted in chat 15 seconds beforehand, so that if a player's inventory is full and they would need one, they have a bit of time to get ready. Additionally, all kit effects involving receiving an item after x seconds no longer activate past this point.
  • After 10 minutes from the start of the game (or 4 minutes after all but two players/teams are remaining), Lucky Blocks at the centre of the map will regenerate.
  • After 12 minutes from the start of the game (or 5 minutes after all but two players/teams are remaining), blocks closest to the bottom, top, and edges of the world will start to disintegrate, and players too low, too high, or too far will start to take massive damage (a la the void). A warning will be broadcasted 60 seconds beforehand, so that players have time to run towards the middle of the map before their demise meets them.
Now these solutions you offer are probably copied from SkyWars or Survival Games, as they have a similar system (chest refill/borders). Camping however occurs in 2 situations: Skybasing and Elytra Running. Now the elytra running is the most common and annoying one in my opinion, as you cannot really stop it. Making in-game restrictions for people would only take away a bit of fun, even though 8 minutes is long. If it is really annoying, you can always make a report during the game, hoping a moderator is quick enough to ban during the game. I don't think in game restrictions are good for island based games, so I disagree :disagree:
My personal total votes:
:agree: - 3
:unsure: - 2
:disagree: - 13

There are definitely some great ideas in this thread, hence I voted :agree: on the entire thing, so I hope it gets forwarded. I also hope this message gives you a bit of insight on my point of view for what it's worth :D


Novice Member
Jan 2, 2021
Oh man, thanks for the feedback! Well I have the time, so I might as well go over where you disagreed or said unsure, and answer any questions.
I love this idea, but I don't want this to be added. This is not because I don't like it, but because I'm afraid less experienced players will get confused and for example dig a hole into the ground as they think a player is there. It might be a bit too complicated for some. For the PTD, this would be a bit too overpowered for a simple tracker in my opinion. :disagree:
Yeah that's a fair enough argument. I guess for the Lucky Block Tracker, that could have a distinct texture (if that's even possible?) and maybe the Deluxe could be for be for Overpowered?
For the magical water bottle, I think it is a bit too much for the item, as it heals a lot and it takes away everything. I'd rather see a milk bucket take away fire in addition rather than this potion specificly, certainly because you also talk about a cooldown, meaning the usage isn't a one time only thing. :disagree:
Soon after uploading this post, yeah I kind of realised healing for half of missing health is probably fairly overpowered. Also, I mostly play on the Java version of Lucky Islands and I definitely forgot the milk bucket is a thing, lol. I could definitely see this item as a consumable with a bit of healing though.
The Updraft wand would be wayyy to overpowered, even with a long cooldown. It would be a significantly better elytra, which is re-usable. This would be too gamebreaking for what I could foresee, hence I don't want it to be added at all :disagree:

I see where you are going with this item, but I think this will only stimulate voidcamping, since you can fly around with your elytra and use this item to instantly be back on an island. If you would adjust it, chorus fruit would probably do the exact same, hence I don't think adding it would be a great thing :disagree:
Yeah it's more of a case that I'm bad at recovering. In hindsight, yeah the Updraft Wand and Elevation Sceptre are pretty overpowered.
Both wall wands seem a bit too good as well. The wall is fairly big and hard to break through. The only way this could be implemented would be to make it the same as the EggWars wall builder (3x3), although it cannot be of stone bricks or terracotta, as that would take too long to break through without a pickaxe. In that case I would suggest normal clay blocks or even better, glass blocks :unsure:
Yeah, why did I make the walls so big? Anyways, yeah the walls should be 3x3, and the basic wand make glass blocks. However, no matter how unbalanced the idea may be, I like the gimmick of the deluxe wand (though obviously with the 3x3 size).
I think simply a totem of undying would be reasonable, so it isn't void-proof, as well as it doesn't make the game last hours. I'm not sure if it is too overpowered or not, but I mean, if you never add it you will never know :unsure:
Maybe as an Overpowered exclusive? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I love the sense of humour in this one! All jokes aside, I honestly think some sort of earthquake wand that does exactly this to all enemies within 4/5 blocks, so that they are stunned. Also, this wand would have a 60s cooldown. A one time only item seems a bit too weak in my opinion, so this could be a perfect alternative. I'll mark it as unsure as it needs to be improved (my idea as well)
Thanks lol! Yeah I definitely like the idea of that Earthquake Wand, but I don't think it's a bad thing that this item is weak. Getting worse stuff kinda forces people to improvise with what they have, and using the not-so-great stuff to win the early-game battles is still pretty fun!
What's the difference with normal Elytra? 😅
Yeah fair enough. I kind of like the ideas for "Gliders" in the general Minecraft community before the Elytra was revealed. This item was supposed to go in the "Cupid" kit, but then I realised that's a dumb idea. Though I still kinda like this item, yeah it's not too different.
Now this is what we call a tactical weapon! I'd loveeee to see this added! quick question, would this work in your offhand? :agree:
Oooo, I did not think of this! I don't really see why it shouldn't work in your offhand! (maybe it might be an issue for mobile players on Bedrock)
I think this item would be too confusing with a normal block of TNT. I'm also not sure if it is even possible to have some TNT blocks deal damage while others don't. I don't think it is worth all the time to develop some sort of system, as the KB could be really good, but it mostly will cause confusion. :disagree:
I personally disagree, but I understand.
I don't really get all the numbers from the golden egg, and it sounds really confusing. Having eggs that drop ingots or diamonds seems too weird anyways, so I think I'll have to disagree :disagree:
The numbers were supposed to represent the probabilities of getting the drops from the eggs. It's supposed to be like how chicks can spawn from eggs in groups of 1 sometimes and groups of 4 very rarely, but the probability of these group numbers are more likely in Lucky Eggs compared to regular eggs. Yeah, probably confusing.
Calling the drops "weird" however, blasphemy! In a gamemode with islands floating in the sky with blocks on them that give completely random drops, surely some eggs with gemstones in them isn't completely out there? (half-joking)
Again, I understand where you are going with this suggestion, but adding this would be an overpowered spleef-axe. Even building with obsidian will not stop you from that. Most of the islands as well are build out of a few different blocks, meaning this could destroy an entire island in a few seconds. This pickaxe would be too game-breaking, so not for me, thanks :disagree:
Fair critique. I suppose it'd break less blocks in its continuity (maybe when there's less than 20?) and maybe show some sort of animation before all the blocks break. However, I could think this ability would only activate when the block is first actually mined by the iron pickaxe. So, building with obsidian would definitely help against this ability!
Infini-carrot: What. The. I really don't know with this item: it's not good, not bad, simply okay, but also weird. I'm not sure if it fits the game that well, making me say unsure for now :unsure:
Similarly to the get-out-of-jail-free card, this is kind of a "why not?" item. It's weird, and that's what I like about it. Though, the answer to that "why not?" would be chewing up development time, and yeah, this probably aint happening. But still, infinite carrot!
Having the blaze rod that is playable and a fire sword that is playable, this seems a bit over the top. It's too good im afraid... The design of it is dope tho! :disagree:
Fair enough. Repeating what I said with the totem of undying, Overpowered exclusive? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just a super normal pig? Not sure if this is a fun addition to the game, as it will probably be used as a close-up explosive rather than a walking around pig. You cannot see the difference between it and the pig from the 'lifestock' drop, hence I disagree :disagree:
I came up with this item when I liked abusing Trapped Chests. Now that I think about it, the close-up explosive nature is probably a bit much. It could probably be differentiated from a regular pig with some sort of name tag, like "Exploding Pig, Beware!"? Or maybe it's always still and never moves?
I quite think this could be good actually! First time I read this, I was like 'what? no!', but after reading it a few times, I actually think it is quite useful as well, since you can travel to other islands with it. A few questions tho, which will be why I mark it as unsure: What if this block is opened inside? Isn't 100 blocks too high? Will this block be considered a positive or negative drop (occurs in blessed or not)? :unsure:
If the block is open inside, I guess the player hits the ceiling. They wouldn't stop being propelled upwards until the "fuse" runs out. 100 blocks was just an arbitrary number I chose, maybe ~32 blocks is better. Maybe instead the player moves a constant speed upwards (if not hitting a block) for a set period of time (for example, the player travels upward for 4 seconds at a speed of 8 blocks per second, so they'd travel 32 blocks upward in total). Since this doesn't damage the player, I wouldn't consider this a negative drop, so it would probably appear in Blessed.
I'm not a fan. First of all, if the inner blocks spawn first, and the ring around that after, the inner blocks would be affected by gravity. second of all, this would completely eliminate an entire story on the island to play on. The blocks are completely useless as well, unlike the snow blocks you talked about earlier. :disagree:
I was thinking the blocks created would all be created at once, so this issue of the outer blocks updating the inner blocks wouldn't be an issue.
Although I think the dragon head is quite funny, this drop will only be used for Crystal Combat. These crystals deal a whole lot of damage, and for self-built traps, they are way too overpowered :disagree:
