Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

CubeCraft Games

Deleted member 601525
A random, unrelated question, but is this possibly related to a certain player who has once again started appearing in blockwars games recently?
Hello! Trolling is defined by any method used with the purpose of game ruining other people's experiences. This can include:

Breaking egg defenses for no reason other than to expose your own teams egg, keeping players trapped in their spawn with the purpose to keep them trapped with no intention breaking their egg in Eggwars.
Or smaller things such as spleefing your own teammates or pouring lava on them. These are all examples of trolling.
Thank you! I was just curious because I don’t wanna get banned for spamming blocks in block wars duels on temple on their doorway to win, or spamming blocks on spawn in the retro map on ctf duels to stop them from killing me stealing their flag
Also sorry @adrian525pl It’s not about them and I don’t encounter them, sorry that you do though
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