Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Hai fellow CubeCrafters!
After a lot of work, I'm finally here with another suggestion thread, this time covering various things regarding bundles, packs and cosmetics.This thread will cover the following (TL;DR):
- New unlocked loot feature (Bedrock).
- Return of bundles & packs (Java).
- A collection of new cosmetic and bundle ideas.
New unlocked loot feature
This is the shortest and simplest part of this thread: I'm suggesting to add a simple quality of life feature that allows you to see when and how you unlocked your loot to Bedrock. It will allow users to finally see which cosmetic is from which bundle or which event reward. It is already a feature on Java anyways.
Return of Java bundles & packs
According to this news thread, we will be getting regular content packs after the finalisation and release of the 1.19 update. However, it was never specified which network(s) this will apply to. We all know the Bedrock network has access to bundles, some being available by default and some being seasonal. But did you know that this was once also a thing on Java? In the past, the Java network has also had regular bundle and pack releases, examples being a Spring Bundle, Christmas Bundle and Halloween Cage Pack. The bundles contain different types of cosmetics as the bundles on Bedrock do too. Packs, however, were a different thing. The packs each contain a few cosmetics of a specific type. This ranges from cages to egg break messages.Currently, only one bundle and three egg break message packs remain on the Java store. I think it would be amazing to bring new permanent and seasonal bundles on Java as well, instead of only focusing on getting resources from the Bedrock network. I personally believe there is a lot of potential, especially considering CubeCraft is one of the only popular servers that provides Java players with unique 1.19+ content.
Collection of bundle & cosmetic ideas
But it can't be a suggestion made by me without having done some creative processes! I got to brainstorming for some - what I believe are - ideas for gorgeous cosmetics together with @ItsJustWildd. I categorised a few in two different bundles, the 1.19 Update Bundle and the Weather Bundle, and one name colour pack. There are also some uncategorised cosmetics I came up with.Note: Some of the prefixes and most of the name colours use custom colours outside of the 16 standard colour codes. This should be possible on Bedrock using plugins, however.
1.19 Update Bundle
Contents:- 6 prefixes:
- [Allay], [Buzzy], [Flowering], [Panda], [Sweet], [Warden].
- 4 cages:
- Deep Dark, Geode, Crimson Forest & Warped Forest cages. - These cages are in Java format (made out of blocks), however, that shouldn't be an issue even for Bedrock.
- 3 win effects:
- Warden Attack: Player starts riding the warden and it breaks blocks as it’s walking around.
- Raid Winner: Raid horn blows and player starts riding a ravager and a few pillagers spawn.
- Corruption: Warped netherrack spreads from player and twisting vines grow up from the corrupted ground.
- 1 trail:
- Sculk trail.
- 1 kill effect:
- Spreading Spores: Spore blossom particles around victim with slime block sound effect.
- 1 buddy:
- Baby Hoglin: Carring a gold block that is strapped to its back.
- 1 shop skin:
- Piglin shop skin: Bastion chests next to the Piglin with gold and netherite in them.
Light blue: #4CBDF8
No custom colours.
Pink: #ED7DBE
No custom colours.
No custom colours.
Darker Aqua: #116C6F
Weather Bundle
Contents:- 3 prefixes:
- [Cloudy], [Rainbow], [Struck].
- 2 trails:
- Electrified trail: Custom electricity particles.
- Sunrays trail: Similar to Diamond Shine trail, but less vibrant and less rays.
- 2 win effects:
- Storm: Lighting strikes randomly.
- Tornado: Random ground blocks fly around.
- 1 kill effect
- Lightning: Lightning strikes at victim, also uses the custom particles from the Electrified trail.
- 1 buddy:
- Cloud buddy: Changes moods, sometimes turns into storm cloud, others turns into a happy cloud, pooping a rainbow. (I did not know how else to phrase it)
- 1 pair of shoes:
- Fluffy Cloud Slippers.
- 1 gravestone:
- Rain Cloud gravestone.
No custom colours.
* Regular blue = standard blue used in CubeCraft.
No custom colours.
Diamond Shine trail but yellow. I'm such a good artist...

Neon Name Colour Pack
This pack could possibly be sold for both Java and Bedrock for a low price. It contains a low amount of simple name colours that differ from the standard rank/VIP name colours.Contents:
- Neon purple, pink, yellow & green name colour.
Purple: #9E07FF | Pink: #FF00E4 | Yellow: #F5F800 | Green: #52F200
Uncategorized Cosmetics
CubeCraft name colour: Could be given exclusively to staff members.Lighter Blue: #15C9FB | Darker Blue: #0FA2FB
Cotton Candy name colour: Could be a part of a future bundle or pack, or could simply be given to a certain VIP level / Java rank.
Pink: #FF8ED2 | Purple: #A68EFF | Blue: #8EE5FF
Rose name colour: Could also be a part of a future bundle or pack, or given to a certain VIP level / Java rank.
Dark Pink: #FF5D95 | Pink: #FF9BCD | Light Pink: #FFCDEA
[Top 10] & [Champion] prefixes: Could be given to players in the top 10 or top 1 of any leaderboard. They lose access to the prefix(es) once they are no longer in that spot. This ensures that players will keep putting in effort to keep their status, thus getting players to play more consistently and have something to work towards.
That's it! I certainly hope all images work. If not, I will edit the thread ASAP.
- A wild Hoshi