Aethiria Feb 11, 2018 Most call Valentines day a lovely day meant for happiness, love, and joy. I call it the day of loneliness for a lot of people.
Most call Valentines day a lovely day meant for happiness, love, and joy. I call it the day of loneliness for a lot of people.
Aethiria Feb 11, 2018 No task is impossible! Me and my stunt-man, are un-stop-pa-ble! ---Lyrics for Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
No task is impossible! Me and my stunt-man, are un-stop-pa-ble! ---Lyrics for Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Aethiria Feb 10, 2018 I'm working on building a Stargate through command blocks with the /setblock command... It's halfway done..
I'm working on building a Stargate through command blocks with the /setblock command... It's halfway done..
Aethiria Feb 9, 2018 I still need money for the Emerald rank ;-; If I had one wish it would be that my entire family had 1sub trillion dollars each. (24 zeroes)
I still need money for the Emerald rank ;-; If I had one wish it would be that my entire family had 1sub trillion dollars each. (24 zeroes)
Aethiria Feb 5, 2018 I'm honestly tired of all the fighting and bickering I've seen on these forums. Most of it comes from suggestions.... Huh.
I'm honestly tired of all the fighting and bickering I've seen on these forums. Most of it comes from suggestions.... Huh.
Aethiria Feb 1, 2018 So I started learning how to code today... About 40% through learning JavaScript so far :p
Aethiria Jan 27, 2018 I'm tempted to make a YouTuber App as I post/plan on posting frequently but I know I'd get denied instantly :D
I'm tempted to make a YouTuber App as I post/plan on posting frequently but I know I'd get denied instantly :D