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Jul 10, 2022
The FFA Wizard Kit has been nerfed.

I find this a very bad idea since it was perfect, it is stupid to nerf the potions so you can only throw one each 4 seconds, for example in a Wizard 1v1 in FFA you already kill the user in those 4 seconds.

And since in small fights for example a 4v4 it is necessary Wizard Kit and to use potions frequently because if you are really low and your opponent is really close to you you have to regenerate life but that has been nerfed today.

I hope you understand this is a big problem for Wizard users since they have to change their fight style a lot and I consider myself as one of them.

Have a good day.


Novice Member
Feb 17, 2021
i agree!
ind this a very bad idea since it was perfect, it is stupid to nerf the potions so you can only throw one each 4 seconds, for example in a Wizard 1v1 in FFA you already kill the user in those 4 seconds.

And since in small fights for example a 4v4 it is necessary Wizard Kit and to use potions frequently because if you are really low and your opponent is real


Jul 16, 2022
The FFA Wizard Kit has been nerfed.

I find this a very bad idea since it was perfect, it is stupid to nerf the potions so you can only throw one each 4 seconds, for example in a Wizard 1v1 in FFA you already kill the user in those 4 seconds.

And since in small fights for example a 4v4 it is necessary Wizard Kit and to use potions frequently because if you are really low and your opponent is really close to you you have to regenerate life but that has been nerfed today.

I hope you understand this is a big problem for Wizard users since they have to change their fight style a lot and I consider myself as one of them.

Have a good day.
I agree aswell. Wizard was the way to be able to stand up to 2v1s, 3v1s and more without having to call a team to even the numbers. The cooldown makes no sense and ruins what made cube FFA stand out, the chance to win a 1v4 alone.

Take some pots away idm, but the cooldown kills the idea of being able to defend yourself while potting up(spawning). Also while getting 3v1ed. Also when you try to kill a shopper. Also when you try to heal.

You get my point, the new wizard kit is far from decent. Makes cube FFA worse. Reverse that nerf, it ruins the fun aswell.
  • Disagree
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Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
In the three instances I have made my life a total hell because I played FFA, I have faced several wizard kits. They not only beat me flawlessly, it was quite annoying in general. Although a 4 sec delay seems a little too harsh. Especially since there is a global 25% regeneration upon kill effect now.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2018
Hello! I personally think that nerfing the wizard kit in this case is a good thing. The reason I think this is because the kit was very reliant on the pots and not the pvp. Spamming pots could kill a player without the sword being used at all. It was far too overpowered and an unfair kit if used against other kits.

At the moment using this kit requires more skill and tactics as you need to time your pots better. The kit is still very overpowered if you use the pots correctly, though its more pvp based now. If you're good with the sword you don't need potions to win fights. You now use the pots to get back in your combo once you've lost it, instead of using it for damaging your opponent.

Though to undermine my statement, this kit is now way less strong to kill shoppers or beat a 1v2(+). It was amazing to use wizard kit when a shopper decided to attack you, being able to kill them in 1 or 2 tries. Also it is very strong if multiple players are fighting you, using the potions to your advantage and you can win with ease.

I feel like nerfing this kit is good, as I stated above. But to be honest it is a bit extreme, eventhough the idea was great. If the time between potions would be reduced to max 2 seconds, it would improve the unfair fights but keep the fair fights (being a 1v1) fair.

So to sum it all up, I personally like that the kit has been nerfed as I feel like it now is more skill and tactic based. However the kit has been nerfed a bit too much, even making it a bit worse than the other kits.
But just like any other update, you just need to get used to it and change your playstyle a little, as long as you're willing to do this of course.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2021
The Netherlands
In the three instances I have made my life a total hell because I played FFA, I have faced several wizard kits. They not only beat me flawlessly, it was quite annoying in general. Although a 4 sec delay seems a little too harsh. Especially since there is a global 25% regeneration upon kill effect now.
It is 3 seconds, not 4


Jul 16, 2022
Hello! I personally think that nerfing the wizard kit in this case is a good thing. The reason I think this is because the kit was very reliant on the pots and not the pvp. Spamming pots could kill a player without the sword being used at all. It was far too overpowered and an unfair kit if used against other kits.

At the moment using this kit requires more skill and tactics as you need to time your pots better. The kit is still very overpowered if you use the pots correctly, though its more pvp based now. If you're good with the sword you don't need potions to win fights. You now use the pots to get back in your combo once you've lost it, instead of using it for damaging your opponent.