Fair enough, I suppose the crystal could be nerfed to only deal 9.5 hearts of damage (when no armor is worn), or some other sort of damage nerf.
In my opinion, the temple is simply too big to spawn it on every place, but the valuables are way over the top. In 10 seconds, you can easily get a diamond block and an iron block, giving the player more armour than the average gear of the winning player is. Besides that, this temple could cause suffocation, which leads to an instant kill with the TNT :disagree:
These are definitely understandable concerns. I guess the valuables could be randomly generated, the time the TNT take to ignite could also be random, and the player would be teleported on top of the temple (or to somewhere where the player wouldn't be stuck/suffocate.
I think this is more the pun than the actual trap. Slime blocks are instantly breakable by hand, making it not really annoying or difficult at all to escape. I'm not sure if this would be cool to add :unsure:
Eh, I liked the idea of a somewhat annoying trap that would also be kind of beneficial. Free 27 blocks!
When playing a game of MinerWare, the focus is completely on doing the math equation. During Lucky Islands, this is not the case. For that matter, the players cannot chat during this block event for 5 seconds to warn their teammates, or just talk for whatever reason. Besides that, every block that involves the chat doesn't force you to do so (for example the 'rock-paper-scissors' drop). I don't think forcing the players into a math equation would be beneficial for the game :disagree:
Yup fair enough. To fix this, I guess there just wouldn't be a timer. To compensate, the math question could be harder.
Adding on to this, maybe there could be a "True or False?" question thing, similar to the rock-paper-scissors drop but also the True or False minigame in MinerWare.
I'd rather see this as an ability to be honest. That ability would give the chance to have the 'tools' drop (stone/iron axe/pickaxe/shovel), the 'mine ore' drop (with iron pickaxe), 'diamond pickaxe' drop or the 'mine tree' drop (tree with stone pickaxe) to spawn with fortune. I think that would be better than to add an entire new tool item, as there are already quite a few of them :unsure:
Though I like that ability idea, I don't see why a pickaxe/axe with fortune shouldn't be added. I mean, there isn't any place to get fortune (other than from the enchanting table or librarians if you're really lucky), but maybe that's for the better.
This, unlike the Flashy Helmet, would be literally unbreakable. I don't think setting up someone for the entire game like this is a good thing. Just for a little while, sure, but for this long (forever)? :disagree:
I see this item as a very risk-reward kind of item. Though, getting diamond boots like this is probably a bit much. Overpowered exclusive it is!
Anyways, yeah this item was supposed to be like an item that could definitely help you in a pinch, but you may want an upgrade later, and because you used the Sacrificial Boots, you can no longer do that. Want to enchant it? Want a better tier? Maybe you found some sweet Prot III Iron Boots? Too bad! Welcome to Lucky Islands!
I don't like the idea of a charged creeper at all. In the picture down, you can see the difference in explosion for both. The Charged Creeper is too destructive for a friendly game of Lucky Islands in my opinion, which is why I disagree :disagree:
View attachment 209617
Hmm yeah, I only really considered the damage of the charged creeper, and not really it's explosion radius. Though, the meteor shower drop causes explosions all over the map of about the same size, so I dunno. This is a fair critique, and I guess just replacing the charged creeper with a regular creeper should be alright.
(There aren't any creepers in Lucky Islands, how strange.)
This amount has to drastically shrink. 16 times 5 seconds of poison is too much. I'd maximally give 5 of these eggs, as they would simply take all the fun away if used correctly.
Yeah, agreed.
I don't think any of this would be beneficial for the game itself. If you have to watch out for monsters spawning with strength, I'd freak out. Day, Night and Sunset is perfectly, and I wouldn't change a thing. I also don't think Time needs more use, as the visibility varies a lot, which is in my opinion enough use :disagree:
Monsters wouldn't spawn naturally, just that every hostile mob spawned from a Lucky Block or egg would be given a Strength effect. It was to keep players on their toes, but I can understand how that idea probably isn't for everyone. Personally I disagree with the visibility argument, but I understand.
I'm not certainly a fan of Crazy, but making a whole separate voting option for the specific events will take a lot of the fun away. The gamemode is good, as it is literally normal loot with events happening. It's not as if the gamemode has influence on which power the content of a lucky block has. I'm not a fan of separating them, so I'll go by the event that currently isn't in Crazy Gamemode, so I can give my opinion on that one specifically :disagree:
The whole point of separating Crazy from the other gamemodes was to give players more options. Crazy doesn't influence the drops from Lucky Blocks, like you say. So why can't we play like Blessed or Overpowered but there are also the events from Crazy? I understand this kind of craziness may not be for everyone, but I think the option would be nice.
Currently, there is this 'Rabbit' event (I believe thats what it is called) where you only get a high jump boost. Personally, getting a high speed boost event would be quite funny. This could cause people to die because they were building or walking to the edge. Not sure if should be added, but all together it is too much boost, making normal movement barely possible :unsure:
In what I described, I just said to give all players Jump Boost III and Swiftness III. I'm sure almost all players can handle that.
This would be like the extreme version of Hardcore EggWars, in every way possible. That means gameplay would be barely possible, but also, just like hardcore, no one would vote it. And then I mean, absolutely no one. Why would you want a game of 'lets see who dies last to their drops'? :disagree:
Okay yeah, I kind of contradicted myself there. Dissed on Hardcore, but mentioned this gamemode. I suppose with a Cursed gamemode, players are, to a much greater extent, forced to improvise and think on their feet. It would be a very nerve-wrecking gamemode, but I can definitely see why it wouldn't be for everyone, especially newer players. Though, the option would be nice regardless.
Why does 'no diamonds' fit in this gamemode? I don't think this gamemode is really special, for that matter, 'more' is pretty abstract in a cycle where you can get any block. More doesn't exclude other drops such as an iron tool set and full iron gear, which would probably be way more overpowered in that gamemode than a few wands. Like the concept, but it can't be executed very well :disagree:
Yup, that's a fair enough response. I kinda wanted a distinct "meta" for this gamemode, but the idea is half-baked (if not incredibly undercooked) at the moment. Why no diamonds? To put less emphasis on weapons and armor.
..I think those kits are too overpowered, having weapons, blocks, armour and miscellaneous, which is too much for one kit.
Yeah that's understandable, I can see why the kits seem a little bloated.

