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  • Plis quiero grabar en este server desbanenme use hacks solo para un vudeo y pronto ne fusta grabar en este server es increible me rian desbanear plis mi usurio es elodax
    Posdata:porfavor quiero divertirme y grabar
    And I have made an appeal and they have declined it.
    I'm going to be simple, but it's your account, so your responsibility. You can try contacting the Staff Member who banned your account to ask for an unban, but I think you have to wait until your punishment has expired.
    hey can you unban me my name is Berdan079 i cant unban it the code doesnt work pls help me iwas banned for nothing i havnt played minecraft 4 weeks i was in spain and i came back and i was banned pls unban me or help me
    DeedsDaGog the problem is i cant appeal my mute it says incorrect appeal code i have changed my skin i did al what you say but the code doesnt work
    Private Message the Staff Member who banned you about your issue.
    I'm sure it will get resolved soon enough.
    ok thanks
    found some cross teamers [pu] TheMafiDK [GR] A7mad_1980 here is the pictures C:\Users\Alexzader\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (7).png and C:\Users\Alexzader\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (5).png
    copy and paste the links into google chrome or internet explorer
    First, we can't see the pictures. Next time, upload your pictures to Imgur.
    Second, video evidence is requited for (cross-)teamers and players who are using illegal client modifications. As recording software you can download: Bandicam, Fraps, OBS or Camtasia Studio. Good luck! :)
    he mooofin can you help me i need to find out of a friend is lying to me
    he is banned 1 time for spamming i dont know for how long
    now he is banned again for teaming he saz its for 1 day but i dont believe him can you confirm thats true ore not
    Teaming is indeed a 1 day Ban
    and you can't be banned for spamming, that would be a Mute
    oke thats 1 lie and i truth thank you
    Heyy can u help me? I am banned by sentinel and I need to wait 30 days and I appeal it and they denied it but I don't know for what I'm banned its otifine ore the laby mod can u please help me
    If you are banned by sentinel, you will need to contact @CrazymanJR on forums, or Discord. I hope you can sort it out.
    can we get rid of players getting inside of the kits blocking users from clicking on a kit, its annoying and its aggravating me
    Power Ranger
    Power Ranger
    You can disable player visibility to friends/party only in the settings chest :3
    Hi! I`m mutted for 30 days because i tell to someone "pig" and "crazy". Bacup_GM was playing so dirty (always do clean up and cross teaming with him clan "GM") and is friend of LanceDaniels. Then as they are friends and LanceDaniels is MOD, He banned me 30 days. This is a abuse of authority...
    This is the evidence: https://reports.cubecraft.net/report/evidence/dN5dkK0JQVGXOMVNGMkd
    Ty for u attention
    I'm banned because I sent too much pakeche can I have already sent an appeal but has been rejected can someone help me

    Minecraft name is Daantjespower90
    • Like
    Reactions: ToastO_O
    Heyaa, maybe I can help you. What do you mean with "packeche"?
    @iCheeetah Packets**

    If You Are Banned And Your Appeal Got Denied You Can Contact CrazymanJr On Discord

    His Discord Tag: CrazymanJR#4742

    Note: Please Don't Post On Staff Profile Make A Thread And I am Sure Me Or anyone else will help You!
    help me
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