Though to undermine my statement, this kit is now way less strong to kill shoppers or beat a 1v2(+). It was amazing to use wizard kit when a shopper decided to attack you, being able to kill them in 1 or 2 tries. Also it is very strong if multiple players are fighting you, using the potions to your advantage and you can win with ease.

I feel like nerfing this kit is good, as I stated above. But to be honest it is a bit extreme, eventhough the idea was great. If the time between potions would be reduced to max 2 seconds, it would improve the unfair fights but keep the fair fights (being a 1v1) fair.

So to sum it all up, I personally like that the kit has been nerfed as I feel like it now is more skill and tactic based. However the kit has been nerfed a bit too much, even making it a bit worse than the other kits.
But just like any other update, you just need to get used to it and change your playstyle a little, as long as you're willing to do this of course.
To that I'd add, shoppers and 2v1s are the exact reason the old wizard kit was so good. Spamming pots on groups of people who attack you, and being able to heal quickly, are key when getting outnumbered or spawnkilled. To that I may add, now when a wizard gets attacked when spawning, he's basically defenseless.

I'm for a full reverse of this cooldown. Yes, people spam pots, but if you can PvP, you can simply counter that. It's same as spamming bow, dodge. A wizard could also always be beaten by a wizard. The skill in the kit came from using the pots quickly and being able to have a proper fight, without cooldowns literally ruining the kit.

Examples of this kit now taking the L: when just spawned, against shoppers, against archers, against 2 players of any kit, against wizard when you get jumped. The kit is now broken, the cooldown should be just taken off. Noobs who just spam pots and that's it aren't much of a threat and no reason to ruin such a perfect kit like this.

If you will, talking of ''all the spamming'', keep that one damage pot taken away. But these also prove useful against teams and shoppers, so I see no point for this nerf.
  • Agree
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Novice Member
Jul 4, 2020
In my opinion they should change it back to what it was.
Last week my friend was being 7v1ed (yes, 7 people against him), he called me and we shopped with wizard and each one of us got like 150 streak.
-they got more people it was like 12vs2
Now it's not possible to clutch that anymore as pots were needed to be thrown at the same time

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
I saw this thread a couple days ago, but I wasn't ready to post until now. After playing the update for a couple hours, here's what I'd say:

Hello! I personally think that nerfing the wizard kit in this case is a good thing. The reason I think this is because the kit was very reliant on the pots and not the pvp. Spamming pots could kill a player without the sword being used at all. It was far too overpowered and an unfair kit if used against other kits.
The kit was already reliant on its pots pre-nerf. Every time the wizard kit drinks a pot, it has to score a kill to regain that pot. What people forget is that the more pots the wizard uses, the weaker the wizard gets. Wizards are given a random potion when they score a kill, provided that that potion has not reached its limit yet (i.e. limited to 3 speed pots, 2 regen, 1 strength, 3 harming, 1 poison, 2 healing). Using more potions (speed is consumed the most) and then scoring a kill results in a lower chance of getting the potion that the wizard wants, and this can mean the difference between surviving or dying.

If you want to be specific, we'll use a 3 minute window (the same duration as the strength 1 potion). We'll assume potions are perfectly consumed after the previous ones have expired. In practice, more potions are actually consumed since potions will be consumed just as the previous ones are about to expire.

Within 3 minutes, assuming the wizard has perfectly timed drinking potions and has not thrown other potions, the wizard will have consumed at least:
  • 1 strength potion
  • 2 regen potions
  • 6 speed potions
  • 1 damage potion is missing due to spawning with 2 potions (the limit is 3).
In theory, that is a total of at least 10 kills required within 3 minutes to completely restock potions, assuming no throwables are used. However, the wizard must obtain the next 3 speed potions within that timeframe or the wizard is easy prey.

Wizards are heavily punished if they do not score kills fast enough to make up the rate that they consume potions. Spamming potions was already punished in that, if either the target or the wizard kit survives, the wizard kit would have to kill faster and more within a certain timeframe (until they run out of either speed, regen, or strength). Regarding the target, the wizard kit now has a harder time to set up a combo since the damage pots (which the wizard will have completely used up) are what produce the knockback needed to start an easy combo.

Yes, spamming potions can kill...if they score a direct hit or if the target is already low on HP. But potions are less effective if the target is away from the epicenter of the pot, and it is possible to dodge potions.

Lastly, all is fair in love and war. People already use any means to get an advantage over others, examples including but not limited to glitches, numbers, tactics, and more. Balance is a different story, and this IMHO was an unnecessary nerf.