No. this would be a super confusing, weird menu. One kit is enough, lets not throw so much stuff on players they don't even have to open a lucky block anymore.

However, I do have to say, the secondary kit menu is about what I expect from the normal kit menu to look like: not too overpowered, but not too weak as well. I will go in detail about a few of these kits, but I honestly think these suggestions could take over the normal kit menu. If I don't mention a kit down, that means I agree with the content of it, or it contains content of which I mentioned above I think weren't beneficial for the game! Also, love the names :P
I can definitely understand not wanting the secondary kits. Just wanted to throw an idea into the wild and see if it survives. Though, the secondary kits were not designed to be by itself, they're like the supporting elements based on the core features of the original kit. I might design a set of 20 kits that take into account your suggestions, and is in-between the ability of the main kits and the secondary kits (so about the same as the current Diamonds kit). One more thing, besides the kits which give players items over time (You said that that'd encourage players to hide, which is fair enough), what are your thoughts on the effects that come with each kit? Too overpowered? Too confusing? Are they completely unnecessary?
I'm not a fan of a kit you can only unlock after achieving something in game. Every player should be able to have the same chances. For this specific kit, it probably wouldn't be an issue, but if the kit would be significantly better than others, you cannot win without it, so then it should be available for everone (or patched of course, but you get the message)
Eh, the Diamonds kit costs 1000 points and is definitely the best kit in Lucky Islands. That's gonna take some time to earn the kit. I made these kits to give a neat little unlockable to players who put a bit of time into the game. They may not be the best kits, but I wanted to make them special regardless.
I disagree. The tower should be a normal drop just like every other. A lot of people skip the villagers anyways as it takes quite some time to figure the trades. Making the drop occur 4 times as many, people will only be annoyed they cannot find other loot. :disagree:
Though I made the villagers significantly more usable, I can definitely understand just not wanting to use villagers period.
As I don't understand the points beneath this, I cannot vote on this and the next points. Right now, only the armourer, weaponsmith and fletcher (maybe farmer for food) are worth it to trade with, so 5 villagers increases the probability of one of those spawning. From my personal experience, I know without any of these in the tower, Im not even bothered to check the trades

as said above, I don't really understand all this. I'm not that experienced with villagers in the game, so I'm not voting on this
Okay I'll try to explain the villagers.
The "Tier" is how many trades (minus 1) the player must perform with the villager to be able to buy and sell the respective item. (This system is how villagers work now, I just wanted to clearly define this mechanic.)
"Buying" is what you give to the villager in exchange for what it is "Selling".
"Enchantments/Modifiers" is what is enchanted on the sell offer and/or how the sell offer is modified.

For example, I find a Toolsmith and want to buy a golden pickaxe with Efficiency 127, Unbreaking V and a durability of 10. In order to unlock the trades at Tier 3, I could sell 6 gold ingots for 8 emeralds total (in this scenario, the villager happens to be buying 3 gold for 4 emeralds). Because I performed 2 trades, the trades on Tier 2 and 3 would be unlocked. Unfortunately for hypothetical me, 8 emeralds is not enough to buy the super-quick golden pickaxe.
If the hot potato can enter your inventory, not many people will see it. This will cause people accidentally walk over it and get killed because of that. I don't think this is a good improvement at all, so I'd love to keep the hot potato as it is right now :disagree:
I suppose a notification (probably in the middle of the screen) saying that you've picked up a hot potato should help prevent this.
Oh, boy. This is sadly already the case. You can see it in this video how this happened to me once :o
Lol, nice clip. Anyways, I kind of meant that those hostile mobs would be attracted to the dropped loot, not just randomly equipping it when it happens to be nearby.
It's always difficult to use low durability items as you don't know when they break. I quite like it how a knockback sword can break on the 'moment suprème', but I can understand why you want it to be all the same every time. I'll vote unsure because of that :unsure:
Hmm, I kinda now like the idea of switching the durability systems of the fast pickaxe and knockback sword. Maybe the fast pickaxe could break about 25-35 blocks before breaking, and the knockback sword could break anywhere from after a single hit, to maybe 10 hits if you're really lucky. This idea would definitely need some work.
the only way to repair elytras in 1.12 is by fusing two elytras together (or with a mending book, but I don't think this is ever seen in a game). I don't think it matters if you have to switch an elytra when you are having two, or you are able to fuse them with the crafting menu. For that matter, I think this should just be allowed. packing two elytras is lucky enough, so restricting players in that wouldn't really matter :disagree:
Fusing two elytras by either a crafting table or an anvil increases the total durability of the elytras, compared to having the two separate elytras. This change was supposed to reduce elytra-based camping, and punish players more if they wanted to use the equivalant of like 5 elytras by cluttering their inventory. You've got to be more tactical with the elytras this way.
This is something I cannot judge on from a Lucky Island player perspective, but from a CubeCraft Player perspective, I disagree. Perks in every game are cumulative in point cost to prevent people from instantly having a 50% chance on a good ability. By playing a lot, more points are obtained, giving better chances for perks like this, which can lead to more points to be won. It's only fair that these perks are this expensive. I find it quite hard to explain, but I don't think these should cost less :disagree:
In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure how to deal with the perks. Are they a worthy award for players who took the time to grind the points? Yes. Is it fair that some people fundamentally have a significant advantage over others? I don't think so. Perks are a really weird mechanic to me.
I'm not sure for what you need it more than just ores and logs (with fortune on an axe)? It might just be me, but in SkyBlock, the crops earn you a whole lot of money, which is totally irrelevant in a game like Lucky Islands. The Fortune ability in SkyBlock is sometimes a bit glitchy, as it simply isn't vanilla minecraft, so I don't see a reason to port that to Lucky Islands :disagree:
Fortune, at the moment, isn't a very prevalent feature in Lucky Islands. This change was just a thing to add a bit of cohesion with the other games on CubeCraft. Obviously not a completely necessary change, but just supposed to make people in-the-know think "huh, neat".
I think this is one of the mechanics in Lucky Islands no one is aware of, but the colour difference is pretty noticeable. I don't think it should be more visible, it just should be told to the community more in whatever way :disagree:
Personally, I didn't realise there was a colour difference for months into playing Lucky Islands. Also, colourblindness exists. I'm sure more different textures or a slight change to the names (eg. "Splash Potion Wand (Positive)" and "Splash Potion Wand (Negative)") can't be that difficult to add, and would make a world of difference to newer players.
A shield wand void save requires a lot of speed and quick thinking. I don't think any of this should be put into the game, as this stimulates void camping (with elytra, but also just jumping down at the start of the game) :disagree:
Continuing on from the Updraft Wand/Elevation Sceptre stuff:
With this, I always found it a bit depressing when I or someone else fell into the void, shield wand-ed, and just missed safety because they were a few blocks off. And honestly, the removal of the satisfaction from the speed and quick thinking eliminated by this change would be a bad thing.
However, on some maps, the void is probably a bit too high up, and that is most annoying imo. On those maps, this change should most definitely be in place.
I personally like to use the top to escape the cage trap. I understand what you mean, but breaking open the top only takes one bar, meanwhile the sides cost u at least the time of breaking 2 bars. This would be a two-sided sword if you switch the top to obsidian, so because it doesn't look like an actual cage by changing this, I see more negatives than positives, meaning Ill disagree :disagree:

You can escape the cage super easily without breaking any blocks:

There should still be some punishment for getting trapped, not mildly inconvenienced. In my opinion, I think the cage trap just looks like a jumble of iron bars, so to actually look like a cage, as well as being at least a little trickier to escape:

Even though you might not think about it that way, you can use the cage trap in your advantage. Breaking the pressure plate also triggers the trap, which makes it a wall of 2 iron bars. It could be really useful, so I think keeping it so that teammates also can trigger the trap is fine. If someone uses it to trap you, you can always report them for trolling/cross teaming, since it is not allowed :disagree:
Good point. I suppose the teammate stepping on it wouldn't activate the trap, but breaking it would.
Pfoehh, this one has definitely two sides: one side says you should be careful with crafting, as you know it can dissolve if you arent careful, while the other side says it is unfair if you made a little mistake you cannot craft your chestplate, which might result in not crafting anything at all. As the ores that aren't in your crafting grid dissolve first, I think it is only fair that the speed is equal in the crafting grid as well as in your inventory. The drop is called 'craft fast' after all :disagree:
This change was made due to myself having the Australia Ping™, and quite often it is annoying when it seems like I've successfully crafted a diamond chestplate, but just as I complete the recipe, the dissolving diamonds spew onto the crafting table, and I can barely scramble together a diamond shovel.
I understand this is definitely an issue CubeCraft can't completely solve, but I was hoping this change would alleviate this in some way.
I'm afraid this is design technically impossible. I like the idea however. The cats are absolutely insane with their speed and the small hitbox. I think if the speed of the cat gets capped a bit, it isn't that much of a problem. Due to the probable technical problems, :unsure:
Hmm, maybe feeding the cat/dog instead would distract them?
This doesn't seem logical. The witch can be stunned, but the bats continue to fly. It is not logical to make it so that the bat stops flying when you hit the witch :disagree:
Nah, the witch and the bat are conjoined twins (It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, it's Lucky Islands!)
Stopping the flying witch in place halts its ability to be a giant nuisance.
Why? It is vanilla smelting. I think the time is not even that long, but this is just a case of patience, and I wouldn't change that to be fair :disagree:
Yeah, it's vanilla smelting, but it grinds the game to a bit of a halt. I don't think the risk of getting attacked, waiting so long for your items to smelt is worth it. But that's just my opinion.
This would give two problems, hence I disagree: first of all, who decides what drops are considered extreme and which aren't? This is very subjective, as what you think is extreme might be mediocre for me. Second of all, sometimes you just need a simple drop late game, such as blocks, Frosty for snowballs, bread or even a guard tower. These might be considered mediocre, but could win you the game :disagree:
That's definitely a valid point. I'd adjust the wording such that over time, "useless" drops become less and less likely. For example, by the endgame, getting the 5 carrot drop, some farm animals, or a glass cage with two zombies would be near impossible. Obviously deciding what is useless is very subjective, but I'm sure the CubeCraft team can work with the community to decide.
Now these solutions you offer are probably copied from SkyWars or Survival Games, as they have a similar system (chest refill/borders). Camping however occurs in 2 situations: Skybasing and Elytra Running. Now the elytra running is the most common and annoying one in my opinion, as you cannot really stop it. Making in-game restrictions for people would only take away a bit of fun, even though 8 minutes is long. If it is really annoying, you can always make a report during the game, hoping a moderator is quick enough to ban during the game. I don't think in game restrictions are good for island based games, so I disagree :disagree:
I was not aware of those systems in SkyWars and Survival Games, as I don't play them often. Regardless, I still think my solutions still help to deal with both Skybasing and Elytra Running. If you're the player who is Skybasing or Elytra Running, you're at a significant disadvantage, becuase the other player(s) have access to the Lucky Blocks at the middle island. They can obtain more resources to take you down. By only regenerating the Lucky Blocks on the middle island, the elytra runner cannot replenish their elytra and resources like the other players can. Additionally, the "border" at the top, bottom, and far ends of the world would prevent skybases from being so high up, and elytra runners cannot travel nearly as far away.
I still find camping being bannable a really weird thing. Sure it's obviously a bad thing for the game, but systems can be put in place to prevent it, and easily stop wasting moderators' time. It's weird that nothing to prevent overly-long games exists in Lucky Islands at the moment, besides pleading to the mods for dear life.

