This is YOUR daily dose of facts #38-
A book called 'A la recherche du temps perdu' by Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters, making it the longest book in the world. The title translates to "Remembrance of Things Past".
This is YOUR daily dose of facts #37-
Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water.
I was definitely NOT trying to skip facts today- yeah 100% not
I was messing up with the inspecting tool. First, I found out that I could also demote staff (only shows to me and resets after refreshing), so I demoted everyone except a few admins, because I believed they were planning a lucky blocks update. I decided to demote all those admins, because they failed to make the update in 30 seconds. Then I was changing name colors, and made this
This is YOUR daily dose of facts #35- (can't believe it's 35 already)
Africa is the only continent that can be found in all four hemispheres. Portions of the continent are geolocated in the northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, eastern hemisphere, and western hemisphere.
Hello! Can anyone share the list of Minerware premium microgames and Skywars chaos map names? I actually don't have vixp so I can't access the map selection of skywars chaos and I barely experience premium microgames. Thanks I really appreciate it <3
This is YOUR daily dose of facts #33-
The average density of the planet Saturn is lesser than water. So, if every planet in our solar system were to be put in an extremely large bathtub, the only planet that would float would be Saturn. Now this is what we call a fact!
Ok so hear me out- Today, I felt like I should do something for the community, so I have been researching a lot to create a thread that would help a lot of new players. So, I have been editing the thread in a word document.
I haven't even written the half of the thread and the current stats are as follows-
This is YOUR daily dose of facts#30-
Dogs can be allergic to humans.
As this is my 30th fact, you get two bonus facts- Cotton candy is banned in India.
The first fact that started it all was from my physics book!
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