@Lord of Ducks Even if my post to reaction ratio is high, I can never be a better forum member than @Reesle
@BicolourSine41 I wish I could start uploading facts again, but it is not possible because I can't come online on forums everyday. But of course, you (or anyone else) can continue doing so!
@Mintypie231 you’re a really good Forums member, never say never ;)
@fionnjackp14 that’s a really good ratio! When I first joined the Forums, my ratio was 0._ _ for like the first year, and you got 2.69 within a month. That’s very impressive!
@fionnjackp14 I also had bad reaction score in my earlier months here!
The reaction ratio doesn't matter, what matters is the things you do in the forums! And it is impressive that you have a lot of messages, it means that you actually interact with other people here! It's good that you could do these many things in just a month, whereas I didn't do any significant thing or help many people.
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