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  • Hi Marco, my friends and I play Sky Wars every day and we always find a lot of hacker, team-killing, etc. We decided to record the games to report that people. If you want, we can keep in touch frequently and we'll send you or a moderator the recordings. You can contact with us here: mineskywarsgames@gmail.com
    Just report them to the correct section of the forums and it will be reviewed by a member of the staff.
    Can you unban my friend pls he is a verry good player and he has changed his live on cubecraft tomorrow is his birthday and i want to give him his freedom back on the cubecraft game server his name is Kubi_turk
    He should appeal at the Ban Appeal section of the forums. Also don``t spam staff profiles with that.
    I cant because it is a secret and i did not have his pin for minecraft
    Hi Marco. I want to ask you if you can set my birthday year to 2001. I've failed when creating my account and pointed to that year. The day and month is correct. The year is what i made the mistake.
    Hello Marco, i have made aMinecraft Skywars map on The cubecraftgames server in creative but if you want the id. of my plot:-159;35 i don't know if its the good Id but the name of the map is: Rome. I hope you like the map my minecraft usersname is swenw1
    Bye !
    Excuse me, I don't mean to be a bother, but could you change my name to RuffRabbit_Noiz when you have the time? Thank you
    Is the name changing Free build bug fixed?
    No. But you will get your plots in creative back if you change it and ask Efcluke to do it ( See Thread )
    Hoe much owners do this server have?
    The server has two owners; Halothe23 (this one) and Rubik_cube_man.
    And John Coles.
    Well John could get like an owner tag... just saying lol
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