Well, thank you very much for all this feedback! It's great to see the perspective of other players in the community. I'm sure most of my suggestions felt like random shots in the dark, but I'm definitely glad that some of these ideas managed to resonate with you. Let's hope for more Lucky Islands updates!


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
then I'll go over it one last time so we've discussed everything :P
If I don't respond to something, I don't feel like discussion would be necessary on the point, for whatever reason :D
Yeah that's a fair enough argument. I guess for the Lucky Block Tracker, that could have a distinct texture (if that's even possible?) and maybe the Deluxe could be for be for Overpowered?
I'm not sure if it is possible to get another texture, but I surely agree with you on the deluxe tracker for overpowered. Although, i shouldn't call it 'deluxe', but just add the block distance to the normal
Soon after uploading this post, yeah I kind of realised healing for half of missing health is probably fairly overpowered. Also, I mostly play on the Java version of Lucky Islands and I definitely forgot the milk bucket is a thing, lol. I could definitely see this item as a consumable with a bit of healing though.
Milk bucket could possibly heal 2 hearts? I don't know, that seems reasonable. certainly with a lot of ways to get poison in the game (anarchid ambush event, witches, potion drop, potion stand, ...)
Maybe as an Overpowered exclusive? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean, as long as it doesn't teleport you back to your first spawn location, it could be an overpowered drop indeed, but im still not too sure about it 😅
Thanks lol! Yeah I definitely like the idea of that Earthquake Wand, but I don't think it's a bad thing that this item is weak. Getting worse stuff kinda forces people to improvise with what they have, and using the not-so-great stuff to win the early-game battles is still pretty fun!
I agree on that point, but the Earthquake Wand wouldn't be that much better. I see both sides :D
Oooo, I did not think of this! I don't really see why it shouldn't work in your offhand! (maybe it might be an issue for mobile players on Bedrock)
Offhand is something java-only, as bedrock doesnt have shields. That doesn't make it a worse item though!
Calling the drops "weird" however, blasphemy! In a gamemode with islands floating in the sky with blocks on them that give completely random drops, surely some eggs with gemstones in them isn't completely out there? (half-joking)
True! 🤣
Fair critique. I suppose it'd break less blocks in its continuity (maybe when there's less than 20?) and maybe show some sort of animation before all the blocks break. However, I could think this ability would only activate when the block is first actually mined by the iron pickaxe. So, building with obsidian would definitely help against this ability!
Last thing, sure! but it is not about the continuity, as a bridge could be insta-mined while building it. This would be super strong, in my opinion a bit too strong
I was thinking the blocks created would all be created at once, so this issue of the outer blocks updating the inner blocks wouldn't be an issue.
This would generate another problem: people cannot prepare for it anymore. I've had times I opened a lucky block with the 'mine ore' drop next to a diamond block. The slow speed made it so that i could mine the diamond block in time. This drop however doesn't give you any time to think
Yup fair enough. To fix this, I guess there just wouldn't be a timer. To compensate, the math question could be harder.
Adding on to this, maybe there could be a "True or False?" question thing, similar to the rock-paper-scissors drop but also the True or False minigame in MinerWare.
For the first point, it would literally respond on the first message you type. meaning if you type something late game after not responding to the equation, it would still give you damage.
The true or false however could be done by clicking in the chat, which would work the same as rock-paper-scissors. I'd definitely agree with that drop!
I see this item as a very risk-reward kind of item. Though, getting diamond boots like this is probably a bit much. Overpowered exclusive it is!
Anyways, yeah this item was supposed to be like an item that could definitely help you in a pinch, but you may want an upgrade later, and because you used the Sacrificial Boots, you can no longer do that. Want to enchant it? Want a better tier? Maybe you found some sweet Prot III Iron Boots? Too bad! Welcome to Lucky Islands!
Oops, my bad! I thought this spawned on your gear instantly. If it drops, it should all be fine!
The whole point of separating Crazy from the other gamemodes was to give players more options. Crazy doesn't influence the drops from Lucky Blocks, like you say. So why can't we play like Blessed or Overpowered but there are also the events from Crazy? I understand this kind of craziness may not be for everyone, but I think the option would be nice.
Ow!! That was what you meant! Now I get it!
Separating all the events still looks like a bad idea to me, but maybe make a separate voting option like World Events: enabled or disabled (similar to Survival Games). That would receive an agree :D
Though, the secondary kits were not designed to be by itself, they're like the supporting elements based on the core features of the original kit
Yet I think these supporting elements would be pretty balanced on itself, as it can assist a player, but not win a player the game - Exactly what a kit is supposed to do in my opinion!
what are your thoughts on the effects that come with each kit? Too overpowered? Too confusing? Are they completely unnecessary?
I think Survival Games (java) is a perfect example of how abilities could be used correctly. Some of the kits have great abilities, such as the chefs ability, having a chance to give you a golden apple upon kill. I'm fairly against abilities without limits, such as getting something every 60 seconds or whenever you perform an action such as crouching. A better example for these 'timed abilities' is the enderman kit in SkyWars, which gives you an enderpearl on 3 set moments in the game.

