Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands

This idea isnt actually original, since I’m just copying it from a mobile game. However, I know there are some people which are hunting to get all / most of the loot items. Currently this is almost impossible. You have to have great amounts of luck to get a new item, when you already have many loot items. Cubelet crafting will increase your chances since you get another chance of getting a new loot item. But it will mostly end up in the same way: a duplicate.

I would like to suggest a loot shop. With some rarities with different prizes.

Common: 500 loot pts
Uncommon: 1500 loot pts
Rare: 5000 loot pts
Legendary: 10000 loot pts
Mythical: 20000 loot pts + weekly challenge requirement.

I added a weekly challenge to the Mythical rarity to give it some uniqueness. This can be a very hard challenge to make it some sort of grind.
Instead of daily, i would like to suggest this on a weekly base. Or on a daily base. (With legendary and mythical items appearing only every week, to preserve their rarity). It will still be a grind and the items in the shop will appear in random order. However, it makes it actually possible to get all loot items.

The loot points requirement may be altered and I tried to create a shop myself, but I ultimately failed :sadnoot:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
View attachment 210334

This idea isnt actually original, since I’m just copying it from a mobile game. However, I know there are some people which are hunting to get all / most of the loot items. Currently this is almost impossible. You have to have great amounts of luck to get a new item, when you already have many loot items. Cubelet crafting will increase your chances since you get another chance of getting a new loot item. But it will mostly end up in the same way: a duplicate.

I would like to suggest a loot shop. With some rarities with different prizes.

Common: 500 loot pts
Uncommon: 1500 loot pts
Rare: 5000 loot pts
Legendary: 10000 loot pts
Mythical: 20000 loot pts + weekly challenge requirement.

I added a weekly challenge to the Mythical rarity to give it some uniqueness. This can be a very hard challenge to make it some sort of grind.
Instead of daily, i would like to suggest this on a weekly base. Or on a daily base. (With legendary and mythical items appearing only every week, to preserve their rarity). It will still be a grind and the items in the shop will appear in random order. However, it makes it actually possible to get all loot items.

The loot points requirement may be altered and I tried to create a shop myself, but I ultimately failed :sadnoot:
I agree with the idea, but I think seasonal content shouldn't be added to this shop.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2021
The Netherlands
I definitely agree! (I was actually thinking of starting a thread on this myself ;-;). Anyway gaining all loot currently is nearly impossible and as a completionist it infuriates me! So I'd love to see something like a weekly shop added!

Personally I'd love to see it set up in such a way that there's a difference between how Legendary and Mythical Items are treated and how all other items are treated.

Essentially there'd be a daily cycle for Common, Uncommon, and Rare items. Every 24 hours a set would be replaced by a new one. (a set could consist of maybe 4 Items? I'm not sure, lemme know what you think! <3)

Legendary and Mythical however would be on a weekly cycle, a set of 2, one Legendary and one Mythical Item would be renewed every week. I actually really love the idea of having a weekly challenge be required to unlock the Mythical Item, I do however feel like having to spend 20000 loot points and completing a challenge would be a bit too much, either reduce the price to 10000 or 15000 loot points and have the challenge, or remove the idea of the challenge.

I know I definitely repeated a lot of what was already said, but I sincerely promise I actually did think of most of this myself already... In any case you definitely got an upvote from me, I'd love to see this being implemented! :D
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Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
I definitely agree! (I was actually thinking of starting a thread on this myself ;-;). Anyway gaining all loot currently is nearly impossible and as a completionist it infuriates me! So I'd love to see something like a weekly shop added!

Personally I'd love to see it set up in such a way that there's a difference between how Legendary and Mythical Items are treated and how all other items are treated.

Essentially there'd be a daily cycle for Common, Uncommon, and Rare items. Every 24 hours a set would be replaced by a new one. (a set could consist of maybe 4 Items? I'm not sure, lemme know what you think! <3)

Legendary and Mythical however would be on a weekly cycle, a set of 2, one Legendary and one Mythical Item would be renewed every week. I actually really love the idea of having a weekly challenge be required to unlock the Mythical Item, I do however feel like having to spend 20000 loot points and completing a challenge would be a bit too much, either reduce the price to 10000 or 15000 loot points and have the challenge, or remove the idea of the challenge.

I know I definitely repeated a lot of what was already said, but I sincerely promise I actually did think of most of this myself already... In any case you definitely got an upvote from me, I'd love to see this being implemented! :D
What a coincidence we came up with the same idea around the same time! I actually was already thinking of this a few weeks ago (as well). I wanted to create a design myself, but I ultimately just failed so i scrapped it and made the plain suggestion. I agree I have mistreated legendary a little, on the other hand you can get it from a normal cubelet as well. This should only be a solution to experienced players. Not being a solution as well to new players, which would totally take away the need of crafting cubelets. Although 20000 loot points is maybe a too high amount, I’m not entirely sure which prize would actually be viable.

In addition, if you complete the challenge without buying the loot item, you should get a little compensation.


Forum Expert
Feb 23, 2020
Sweden ♡
Hello, I do agree with your suggestion and find it very interesting, I have a couple questions though if that's fine. 😅
Are you thinking that the Weekly/Daily items should be the same of everyone or be randomised for each individual player? And if it's randomised for each player, should the store guarantee you to get unowned loot items in the store, or be completely randomised (both already owned ones and not owned ones)?
And for the last question, do you think that seasonal items should be in the loot store during seasonal events?
Once again, great suggestion <3


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2021
The Netherlands
Are you thinking that the Weekly/Daily items should be the same of everyone or be randomised for each individual player? And if it's randomised for each player, should the store guarantee you to get unowned loot items in the store, or be completely randomised (both already owned ones and not owned ones)?
I personally would rather see them completely randomised, I don't really mind whether it's individual or serverwide, but I think it would be a bit too OP to sell only unobtained Items. It would make it into a pure grind for loot points more than anything else. I'd like to see at least some luck still being involved. Although potentially it's possible to randomise it but have a certain quota of unobtained thrown in there as a requirement? I'm not sure if that's a valid option but just putting it out there to see what people think, feedback is more than welcome! :D
And for the last question, do you think that seasonal items should be in the loot store during seasonal events?
I personally don't think this would be neccesary, the low amount of Seasonal Items plus the fact Seasonal cubelets don't give Duplicates makes it fairly easy to max all your Seasonal Items out. Adding a Seasonal Section to the shop seems like unnecessary hassle to me. It could also look quite messy.
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Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Hey Komodo, thanks for the suggestion.

If you've kept an eye on our update Notion board you'll notice that we recently delivered a Java loot menu revamp and in addition have a loot preview system on the horizon. All of these are stepping stones for a store system like this.

Unfortunately, this means it's all entirely planned out but thankfully it's somewhat similar to what you've got here but leans more into new loot types and new loot in general.

At this time I cannot say that it's guaranteed as it's still a lot of work to get it on the network, I don't want you guys to get your hopes up in the event it's scrapped as our priorities shift constantly but we're going to give it a good shot.

Thanks for the suggestion though!

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