Texbirds Apr 21, 2020 Knijper is gone?!... I didn't even notice.. Tell me you'll come back some day tho
Nosem Apr 9, 2020 A little bit late, but thanks for managing the Translation Team! We'll miss you! Bedankt WqsKnijper!
Wqsknijper Apr 1, 2020 Camezonda: Leaves team on 1th april. CC Discord: Removes roles, except Discord Admin. We at TransTeam: Camezonda keeps rank and everything.
Camezonda: Leaves team on 1th april. CC Discord: Removes roles, except Discord Admin. We at TransTeam: Camezonda keeps rank and everything.
Wqsknijper Mar 17, 2020 Yeah boys, we did it. 8k is no more :> https://gyazo.com/6c80e8002fc4c6243d5df05e7c42daad