Back to survival games, these abilities don't occur on every kit. Also, some of the kits only contain an ability (double-edged sword for example, giving you increased damage dealing, but also increased damage taking). Abilities combined with a kit should be really well thought out, as it can be fairly overpowered. getting gear and the ability to get blocks by sneaking is just simply insane.
Eh, the Diamonds kit costs 1000 points and is definitely the best kit in Lucky Islands. That's gonna take some time to earn the kit. I made these kits to give a neat little unlockable to players who put a bit of time into the game. They may not be the best kits, but I wanted to make them special regardless.
I get the idea, so let's just agree to disagree on this point! 😁
About the villager point, thanks for explaining! I don't know how good or bad the villagers would work within the game, hence I'm still not voting due to the lack of experience, but it seems worked out really well! I really hope someone would look into it!
Lol, nice clip. Anyways, I kind of meant that those hostile mobs would be attracted to the dropped loot, not just randomly equipping it when it happens to be nearby.
I don't see why mobs would loot equipment. their goal is to kill a player, as it is vanilla. Loot is for players, so I would still love to keep that
Hmm, I kinda now like the idea of switching the durability systems of the fast pickaxe and knockback sword. Maybe the fast pickaxe could break about 25-35 blocks before breaking, and the knockback sword could break anywhere from after a single hit, to maybe 10 hits if you're really lucky. This idea would definitely need some work.
This doesn't need work, as it is the current situation! right now, the durability of the pickaxe varies between 15 and 35 i believe, and for a knockback sword between 2 and 6 hits! (not sure about the numbers)
Personally, I didn't realise there was a colour difference for months into playing Lucky Islands. Also, colourblindness exists. I'm sure more different textures or a slight change to the names (eg. "Splash Potion Wand (Positive)" and "Splash Potion Wand (Negative)") can't be that difficult to add, and would make a world of difference to newer players.
As someone with colorblindness myself, I can say CubeCraft chose colors that cannot be confused that much. People with colorblindness cannot see the difference between a few colors, but between other colors they can. making many different colors within the wand makes it still visible. If you want to change anything, I'd make a '+' or '-' in the texture of the wand
on some maps, the void is probably a bit too high up, and that is most annoying imo. On those maps, this change should most definitely be in place.
I'd move the void a bit down (or the map structures a bit up) rather than adding this change on all maps.
There should still be some punishment for getting trapped, not mildly inconvenienced. In my opinion, I think the cage trap just looks like a jumble of iron bars, so to actually look like a cage, as well as being at least a little trickier to escape:

Now this looks like a cage, i can agree with that
Hmm, maybe feeding the cat/dog instead would distract them?
That seems like a more logical solution!
For every other point, I either agree or agree to disagree :P

Thanks for your amazingly detailed thread! I really hope to see more of these! <3[/SPOILER]


Novice Member
Jan 2, 2021
Alrighty, I'm glad you've helped me build on these original ideas! Pretty much everything you said there I either agree or agree to disagree with :)
To finish off, I wanted to create a group of 21 kits that took into account your thoughts.


Whoa, a rectangle!
I removed most of my original kits due to not being too useful and/or interesting. Also, I got rid of the Seeker/Locator kit because it's not particularly needed, since all players would be given a Player Tracker 8 minutes into the game (or 3 minutes after only two players/teams are left).
Toolsmith is a free kit now, as I've decided it is more "basic" compared to the Heavy kit.
Honestly, the Diamonds kit is a great idea for a kit. It's very versatile, and you can shape those 7 diamonds into pretty much whatever you could desire: a pickaxe & some boots, a sword and a helmet, or some swaggy pants! The issue is that literally every other kit is worse than it. The new 20 other kits should be about as powerful as the Diamonds kit, but not nearly as versatile.
You'd pick the Diamonds kit if you're basic, and any of the other kits when you want some spice in your life.

Warrior (Free)
Slay your enemies.
  • Stone Sword
  • Shield
Builder (Free)
Build your way to victory.