At the moment using this kit requires more skill and tactics as you need to time your pots better. The kit is still very overpowered if you use the pots correctly, though its more pvp based now. If you're good with the sword you don't need potions to win fights. You now use the pots to get back in your combo once you've lost it, instead of using it for damaging your opponent.
Optimal use of this kit has always required timing splash potions. No strategy and tactics behind this kit were changed post-nerf. Sure, the kit at a glance is OP, but let's look at its drawbacks besides what I mentioned above:
  • The wizard kit has 53 EHP because of its full prot 3 leather armor. Ignoring regen, this kit's EHP is the second lowest in the game (samurai has the lowest EHP of the 6 kits).
  • Speed 2 cannot be fully utilized if the wizard kit has to climb a ladder or an incline.
    • Combo locking a wizard (preferably against a wall) will kill the wizard. Being in mid-air as a result of knockback or falling also prevents speed 2 from being utilized.
    • Attacking a wizard in an enclosed area also limits how well speed 2 can be utilized. Wizards, like samurai, rely on evasion rather than tanking to minimize incoming damage.
  • Water and lava slow down wizards, with lava/fire effectively negating its passive regen.
Though to undermine my statement, this kit is now way less strong to kill shoppers or beat a 1v2(+). It was amazing to use wizard kit when a shopper decided to attack you, being able to kill them in 1 or 2 tries. Also it is very strong if multiple players are fighting you, using the potions to your advantage and you can win with ease.

I feel like nerfing this kit is good, as I stated above. But to be honest it is a bit extreme, eventhough the idea was great. If the time between potions would be reduced to max 2 seconds, it would improve the unfair fights but keep the fair fights (being a 1v1) fair.

So to sum it all up, I personally like that the kit has been nerfed as I feel like it now is more skill and tactic based. However the kit has been nerfed a bit too much, even making it a bit worse than the other kits.
But just like any other update, you just need to get used to it and change your playstyle a little, as long as you're willing to do this of course.
One of the selling points of the wizard kit was its ability to take on multiple players at once thanks to its potions. Now it can't do that well on its own. I'm also given the impression that too many people in FFA also think that fights revolve around 1v1. This is a big misconception; anyone, at any time, can join a 1v1 and quickly turn that situation into something else.

I agree with OP that the cooldown gimmick should be removed
To that I'd add, shoppers and 2v1s are the exact reason the old wizard kit was so good. Spamming pots on groups of people who attack you, and being able to heal quickly, are key when getting outnumbered or spawnkilled. To that I may add, now when a wizard gets attacked when spawning, he's basically defenseless.

I'm for a full reverse of this cooldown. Yes, people spam pots, but if you can PvP, you can simply counter that. It's same as spamming bow, dodge. A wizard could also always be beaten by a wizard. The skill in the kit came from using the pots quickly and being able to have a proper fight, without cooldowns literally ruining the kit.

Examples of this kit now taking the L: when just spawned, against shoppers, against archers, against 2 players of any kit, against wizard when you get jumped. The kit is now broken, the cooldown should be just taken off. Noobs who just spam pots and that's it aren't much of a threat and no reason to ruin such a perfect kit like this.

If you will, talking of ''all the spamming'', keep that one damage pot taken away. But these also prove useful against teams and shoppers, so I see no point for this nerf.
A wizard has always been defenseless if it got rushed before it could drink its potions or if it got spawncamped. Wizards without potion buffs are even weaker than samurai.


Jul 16, 2022
I saw this thread a couple days ago, but I wasn't ready to post until now. After playing the update for a couple hours, here's what I'd say:

The kit was already reliant on its pots pre-nerf. Every time the wizard kit drinks a pot, it has to score a kill to regain that pot. What people forget is that the more pots the wizard uses, the weaker the wizard gets. Wizards are given a random potion when they score a kill, provided that that potion has not reached its limit yet (i.e. limited to 3 speed pots, 2 regen, 1 strength, 3 harming, 1 poison, 2 healing). Using more potions (speed is consumed the most) and then scoring a kill results in a lower chance of getting the potion that the wizard wants, and this can mean the difference between surviving or dying.

If you want to be specific, we'll use a 3 minute window (the same duration as the strength 1 potion). We'll assume potions are perfectly consumed after the previous ones have expired. In practice, more potions are actually consumed since potions will be consumed just as the previous ones are about to expire.

Within 3 minutes, assuming the wizard has perfectly timed drinking potions and has not thrown other potions, the wizard will have consumed at least:
  • 1 strength potion
  • 2 regen potions
  • 6 speed potions
  • 1 damage potion is missing due to spawning with 2 potions (the limit is 3).
In theory, that is a total of at least 10 kills required within 3 minutes to completely restock potions, assuming no throwables are used. However, the wizard must obtain the next 3 speed potions within that timeframe or the wizard is easy prey.

