CubeCraft Asia is temporarily down due to maintenance. While it is bad news for players living in Asia and to some extent, Australia, it's good news for players elsewhere, since they won't be suffering from 300 ping for the next 5-11 hours (message was posted an hour ago on CubeCraft Discord)
I want to do the EggWars 4v4 tournament but I live in a different time zone, so it might be going on in the middle of the night. Do you know when it starts?
- Spring Event 2025 to be added to Notion this upcoming week.
- Official CubeCraft hosted EggWars 4v4 tournament to begin within a few weeks from now (could happen sooner than expected, this is something I might not keep up with)
- Map voting for the next Java rotation begins on Tuesday.
Notion Update:
Java Map Rotation voting day and release date announced.
Side note: I forgot to report on CC League being testing last night as I was asleep when it happened
My wishes for the Spring event 2025:
- Bring back ALL maps (if that's possible, including Hatch for Solo EggWars, Chocolate for EggWars Teams of 2, Eggs for EggWars Teams of 4, Rabbit and Bunny for Solo SkyWars)
- New maps
- Bring back Egg Hunt
My thoughts:
Even though CubeCraft said that they have no plans to get rid of EggWars, the problem is that BedWars is taking away the majority of EggWars players since its beta release.
Solo EggWars is literally on the verge of death as we speak and I have a feeling that if Solo BedWars releases, it might kill off Solo EggWars completely.
I really hope I'm not alone in this...
Notion Update Predictions:
- BedWars Full Release (Given since the game has been in beta for almost a year and the last update was in July. No new maps came since if I remember correctly)
- Spring Event 2025 (They are going to start working on this most likely next week and will most likely have it ready by first or second week of April)
- Progression Update?
I have been hit with the worst luck ever. I typed /hub to switch maps while grinding Solo EggWars and there was 3 seconds left until game started when I executed the command. It didn't went through until the second the game started, making me LOSE my 90 winstreak. I'm not happy about this especially since I have attempted so many times to try to get to 100 winstreak and something goes wrong
Unpopular opinion: Could CubeCraft please stop giving us Asian games in the morning hours (around 6 am GMT)? Especially in games like Mega SkyWars. I'd rather get more NA games or at least move us to EU games after that time
Future predictions: Beta Games are eventually removed or moved to another lobby.
So here is what I think will happen should all these games move to another lobby:
BedWars - BedWars lobby
Pillars of Fortune and Buy N Build - Arcade lobby?
Arcade lobby is something I thought of for casual and short games
According to Notion: Secret Project 3, officially known as Buy N Build, has been released as a closed beta game. You need the beta games subscription to play, however I'm not sure if players without the subscription can play via parties (someone please confirm that for me). The game will open to all players in 1 week should everything go smoothly.
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