This is the thread where you put some stories about Cubecraft in green.
based on 4chan.
Three simple rules...
1. Story posts MUST have mostly any shade of green.
2. Story posts MUST contain ">" at every line of text.
3. Must be related to Cubecraft ofc.
Freely comment to a story post!
Reply with an image of a fish
to rule-breakers!
I'll start.
> be me
> grinding solo lucky islands
> new game
> broke rainbow lucky block
> legally got fly ability
> server announce I have op powers
> fly around
> knock randoms out to the V O I D.
> called out for "hacking" lol
based on 4chan.
Three simple rules...
1. Story posts MUST have mostly any shade of green.
2. Story posts MUST contain ">" at every line of text.
3. Must be related to Cubecraft ofc.
Freely comment to a story post!
Reply with an image of a fish

I'll start.
> be me
> grinding solo lucky islands
> new game
> broke rainbow lucky block
> legally got fly ability
> server announce I have op powers
> fly around
> knock randoms out to the V O I D.
> called out for "hacking" lol
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