Wizards are heavily punished if they do not score kills fast enough to make up the rate that they consume potions. Spamming potions was already punished in that, if either the target or the wizard kit survives, the wizard kit would have to kill faster and more within a certain timeframe (until they run out of either speed, regen, or strength). Regarding the target, the wizard kit now has a harder time to set up a combo since the damage pots (which the wizard will have completely used up) are what produce the knockback needed to start an easy combo.

Yes, spamming potions can kill...if they score a direct hit or if the target is already low on HP. But potions are less effective if the target is away from the epicenter of the pot, and it is possible to dodge potions.

Lastly, all is fair in love and war. People already use any means to get an advantage over others, examples including but not limited to glitches, numbers, tactics, and more. Balance is a different story, and this IMHO was an unnecessary nerf.

Optimal use of this kit has always required timing splash potions. No strategy and tactics behind this kit were changed post-nerf. Sure, the kit at a glance is OP, but let's look at its drawbacks besides what I mentioned above:
  • The wizard kit has 53 EHP because of its full prot 3 leather armor. Ignoring regen, this kit's EHP is the second lowest in the game (samurai has the lowest EHP of the 6 kits).
  • Speed 2 cannot be fully utilized if the wizard kit has to climb a ladder or an incline.
    • Combo locking a wizard (preferably against a wall) will kill the wizard. Being in mid-air as a result of knockback or falling also prevents speed 2 from being utilized.
    • Attacking a wizard in an enclosed area also limits how well speed 2 can be utilized. Wizards, like samurai, rely on evasion rather than tanking to minimize incoming damage.
  • Water and lava slow down wizards, with lava/fire effectively negating its passive regen.

One of the selling points of the wizard kit was its ability to take on multiple players at once thanks to its potions. Now it can't do that well on its own. I'm also given the impression that too many people in FFA also think that fights revolve around 1v1. This is a big misconception; anyone, at any time, can join a 1v1 and quickly turn that situation into something else.

I agree with OP that the cooldown gimmick should be removed

A wizard has always been defenseless if it got rushed before it could drink its potions or if it got spawncamped. Wizards without potion buffs are even weaker than samurai.
If you drank strenght, you could fight back/buy time with pots

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
If you drank strenght, you could fight back/buy time with pots
Yes you can, but it takes 2 seconds to finish drinking the potion. When you're spawncamped, 2 seconds is enough time for the spawncamper to land up to 4 hits (or even knock you into a potentially fatal hazard or obstacle). If you spawn in and are knocked into a hazard (such as the lava pool next to the fixed lava spawn in Kingdom) or an obstacle such as a wall, good luck trying to get out.


Jul 16, 2022
Why is it so hard for some people to spawn on other locations to avoid spawnkilling.
You haven't fought 20 people in a clanwar, where there are people at every spawn, you get outnumbered, and to spawning miles away just wears down your potion effects


Jul 16, 2022
Wizard should have been removed entirely because of how annoying it is. It’s good that it was nerfed, hopefully less people will use it now.
Archer should be removed then, bowspam is annoying. Shopping should be removed, it's unfair, especially with gaps. Samurai should be removed because the kb sword and no sprint reset means they can combo you with holding w. Laggers should be removed too, I mean they are so annoying they only tp. That meet your logic?


Jul 16, 2022
Yes you can, but it takes 2 seconds to finish drinking the potion. When you're spawncamped, 2 seconds is enough time for the spawncamper to land up to 4 hits (or even knock you into a potentially fatal hazard or obstacle). If you spawn in and are knocked into a hazard (such as the lava pool next to the fixed lava spawn in Kingdom) or an obstacle such as a wall, good luck trying to get out.
With no pot delay, a wiz could survive a spawnkill

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
With no pot delay, a wiz could survive a spawnkill
The other guy is also right though: if you're getting spawnkilled, it means it is time to change spawn location. If you're being spawncamped or respawn only to get spawncamped immediately, it means you're too predictable.

Back on topic, yes you can but it is generally not a good idea to fight your way out of a spawncamp.


Jul 16, 2022
The other guy is also right though: if you're getting spawnkilled, it means it is time to change spawn location. If you're being spawncamped or respawn only to get spawncamped immediately, it means you're too predictable.

Back on topic, yes you can but it is generally not a good idea to fight your way out of a spawncamp.
Point is, wizards almost always get attacked while spawning by random players. And in a clan war, where multiple enemies spawn on multiple spawns near the battle site, try to avoid a spawnkill and fight in the war with such a stupid delay. ._.
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