  • 24x Stone
  • 12x Oak Planks
  • Chainmail Boots (Feather Falling I)
Toolsmith (Free)
I came to dig dig dig dig.
  • Wooden Axe (Efficiency II, Unbreaking I)
  • Stone Pickaxe (Efficiency II, Unbreaking I)
  • Stone Shovel (Efficiency II, Unbreaking I)
Scout's honour *raises hand*

  • 3x Potion of Swiftness II
  • Leather Leggings (Blue)
Gear up in an instant!

  • Chainmail Helmet
  • Iron Chestplate
  • Leather Leggings
  • Leather Boots
  • Effect: have a 5% chance to receive Resistance I for 3s after receiving damage from an enemy player.
Make an explosive entrance!
  • 8x TNT
  • 2x Impulse TNT
  • 3x Redstone Block
  • Chainmail Boots (Blast Resistence III, Feather Falling II)
What more could you want?

  • 7x Diamond
Puts the luck back in cluck.

  • 16x Rotten Egg
  • 8x Golden Egg
  • Milk Bucket
  • Infini-Carrot
  • Leather Chestplate (Yellow)
Rooty tooty point and shooty.

  • Shotgun Bow
  • 8x Arrow
  • Chainmail Helmet (Projectile Protection II)
  • Effect: Receive 4 arrows when you kill a player with an arrow.
You feeling lucky punk?

  • 5x Lucky Block
  • Potion of Luck
I need healing!

  • 2x Golden Apple
  • 2x Splash Potion of Healing II
  • Splash Potion of Regeneration II
  • Leather Helmet (Red)
Utterly enchanting!

  • Enchanting Table
  • 32x Bottle o’ Enchanting
  • 16x Lapis Lazuli
  • Anvil
  • Enchanted Book (Sharpness I, Power I, Protection II, Efficiency V)
I wonder what's for dinner?

  • Golden Apple
  • 4x Apple
  • 4x Steak
  • Cake
  • Effect: After killing a player, have a 33% chance to receive a Golden Apple.
Catch 'em between a rock and a hard place.

  • Diamond Pickaxe
  • 12x Obsidian
  • Basic Wall Wand
  • Cage Trap
  • Effect: Receive a Cage Trap every 60s.
I'm a wot?

  • (Negative) Splash Potion Wand
  • Dragon Fire Wand
  • (Two more random wands)
When you enter a pet shop and ask for one of everything.

  • 2x Raw Cod
  • 2x Cooked Porkchop
  • 2x Splash Potion of Healing I
  • 2x Hay Bale
  • Stone Shovel
  • Effect: Spawns a pet cat, wolf, snowman, and horse upon spawning.
Hmmmmmmm + *more villager sounds*

  • 2x Villager Spawn Egg
  • 20x Emerald
  • Effect: Receive 2x damage from monsters.
They'll need some milk!

  • Bucket of Water
  • Potion of Strength I (0:30)
  • Potion of Regeneration I
  • (Two random negative splash potions of tier I)
Become as light as a feather.

  • 2x Potion of Slow Falling (1:30)
  • Leather Boots (Feather Falling IV) (White)
  • Effect: Receive a low-durability elytra after 100s from the start of the game.
  • Effect: The player has 9 less usable inventory slots.
Skeletal Knight (unlocked & purchasable after defeating the Skeletal Knight)
The shield with be your bestest friend in battle!
  • 2x Lucky Block
  • Iron Sword (½ durability)
  • Skeletal Shield (¼ durability)
  • Skeletal Chestplate (Iron Chestplate, ½ durability)
  • Skeletal Leggings (Iron Leggings, ½ durability)
  • Skeletal Boots (Iron Boots, ½ durability)
  • Lingering Potion of Poison I
  • Effect: Receive Slowness II whilst any of the Skeletal pieces are worn/held.
Pig King (unlocked & purchasable after defeating the Pig King)
Supreme Leader of the Porkchop Kingdom.
  • Pig King Hat (Fire Protection L)
  • Golden Sword (Fire Aspect I, 10 durability)
  • Golden Chestplate (20 durability)
  • Golden Leggings (20 durability)
  • Golden Boots (20 durability)
  • Effect: Receive an Exploding Pig Spawn Egg every 60s.
  • Effect: Receive damage whilst in water.
  • Love
Reactions: Blom


Novice Member
Jan 2, 2021
Turns out I have a lot of free time, so I've been working on a Definitive Definitive Giant Pile of Lucky Islands Suggestions, with many refinements to my original ideas, as well as a few new ones, plus many more ✨visual elements✨ to accompany them. To not make this thread any longer for your poor mouse wheels, I put it on a Google Doc.

You can find it here!


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
I had a draft with a lot of feedback on the suggestions, but apparently, the forums aren't that advanced to save a drafted message for a few days. For that reason, I'm just going to say that I love quite a few of the suggestions, and would like to thank you for putting so much work into it! I know how long it can take and the appreciation you get when a new update contains features you suggested. Thank you!


Forum Veteran
Dec 31, 2017
The Butterfly Gardens
Hey h0pefulll,

The Server Team have looked through your suggestion and we do very much consider using some, if not a lot, of your concepts in a future update.

We cannot confirm which specific ideas will be used as of yet and which will be denied. However, we'll definitely keep this suggestion in consideration throughout the process of planning.

We appreciate the massive suggestion and consider this planned!
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