Hello Cubecrafters of the Forum community, it is I salty back at it again with another suggestion.
This time im suggesting allowing vip level 30's to use the /fly command
Your probably thinking "salty don't they already have access to /fly?" You would be correct, however Upon testing this myself the only way to access /fly is through settings and not with the chat command which I personally feel isn't user friendly as sometimes settings can bug out and reset to default :(
which is why I'm suggesting we allow Vip level 30's to use the /fly chat command to make the user end experience easier to grip as unless you checked the settings you wouldn't know how to activate your fly :o
Let me know your opinions below!
This time im suggesting allowing vip level 30's to use the /fly command
Your probably thinking "salty don't they already have access to /fly?" You would be correct, however Upon testing this myself the only way to access /fly is through settings and not with the chat command which I personally feel isn't user friendly as sometimes settings can bug out and reset to default :(
which is why I'm suggesting we allow Vip level 30's to use the /fly chat command to make the user end experience easier to grip as unless you checked the settings you wouldn't know how to activate your fly :o
Let me know your opinions below!