Diglett, dugtrio, pikachu, raichu, pichu, gardevoir, jirachi, snivy, tepig, bulbasaur, bellossum, giratina, arceus, growlith, ponyta, mew, mewtwo, eevee, klefki, xerneas, yveltal, glaceon, salamence, zapdos, lugia, seedot, snubble, jigglypuff, mudkip, torchic, blaziken, ivysaur, meowth, diance, hoopla, girafarig, castform etc.. there's a few for ya
Diglett, dugtrio, dratini, dragonair, dragonite, persian, snowrunt, abomisnow, granbull, zapdos, moltres, articuno, lanturn. entei, magby, ninjask, shuckle, cradily, spheal, groudon, latios, latias, rayquaza, kyogre, jirachi, deoxys, starly, burmy, gastrodon, chatot, spiritomb, lickylicky, gallade.. There, made my own pokerap :3
For the last time snap, use ricin not the gun, I bet you don't even know how to check how many bullets are in your shotgun
P.s. if you forget diglett, i kil u