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  • Hello please help me ive been banned for "cheating" and have no idea what I have done and my appeal was denied with no details. i play this server all the time and have never had this happen before.
    If you believe that you got false banned, please contact CrazyManJR on the forums explaining what you were doing before you got banned. He will closely investigate your logs.

    Please contact CrazymanJR with a detailed description via this link: https://www.cubecraft.net/conversations/add?to=CrazymanJR

    If you want a faster response, you may contact CrazyManJR on Discord.
    Rororoyourboat my friend Tychovv has been muted permanently, but could you please give him another chance? i know hes an idiot xD but give him ONE other chance
    if you have been punched we can't do anything about it. Maybe it was a wrong mute but anyway he will learn to behave
    i understand you, but why permanently? look, the m=first mute can be only 30 days, then its over, he learned that he will not do that again, but the second time he does that, is permamently, cuz if your appeal get denied, why permanenlty?
    I understand you, but if he get punched with a permanently mute he have done something really bad. You can't do anything about it, sorry but the only thing you can do is to report it to staffs and nothing more. Sorry for you and your friend!
    Sorry but only a video can show teamers in solo games, screenshot don't really do anything. They can fighting or don't hit each others.
    I applyed for Staff and i aceoted it and than i logged 4 days later in on Cube and i didn't got my Rank can you help me pls?
    hey could someone please help me i have been banned although i don't hack and apparently i was banned by sentinel although i use 1.11 and i had deleted all of my hacked clients since i first was banned and never hacked since and when i was writing my appeal it submitted while i was writing :(
    omg my appeal just got denied wtf do i do?! :(
    It was a Sentinel ban. If you think you got falsely banned/denied, contact @CrazymanJR over the forums. Thanks, have a nice day!
    hey like, you said you were gonna get some ice cream and sell your passport but you never came back
    Could you please unbutton me? I'm banned today. And I think cubecraft is the best server I've been angry for myself all day, I'm hacking. I'm really sorry I could not do it anymore. Can you unbutton me misschie? My name in minecraft is: ErdoVDB !

    With best regards,

    Sure, Unbutton you... Unbutton u.u
    Just start a conversation with the staff member that banned you if your appeal got denied. Make your appeal here at appeals.cubecraft.net
    hello pororoyourboat
    i am banned from cubecraft for a month from a anticheat plugin but i haven't any cheat or hack. I have already send a appeal but i waiting for a revieuw. can you red it and unban me! but now i can't play cubecraft and that not fine.
    According to the database (http://imgur.com/a/BAlwV) , you have sent an appeal. If your appeal get denied and you believe that your punishment was a false ban. You may start a private conversation with @CrazymanJR on the forums explaining what you were doing before you got banned. He will closely investigate your logs.
    Hello, good morning, I would like to know if I can contact someone, I have several Map Constructions and then speak well with the upper saff thanks
    Pd: contact me with any information
    I would advice you to find a Builder. Maybe TeovoTeovo ( He is a builder )
    If you were looking submit your maps as a maps for CubeCraft though, map submissions are no longer being accepted. Maybe a builder can help you. @TeovoTeovo
    Tio por favor solucionar me mi problema hoy miuro a ver si me lo solucionaron y no por favor compre el rango oro y no me lo han dao por favor no mentira tio mira a ver mi cuenta donde compre el rango es Hackslayer11x por favor solucionen me este pequeño problema
    Si usted realmente compro el rango no tiene porque preocuparse. El encargado lo atenderá lo ante posible.

    @Joe Henry , Could you check his private conversation with you please?

    He said that he had already sent you the transaction information.
    Ya hice eso Si fuera para mi no me preocuparía pero es para lo mas hermoso que tengo en mi vida que es mi hijo Y si no me responden nada me toco ir me a lo legal Y los voy a demandar y que les cierren todo por estafa quiero que mi hijo me diga que ya tiene ese tal rango en la cuenta:Hackslayer11x O si no los demandare por estafa
    hello sir
    i buy this acount 23/02/2017
    and i am banned in cubecraft
    i am youtuber and i will record in the server
    i cant buy another compte then i dont have card
    and i am not hax
    anti cheat he banne me all life
    why ???
    i appeals and he denied me
    can you fix this probleme please
    for do my banne 30 days or unbanne me
    please help me
    Oye que pena la molestia pero compre rango oro o gold y pues no me a llegado mi cuenta es: Hackslayer11x espero el rango con hansias no es mentira por favor espero que me solucionen este pequeño problema por favor
    Hola, @SantyGamerYT03

    Por favor contacte mediante una conversación privada con @Joe Henry

    Para verificar su compra, necesitará la sgte información de la transacción que se puede ver en el recibo de email que recibió de CubeCraft después de su compra:

    - ID de la transacción
    - Fecha de compra.
    - Nombre de usuario de Minecraft.
    - Dirección de correo electrónico ingresado en la compra.
    hola disculpame he comprado rango obsidiana pero nunca llego por favor ayudame llevo esperando 1 semana
    Hola, @ToTo_07

    Por favor no haga spam en los perfiles de los miembros de el Staff.
    sori pero estoy desesperado
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